List of Amlib reports installed with new versions

Find a list of the report templates used in the Reports module and a list of templates embedded in the Amlib client.


The reports in Amlib can be separated into two categories:

Report templates can be altered through the use of Report Writer (Repwin30).


Reports used in the Reports module

RepAuthority (Authority reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepAuthority.

template description report type
&AUTH856.QRP HTTP 856 Tag Export (for hyperlink verification) Authority (Default)
&AUTHAUD.QRP Authority Audit (listing operator, date and time) Authority Audit 
&AUTHBRF.QRP Brief listing of Authority records Authority (Default)
&AUTHBR2.QRP Brief listing of Authority records (in 2 columns) Authority (Default)
&AUTHFS2.QRP List of See and See Also References (in 2 columns) Authority with See and See Alsos
&AUTHFUL.QRP Full listing of Authority records Authority (Default)
&AUTHSAB.QRP Brief listing of See Also References See/See Also references
&AUTHSA2.QRP Brief listing of See Also References (in 2 columns) See/See Also references
&AUTHSBR.QRP Brief listing of See References See References
&AUTHSB2.QRP Brief listing of See References (in 2 columns) See References

RepBibliographic (Bibliographic reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepBibliographic.

  • Use F10 More to map fields for Fixed layout Reports
  • If Report Stats Codes set – then Statistics table updated
template description report type
&BIB.QRP Full Bibliographic without TAG Numbers Bibliographic (Default)
&BIB2.QRP Full Bibliographic without TAG Numbers (in 2 columns) Bibliographic (Default)
&BIBFULL.QRP List of catalogue records with full bibliographic details Bibliographic (Default)
&BIB2431.QRP Full list of bibliographic details Use &BIBFULL.QRP
&BIB2432.QRP Summary of bibliographic details Use &BIBFULL.QRP
&BIBFIXD.QRP Fixed Layout Catalogue Print Fixed layout Reports
&BIBFIXS.QRP Fixed Layout Catalogue Print with Subject Headings Fixed layout Reports
&BIBFL10.QRP Fixed Layout 10 fields Fixed layout Reports
&BIBFL28.QRP Fixed Layout 2 columns 8 fields Fixed layout Reports
&CTITEMX.QRP Fixed Layout with Image Bib with Image + stock
&DVDCOV.QRP DVD Cover Fixed layout Reports
&VIDCOV.QRP Video Cover Fixed layout Reports
Export Template (Excel Export Reports)
&BIBCSV.QRP Bibliographic Export Fixed layout Reports

RepBorrower (Borrower reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepBorrower.

  • Update Entity = Y: Borrower History or Status or Financial Transaction updated (see specific reports below)
  • If F10 More set – used for borrower record updates
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics Codes table updated
template description report type
&B%LTSWA Borrower count by Location and Type with % of population Borrower (Default)
Borrower list with Barcodes (requires font setup) Borrower (Default)
&BARCODG.QRP Borrower list with Barcodes by Group (requires font setup) Borrower (Default)
&BCAT.QRP Borrower count by Area and Borrower Type Borrower (Default)
&BCLT.QRP Borrower Count by Location and Borrower Type Borrower (Default)
&BCLTSWA.QRP Borrower count by Location, Borrower Type, Suburb, Ward and Area Borrower (Default)
&BCST.QRP Borrower count by Sex and Borrower Type Borrower (Default)
&BCT.QRP Borrower Counts by Location & Borrower Type / Gender & Borrower Type / Suburb & Location – in 3 separate tables Borrower (Default)
&BCTA.QRP Borrower count by Borrower Type and Area Borrower (Default)
&BCTG.QRP Borrower Count by Location, Borrower Type, Borrower Gender Borrower (Default)
&BCTS.QRP Borrower count by Borrower Type and Sex Borrower (Default)
&BCTSCH.QRP Counts by Location & Borrower Type / Gender & Borrower Type / Suburb & Location – in 3 separate tables Borrower (Default)
&BCTSWA.QRP Borrower count by Borrower Type, Suburb, Ward and Area Borrower (Default)
&BCTW.QRP Borrower count by Borrower Type and Ward Borrower (Default)
&BCWT.QRP Borrower count by Ward and Borrower Type Borrower (Default)
&BFINSU.QRP Borrower Financial Transactions (Summary) report – produces a count of the transactions by Type Borrower (list) Financial
Borrower Financial Transactions Deletions (Summary)

Can be used to delete paid Borrower Financial Transaction records – Update Entity = Y
Borrower (purge) Financial
&BOFINTO.QRP Borrower Financials by Financial Type

Lists the borrower/s and Owing, Paid & remaining

List by Financial Type (so order by Fin Type then Surname or BorBarcode
Borrower (list) Financial
&BORCARD.QRP Borrower Cards Borrower (Default)
&BORCRDP.QRP Borrower Cards with Picture Borrower Images
&BORCUPD.QRP Automatic Borrower Circulation Update – changes borrower Statuses, Types, Classes, and Groups (also allows memos to be sent)

The borrower must have items on loan.

