Borrower and stockitem memo lists

Learn how to create a report based on both the Borrower and StockItem memo lists in Amlib.

It is possible to produce a report based on both the Borrower and Stockitem Memo lists.

Supervisor Settings

Memo Types – pre-formatted memos that can then be reported on – for both Borrowers and Stockitems can be set up in Supervisor module.

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Open the Supervisor module
  3. Select LibraryMenu > MemoTypes – the Memo Types table will display:
  4. To insert a new Memo Type:
    1. Click the F1 New or F2 insert button – a new entry will appear in the table
    2. Type in a Memo Type – for example: NEWCARD
    3. Type in a Description – for example: Borrower Issued New card
    4. If you would like this Memo Type to be available as a Stockitems memo, then Valid for Holdings = Y
    5. If you would like this Memo Type to be available as a Borrower memo, then Valid for Members = Y
    6. Show as Default: If set to Y, then the memo will automatically display when the borrower or stockitem record is opened
    7. Expires n days time: this is the number of days you would like the memo to stay in the borrower or stockitem record before being automatically deleted – for example: 365 = 1 year
    8. Click the F3 Save button when complete
  5. Exit and restart the Amlib client for the new Memo Type to be available in the individual modules

Adding a Memo to a Borrower or Stockitem Record

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Open the Borrower or Stockitem module
  3. Locate a record to which you would like to add a memo
  4. Select Borrower > Memos or Item > Memos (depending on the module you’re in) – the Memos for this Borrower/Stockitem table will appear
  5. To insert a new memo:
    1. Click the F1 New or F2 insert button – a new entry will appear in the table
    2. If you would like to use an existing Memo Type, then that should be entered first, as this will automatically populate most of the other fields. Use . <tab> to bring up the list of available Memo Types
    3. Double-click on a Memo Type Code to select it – the memo details will be added to the new entry and the Show, End Date, Type and Memo Details fields adjusted according to the default Memo Type details set up in the Supervisor module
    4. You may then adjust the Show (which will automatically display the memo when the record is opened if set to Y), End Date (the date you would like the memo to be automatically deleted) and Memo Details fields

      Note: When adjusting the Memo Details field, it is a good idea to add to existing text rather than overwriting it, as this will help with any searching – for example: Borrower Issued New card – as borrower changed surname
    5. Click the F3 Save button when complete
  6. To delete an existing memo:
    1. Highlight the entry in the table to be deleted
    2. Click the F4 Delete button – this will mark the memo for deletion
    3. Click the F3 Save button to remove marked memos from the list

Load the Template

It is sometimes necessary to load a memo template (particularly on older setups)

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Reports > RepBorrower or Main > Reports > RepStockitem – depending on the type of template you would like to load (a Borrower Memo template or a Stockitem Memo template)
  3. From the main menu, select Application > RepAddNew
  4. The Report Files window will open – ensure that the Report Entity = Borrower or Stockitem (whichever is relevant)
  5. Check if the Memo template has been added:
    • Borrower Memos: &BORMEMO.QRP
    • Stockitem Memos: &STKMEMO.QRP
  6. To add a new template:
    1. Click the F1 New button
    2. Type in a Description – for example: Borrower Memos or Stockitem Memos
    3. Browse to the Amlib/Reports folder on your Amlib Server and locate the template to be loaded (if the template has been loaded onto your PC – then navigate to the local folder) – you will need to change the Files of Type dropdown to System Report Templates (*.QRP) to be able to locate templates that have filenames beginning with an &
    4. Click on Open
    5. Choose Type = Memos
    6. You can leave Default Stats Code blank
    7. Update Entity (Y/N) = N
    8. Click on the F3 Update button when complete
  7. Close out of the Report Files window

Create a Memo Report

  1. Go to Main > Reports > RepBorrower or Main > Reports > RepStockitem – depending on the type of report you would like to run
  2. Click on the F1 New button – the Select Report Format screen will appear
  3. Scroll down and select the relevant memo report template:
    • Borrower Memos: &BORMEMO.QRP
    • Stockitem Memos: &STKMEMO.QRP
  4. Create Fin (Y/N) = N
  5. Click the F3 Save button
  6. Click the F7 Where button to set up the selection parameters – this will bring up the Borrower/Stockitem – Reports screen
  7. Enter a Where search:
    • Memo Type = (type in a pre-existing Memo Type code – for example: Memo Type = NEWCARD)
    • You may want to add other restrictors – for example: End Date = or BorBarNo = or Item No =
    • Click the F3 Save button when complete
  8. Click the F9 Order button and select BorBarNo or Item No from the Columns list and arrow it across into the Order By list, then click the F3 Save button when complete
  9. Select the F8 View button to view report results:
  10. Click the print button to print the report