Export bibliographic data to Excel

Learn how to export bibliographic data using Amlib.

Save BIBCSV.QRP template into the Amlib/Reports folder of your Amlib PC/server.

Load the template

  1. Launch the Amlib client.
  2. Go to Main > Reports > RepAddNew – the Reports Files screen will display.
  3. From the Report Entity drop-down, select choose Bibliographic.
  4. Click the F1 New button – the Bibliographic – New Report File screen will display:
    Bibliographic export screen
  5. Enter the following details:
    1. Description: Bibliographic Export
    2. Template: click on the Browse button, change the Files of Type drop-down to System Report Templates (*.qrp), select the &BIBCSV.QRP template and click the Open button
    3. Choose Type = Fixed layout reports
    4. Click the F3 Update button when complete.

Create the report

  1. From the Report Files screen choose Main > Reports > RepBibliographic – the Bibliographic Reports screen will display.
  2. Click the F1 New button – the Select Report Format screen will display.
  3. Highlight the &BIBCSV.QRP (Bibliographic Export) template and click the Select button.
  4. Type in a Description – for example: Bib Data Export.
  5. Click the F3 Save button.

Bibliographic reports export screen

Where statement

  1. Highlight the new Report and click the F7 Where button – the Bibliographic Reports – Where screen will display.
  2. There are three unique parameters:
    1. Auth Tag: Search for a particular MARC tag
    2. Auth Key: Check for particular data contained in the MARC tag
    3. Tags to Display: MARC tags to display in report
  3. The statement can include the following settings:
    1. Auth Tag – for example: Auth Tag = 245 (Title)
    2. Auth Key – for example: Auth Key LIKE Harry Potter (looks for all matching items where the Title BEGINS with Harry Potter)

       Note: If you want to export ALL holdings: Auth Key IS NOT NULL (paste without a value in 3)

    3. Tags to Display – for example: Tags to Display IN 020,100,245 (will display ISBN, author and Title in report)
    4. (optional) Enter a start date: Date >= enter a date in DD/MM/YYYY format – for example: 01/01/2010
    5. (optional) Enter a finish date: Date <= enter a date in DD/MM/YYYY format – for example: 10/10/2010 (a finish date is optional – if not inserted, the report will go up to the current date).
    6. You may also want to limit by Catalogue Number(s).
  4. Click the F3 Save button when complete.

Map the output

It is possible to export up to 20 fields or subfields (Fields 1-20). Go to Main > Authorities > MarcTags to see a complete list of Tag Nos). This F10 More screen allows you to determine the order in which the fields will be output and the format.

  1. Highlight the report and click the F10 More button – the More screen will display:
  Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Heading Report Line Number Tag Number eg + or blank or and sf in ('a', 'b') blank or and cat_sf in ('a', 'b') Not used
Example 1 100      
2 245      
3 082      
4 650      
Comment Can be any number between 1 and 20

MARC Tag field number - for example: 245 (Title)

Any Tag can be matched to any Line Number

Specify which part of the MARC tag to send  - see table below for more details Specify which part of the MARC tag to send - see table below for more details  

The table below explains how the user can specify which parts of the MARC tag to send:

Operator Description Explanation
blank (Default) The entire MARC tag is printed If the column is left blank, then the entire MARC tag is printed
+ All data in the specified tag is printed no matter how many tags are included in the record All Subject listings are printed, where there is only one or several hundreds!
and sf in ('p', 'n') Only the subfields to be printed within this Authority Tag If 440 (Series) tag, only the Series name and number printed
and cat_sf in ('c') Only the subfields specified to be printed within this Non-Authority Tag If 260 (Publisher) tag, only the 'c' (Date) subfield printed (and not Place or Publisher)
  1. Use the F1 New button to insert export lines.
    Bib data export screen
  2. Click the F3 Save button when complete.

Order the report

  1. Highlight the report and click the F9 Order – the Order By screen will display:
    Bibliographic reports screen
  2. Select Auth Key and use the arrow to move it to the right column.
  3. Click the F3 Save button when complete.

Run the report

Start the scheduler

  1. From the Reports screen, select Application > RepStartSchedule.
  2. The Report Scheduler screen will then display.
  3. Select your printing options: Ensure Save to File is ticked.
  4. Also decide If a report is scheduled by another user do you still want to print it? = Yes/No
    Report scheduler screen
  5. Then click the OK button.
  6. After clicking OK, if you go back into the Application menu you will see that RepStartSchedule is now greyed out with a tick next to it – this indicates that the Scheduler is now running.

     Note: If you need to restart the scheduler at any point, you will need to log out of all Report screens (Ctrl + L) and start at the beginning of these instructions.

Schedule the report

  1. With your report highlighted, select the F6 Print button - the Print dialogue box will display.
  2. Select from the following options:
    1. From:
      •  Database (to search the entire database)
    2. To:
      • File (to save the report as a file)
    3. Frequency:
      • Once Only (if this is the only time you're going to print this report)
    4. Schedule:
      • First Print Date (defaults to current date)
      • First Print Time (defaults to current time)
    5. Selected Printer:
      • You can specify any active printer on the network to print to - including virtual printers such as a third party software that allows you to print to PDF (For example: CutePDF Writer)
        Print screen
  3. Once you have selected all of your settings, click the OK button – the Report – Save As… screen will display – navigate to the location where you want to save the file, enter a File name (for example: bibexport.txt), change the Save as type to Text Document and click the Save button.

Report save as screen

The report will then be sent for processing.

Check print progress

  1. You can check the progress of your reports at any time by going into Main > Reports > RepPrintProgress.
    Print progress screen
  2. If your library uses the scheduler for a lot of reports, you can select a frequency type from the Filter drop-down menu at the top.
    Filter screen
  3. Your report will show up in Printed when it is complete.
    Print progress screen

Open in Excel

  1. Launch Microsoft Excel
  2. Select the Data tab and then the From Text button:
    Excel from text button
  3. Navigate to the text file you've saved - ensure that the Text Files = (*prn;*.txt,*.csv) highlight it, and click on the Import button.
    Import text file screen
  4. The Text Import Wizard will open:
    Text import wizard screen
  5. Ensure that Original data type = Delimited, and then click the Next button.
  6. Delimiters: deselect Tab and add a pipe | in the Other box (it is possible to use both if you don’t know which one the report is using but this may cause cell contents to be misaligned – so check carefully!).
  7. Click the Next button and then the Finish button.
    Text import wizard step 2 screen
  8. Your data will be transferred into the Excel sheet and you can now use the formatting tools to customise it:
    Excel file