Uses Update Entity = Y
Borrower Circulation
Automatic Update
&BORFIN.QRP Borrower Financial Transactions report – lists the borrower/s and line-by-line details of their transactions Borrower (list) Financial
Borrower Financial Transactions (Deletions)

Can be used to delete paid Borrower Financial Transaction records – Update Entity = Y
Borrower (purge) Financial
&BORFINO.QRP Borrower Owing (Summary) report – lists the borrower/s and a summary of the amounts paid/owing/remaining Borrower (list) Financial
Borrower Owing (Deletions)

Can be used to delete paid Borrower Financial Transaction records – Update Entity = Y
Borrower (purge) Financial
&BORFINP.QRP Borrower Financial Transactions report – lists details of the individual transactions Borrower (list) Financial
  Borrower Financial Transactions (Purge)

Can be used to delete paid Borrower Financial Transaction records – Update Entity = Y

Can be used to mark and delete paid double-entry Transactions
Borrower (purge) Financial
&BORH3.QRP Borrower history count >= 3 transactions Borrower History
&BORH6.QRP Borrower history count >= 6 transactions Borrower History
&BORH10.QRP Borrower history count >= 10 transactions Borrower History
&BORH100.QRP Borrower history count >= 100 transactions Borrower History
&BORH3N.QRP Borrower history account count. Lists any borrower who has had more than 3 accounts in the time period set in the Where parameters Borrower History
&BORH6N.QRP Borrower history account count. Lists any borrower who has had more than 6 accounts in the time period set in the Where parameters Borrower History
&BORHCNT.QRP Borrower transaction count Borrower History
&BORHCNTC.QRP Borrower transaction count by Class Borrower History
&BORHICT.QRP Borrower History Reports records (list)

Can be used to delete records – Update Entity = Y
Borrower History
&BHICTSU.QRP Borrower History Reports records (summary)

Can be used to delete records – Update Entity = Y
Borrower History
&BORHISC.QRP Borrower history in class order Borrower History
&BORHIST.QRP Borrower History Activity records (list)

Can be used to delete records – Update Entity = Y
Borrower History
&BORHISU.QRP Borrower History Activity record (summary)

Can be used to delete records – Update Entity = Y
Borrower History
&BORHPOP.QRP Popular Titles by Class Borrower History
&BORINEM.QRP Borrower interests via Email Borrower Interest Reports E-mail
&BORINT.QRP Borrower Interests Borrower Interest Reports
&BORMEMO.QRP Borrower Memos Information Borrower Memos
&BORRAUD.QRP Borrower Audit – includes operator, date and time Audit Reports
&BORRFUL.QRP Borrower list with full details Borrower (Default)
&BORRMED.QRP Borrower list with medium details Borrower (Default)
&BORSHT.QRP Borrower list with brief details Borrower (Default)
&BOROWLT.QRP Line by line details including amount owing Borrower (Default)
&BORREG.QRP Borrower re-registration notice Borrower (Default)
&BORUPD.QRP Automatic Borrower Update – changes borrower Statuses, Types, Classes, and Groups (also allows Memos to be sent)

Uses Update Entity = Y
Borrower Automatic Update
&N1ADD10.QRP Letter to Borrowers Name and Addresses x 1 across
&N1ADDEM.QRP Borrower notice/letter by Email Name and Addresses x 1 across Email
&READHIS.QRP Student Reading history count by Class Borrower History
#ADDLABL.QRP Borrower Address Labels – 3 Wide for Avery address labels (7160) Name and Addresses x 3 across
Export Template (Excel Export Reports)
&BORCSV1.QRP No barcode, No email, Full name, Full address, Group, Type Borrower (Default)
&XBORPIN.QRP Borrower Export CSV File (Barcode, PIN) - Only For EBook providers who require only these details of your borrowers for their setup. Borrower (Default)
&BORDATA.QRP Borrower Export CSV File (Surname, Given Name, Initial, Barcode, D.O.B., Class, Borrower Type, Ref2) Borrower (Default)
&XBCT.QRP MS Excel format – counts by Borrower Type Borrower (Default)
&XBCLT.QRP MS Excel format – counts by Location and Borrower Type Borrower (Default)
&XBORFUL.QRP Barcode, Full name, Phone, Full Address, Group, Class, Email Borrower (Default)
&XBORNP.QRP No phone, No Email - Barcode, Full name, Address Borrower (Default)
XBOREM.QRP Barcode, Surname, Given & Email only Borrower (Default)

RepCatalogue (Catalogue reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepCatalogue.

