Stockitem usage count - no date

Learn how to create and view the Stockitem usage count report in Amlib.

There are several report templates to count Stockitem usage. The report templates are designed to show usage statistics displayed in a number of ways:

Create Report

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Reports > RepStockitem – the Stockitem Reports screen will open
  3. Select the F1 New button – the Select Report Format screen will appear
  4. Highlight the Stockitem usage report template you would like to use
  5. Click the OK button
  6. Type in a Description – for example: Usage Count (DVDs)
  7. Ensure the Create Fin (Y/N) column is set to N
  8. Click the F3 Save button

Where Search and Order By Parameters

  1. Highlight the report and select the F7 Where button – this will bring up the Stockitem Reports – Where screen
  2. Enter a Where search:
    1. Restrict your list to a particular Form or Stats Code - for example: Form = DVD or StatsCode = FIC
    2. Click the F3 Save button when complete – this will close the Stockitem Reports – Where screen and return you to the Stockitem Reports screen
  3. Select the F9 Order button
  4. Set the Order By parameters and click the F3 Save button – the &STKTUR2.QRP report MUST be ordered by CatRef

View Report

  1. Highlight the report you wish to run and select the F8 View button
  2. The following message will appear: This type of report may use a Saved File as the Source. Do you want to select the file now?
  3. If you would like the report to run using the entire database (rather than a Saved List) then select the No button
  4. The report will then display:
  5. Select the print button to print the report