  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&CATFULL.QRP Catalogue display record

Does not list MARC Tag numbers (use RepBibliographic)
[One set report type]

RepCirculation (Circulation reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepCirculation.

  • Create Hist (Y/N) = Y – Borrower Account and Overdue History updated
  • Create Acct (Y/N) = Y – Borrower Financial Transaction updated
  • If F10 More set – used for Borrower Financial Transaction update
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&AOLPROC.QRP Offline Processing Results/Report Offline process report
&BTCIRC.QRP Overdue Report displaying Type, Group, and Class (max 8 lines only) Type, Group, Class, AuthForm, Item.locn
&CIRRESA.QRP Recall list for overdue items with attached reservations – Author in line 2 Res, Title, Author, Form, Item No, Location
&CIRRESC.QRP Recall list for overdue items with attached reservations – Call Number in line 2 Res, Title, Call No, Stats Code, Item No, Location
&ODEMAIL.QRP Overdue Notice (Email) Continuous - E-mail
&ODHLSTC.QRP Overdues Showing Time Due (for Hourly Loans) Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODUNIVC.QRP Very overdue report with invoice (max 8 lines only) Title, Author, Form, Item No, Location (Default)
&ODFEE.QRP Overdue Notice (Letter) with Fees Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLET.QRP Overdue Notice (Letter) Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLET1C.QRP Overdue Notice (Letter) – arranged by Borrower Class Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLET1G.QRP Overdue Notice (Letter) – arranged by Borrower Group Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLSTC.QRP Overdue List by Class – with no page break in-between Classes Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLSTG.QRP Overdue List by Group – with no page break in-between Groups Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLSTOC.QRP Overdue List by Class – with a page break in-between the Classes Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLSTOG.QRP Overdue List by Group – with page break in-between Groups Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODLST.QRP Circulation slip with address, phone, cost Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODSLPC.QRP Overdue slip with cost by Class Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODSLPG.QRP Overdue slip with cost by Group Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODSMS.QRP Overdue Notice (SMS) Continuous - Full descriptions
&ODSTAFF.QRP Overdue slips for staff Continuous - Full descriptions
Overdue Report with Charges – speedimailer (3 per page 8 lines only) Title, Author, Form, Item No, Location (Default)
&OFFLINE.QRP Offline Files Export Offline files export
#BODLSBC.QRP Overdue list for shelf check Continuous - Full descriptions
#COSTLET.QRP Sample Long Overdue Letter with item cost (max 8 lines only) Title, Author, Form, Item No, Location (Default)

RepFinancial (Financial reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepFinancial.

  • Set Update = Y – Financial Transaction updated
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&CFINSU.QRP Borrower Monthly Transaction Summary Circulation Trans
&CFINDET.QRP Borrower Monthly Transaction Detail. Hardcoded for the preceding month (Start is the first day for the previous month and the end date is the start date for the current month) Circulation Trans
&FINACCT.QRP Account listing Account Listing
&FINAGE 4.QRP Borrower Aged Financial Transactions (transactions over a 4 month period) Aged Borrower ( 4mths ) Transactions
&FINAGE 6.QRP Borrower Aged Financial Transactions (transactions over a 6 month period) Aged Borrower ( 6mths ) Transactions
&FINAGE12.QRP Borrower Aged Financial Transactions (transactions over a 12 month period) Aged Borrower ( 12mths ) Transactions
&FINALL.QRP Allocation codes List Allocation codes
&FBFAUD.QRP Borrower Financial Transaction audit Borrower Fin. Trans. Audit
&FBALLOC.QRP Borrower transactions as a Balance sheet. – grouped together by the location where the transaction occurred. Run once to get the balance correct and then monthly to get the up to date monthly balances Borrower Summary Fin. Trans. Location
&FBFKAL.QRP Transactions over a period of time. Can report on Credits/Debits or both – by Location, Fin Type, and Borrower showing transactions Borrower Fin. Trans. Audit
&FBFSUM.QRP Borrower Financial Transaction audit summary

If Set Update = Y – YTD is updated
Borrower Summary Fin. Trans. Audit
&FINBUDG.QRP Account Budget Analysis (Summary) Budget Summary
&FINCURR.QRP Currency Codes List Currency Codes
&FINGLC.QRP Account Group codes listing GL Codes Listing
&FINLEDG.QRP Ledger Details by Account Ledger Format
&FINOWE.QRP Letter to report Fines and Charges. For example, Transaction Owing > 0 Borrower Owing
&FINOWEE.QRP Email to report Fines and Charges. For example, Transaction Owing > 0 Borrower Owing Email
&FINSUMM.QRP Summary in Ledger format Ledger Format
&FINSUPP.QRP Supplier & Account Transactions Summary Ledger Format
&FINSUP2.QRP Supplier & Account Trans Summary (inc Tots) Ledger Format
&FINTRAN.QRP List of financial transactions Ledger Format
&FSUMLT.QRP Financial Summary by Location Circulation Trans
#DAILYBF.QRP Daily borrower fines Circulation Trans
Export Template (Excel Export Reports)
&FBALOCX.QRP Borrower transactions as a Balance sheet. – grouped together by the location where the transaction occurred. Run once to get the balance correct and then monthly to get the up to date monthly balances Designed to open in excel Borrower Summary Fin. Trans. Location
&FBFKCSV.QRP Transactions over a period of time. Can report on Credits/Debits or both – by Location, Fin Type and Borrower showing transactions - List designed to be opened in excel Borrower Fin. Trans. Audit

RepILLS (Inter-Library Loans reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepILLS.

  • Update ILLS Status (Y/N) = Y – sets Status to PRINTED
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&ILLLET.QRP Interlibrary Loan letter Default
&ILLRNEW.QRP List of ILL items that have been renewed Default
&ILLEREM.QRP ILL reminder notice (email) to first supplying library only E-Mail Request
&ILLEREQ.QRP ILL request (email) to first supplying library only E-Mail Request
&ILLERMS.QRP ILL reminder notice (email) to all supplying libraries E-Mail Request to all suppliers
&ILLERQS.QRP ILL request via Email to all supplying libraries E-Mail Request to all suppliers
&ILLREM.QRP ILL Reminder to supplying library Default
&ILLRNW.QRP ILL renewal request to supplying library Default
&ILLST.QRP ILL listing of ILL stockitems Default
&LBFAX.QRP Interlibrary Loan fax Default
&LBFAXA.QRP Interlibrary Loan fax – varying format Default
&LSILLS.QRP List of ILL items Default

RepOrders (Order reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepOrders.

  • Update Entity (Y/N) = Y – see actual report for entity affected
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&OOD100.QRP Summary of orders with Order No, Title, Quantity, and Qty Received (No Supplier) Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non-Items
&OON100.QRP Summary of orders with stockitem Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non-Items
&OSD100.QRP List of orders by Supplier (summary) Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non-Items
&ORDFRM.QRP Order Form inc TAX

Update Entity = Y – would update Order Header, posting Date Printed to Order Header
Supplier, Order Header & Order Line (Default)
&ORDGST.QRP Order Form with GST separate

Update Entity = Y – would update Order Header, posting Date Printed to Order Header
Supplier, Order Header & Order Line (Default)
&ORDPRT.QRP Purchase Order

Update Entity = Y – would update Order Header, posting Date Printed to Order Header
Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non-Items
&ORDSUM.QRP Summary of Orders Supplier, Order Header & Order Line (Default)

Update Entity = Y – will automatically send EDIFACT order to Supplier and place Date Printed to Order Header
Supplier, Order Header & Order Line – EDIFACT
&ORSI.QRP Order status report – checks the current status of ordered items Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items
&ORSIE.QRP Order status report via Email – checks the current status of ordered items Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items E-mail
&ORSICA.QRP Cancellation of Orders – Order report to request cancellation of orders

Update Entity = Y – will automatically update the status to Cancelled to the Order Line stock lines
Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items to Cancelled
&ORSICL.QRP Order Claims Notice

Update Entity = Y – will automatically update the status to Claimed to the Order Line stock lines
Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items to Claimed
&ORSIECA.QRP Cancellation of Orders via Email – Order report to request cancellation of orders

Update Entity = Y – will automatically update the status to Cancelled to the Order Line stock lines
Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items E-mail to Cancelled
&ORSIECL.QRP Order Claims notice via Email

Update Entity = Y – will automatically update the status to Claimed to the Order Line stock lines
Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items E-mail to Claimed
&ORSIR.QRP Returns Notice listing items to be returned

Update Entity = Y – will automatically update the status to Returned to the Order Line stock lines
Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items to Returned
&ORSIER.QRP Returns Notice via Email listing items to be returned

Update Entity = Y – will automatically update the status to Returned to the Order Line stock lines
Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items E-mail to Returned
&ORSIPF Supplier Performance Report Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non Items
&ORWOSTK.QRP List of Orders without Stockitems attached Supplier, Order Header, Order Line & Order Items/Non-Items
&OSEGST.QRP Email Order GST separate

Update Entity = Y – will update Order Header, posting Date Printed to Order Header
Supplier, Order Header & Order Line - E-mail
&OSEMAIL.QRP Email Order inc GST

Update Entity = Y - will update Order Header, posting Date Printed to Order Header Screen.
Supplier, Order Header & Order Line - E-mail
&OSI100.QRP Orders and Stockitems

Update Entity = Y - will update Order Header, posting Date Printed to Order Header
Order Header, Order Line and Received Stockitems
&OSINV.QRP Invoice details

Update Entity = Y - will update Order Invoice posting a Report Date to Order Invoice screen.
Supplier, Invoice Header and Invoice Line
&OSU100.QRP Supplier list Supplier

RepPeriodicals (Periodical reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepPeriodicals.

  • Set Claim = Y – periodical issue (and copy) Claimed set to Y
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&PE0001.QRP Periodical Title Listing Periodical
&PE0010.QRP Periodicals listing (short details) Periodical
&PE0100.QRP Periodicals listing (medium details) Periodical
&PE1000.QRP Periodical listing (full details) – details in Supplier, Periodical sequence Periodical
&PERCLM.QRP Claim for undelivered issues Periodical & Issue
&PERLIST.QRP List of titles, Location, and Frequency Periodical, Issue, Copy & Item (Default)
&PI0001.QRP Title listing with issues Periodical & Issue
&PI0010.QRP Title listing with issues (brief details) Periodical & Issue
&PI0100.QRP Title listing with issues (medium details) Periodical & Issue
&PICLAIM.QRP Claim Letter Periodical, Issue & Copy
&PICLE.QRP Periodical, Issue, Copy Email Periodical, Issue, Copy Email
&PIC010.QRP Periodical, Issues & Copies (Brief details) Periodical, Issue & Copy
&PICS001.QRP Periodical Stockitem Periodical, Issue, Copy & Item (Default)
&PICS010.QRP Periodical, Issues, and Stockitem Periodical, Issue, Copy & Item (Default)
&SU1000.QRP Suppliers Only List Supplier

RepReservation (Reservation reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepReservation.

  • Create Hist(Y/N) = Y – Account and Overdue History updated
  • Update Res Status = Y – status updated to PRINTED and financial transactions
  • If F10 More set – used for Financial Transaction update
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&BKGLISC.QRP Bookings List by Class Unlimited Reservation Format
&BKGLIST.QRP Bookings List by Borrower Unlimited Reservation Format
&BKGLSTK.QRP Booking List by Item Unlimited Reservation Format
&BKGSLP.QRP Bookings Slip Unlimited Reservation Format
&KINRES1.QRP Sample Reservation Letter Notification Reservations (Default)
&RAX4000.QRP Phone List for Items reserved awaiting collection Reservations (Default)
&RAX4010.QRP Reservation book slips Reservations (Default)
&RA4000.QRP Postcard format (keeps history) Reservations (Default)
&RESBRF.QRP Reservation list (brief details) Reservations (Default)
&RESBRFC.QRP Reservation list (brief details with Class) Reservations (Default)
&RESBRFG.QRP Reservation list (brief details with Group) Reservations (Default)
&RESEML.QRP Email reservation notice - E-mail
&RESEXPB.QRP Reservations canceled due to non-collection Expired Reservation Clear
&RESLIST.QRP Reservation list Unlimited Reservation Format
&RESSMS.QRP Reservation Notice (SMS) Unlimited Reservation Format

RepStatistics (Statistics reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepStatistics.

  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated

Most template names begin with &STAT and are all similar but reflect different sequencing of data. The report names will give an indication of the order in which parameters should be selected:

template codes
  • &STAT1 – summaries by Year, Form
  • &STAT2 – summaries by Year, Month
  • &STAT3 – summaries by Year, Month, Day
  • &STAT4 – summaries by Year, Month, Day, Hour
  • &STAT5 – details by Borrower Type
  • &STAT6 – count by Location, Type, Borrower
  • &STAC – Location, Borrower Class, Form
  • &STAG – Location, Borrower Group, Form

General statistical reports

template description report type
&SAAUDIT.QRP Access Audit - access by Operator showing alterations Access Audit
&SLAUDIT.QRP Logon Audit - Date and Time Operators logged onto certain modules Logon Audit
&SSAUDIT.QRP Search Audit - Search terms used within the Programs and the Type of search done Search Audit
&STAT4D.QRP Summary by Location, TransType – Year/Month/Day Matrix Statistics
&STAT4E.QRP Summary by Location, TransType – Year/Month/Day/Hour Matrix Statistics
&STAT4K.QRP Summary by Location, Trans Type – Month/Day Matrix Statistics
&STAT4J.QRP Summary by Location, Trans Type – Weekday/Week Matrix Statistics
&STAT4I.QRP Summary by Location, Trans Type – Weekday/Hour Matrix Statistics
&STAT100.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year Statistics
&STAT101.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year Statistics
&STAT110.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Year Statistics
&STAT111.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Year Statistics
&STAT200.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year, Month Statistics
&STAT201.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year, Month Statistics
&STAT205.QRP Summary by Location, Year, Month, TransType Statistics
&STAT210.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Year, Month Statistics
&STAT211.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Year, Month Statistics
&STAT300.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Years, Months, Days Statistics
&STAT301.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year, Month, Day Statistics
&STAT310.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Years, Months, Days Statistics
&STAT311.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Year, Month, Total Day Statistics
&STAT400.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Years, Months, Days, Hours Statistics
&STAT401.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year, Month, Day, Hour Statistics
&STAT410.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Years, Months, Days, Hours Statistics
&STAT411.QRP Summary by TransType, Location, Year, Month, Day, Hour Statistics
&STA%500.QRP Percentage by Location, TransType, BorType, ItemFormCode Statistics
&STAT500.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorType, ItemFormCode Statistics
&STAT501.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemFormCode, BorType Statistics
&STAT502.QRP Details by Location, Trans Type, BorType, ItemFormCode, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAT510.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorType, ItemFormCode Statistics
&STAT511.QRP Details by TransType, Location, ItemFormCode, BorType Statistics
&STAT520.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorType, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAT521.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemStatsCode, BorType Statistics
&STAT526.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemFormCode, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAT530.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorType, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAT531.QRP Details by TransType, Location, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAT540.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorType, SuburbCode Statistics
&STAT541.QRP Details by Location, TransType, SuburbCode Statistics
&STAT550.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorType, SuburbCode Statistics
&STAT551.QRP Details by TransType, Location, SuburbCode, BorType Statistics
&STAT560.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorType, WardCode Statistics
&STAT561.QRP Details by Location, TransType, WardCode, BorType Statistics
&STAT562.QRP Details by Location, TransType, WardCode Statistics
&STAT570.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorType, WardCode Statistics
&STAT571.QRP Details by TransType, Location, WardCode, BorType Statistics
&STAT600.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorType Statistics
&STAT610.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorType Statistics
&STAT620.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAT630.QRP Details by TransType, Location, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAT640.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemFormCode Statistics
#SUMBOR.QRP Summary of circulation by Borrower details Statistics
#SUMITEM.QRP Summary of circulation by Item details Statistics
#SUMMNTH.QRP Summary of Statistics by Month Statistics
&XSTAT52.QRP Details of Location, TransType and ItemStatsCode Statistics
&XSTAT53.QRP Details of Location, TransType and ItemFormCode Statistics
&XSTAT54.QRP Details of Location, TransType, BorType, ItemFormCode & ItemStatsCode Statistics
Export Template (Excel Export Reports)
&XSTAT10.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year. Fields delimited by semi-comma to be saved as Text file & opened in MS Excel. Statistics
&XSTAT20.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year, Month. Fields delimited by semi-comma to be saved as Text file & opened in MS Excel. Statistics
&XSTAT30.QRP Summary by Location, TransType, Year, Month, Day. Fields delimited by semi-comma to be saved as Text (.txt) file & opened in MS Excel. Statistics
&XSTAT50.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorType, FormCode. Fields delimited by semi-comma to be saved as Text file & opened in MS Excel. Statistics

Statistics reports based on Borrower Class

template description report type
&STAC500.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorClass, ItemFormCode Statistics
&STAC501.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemFormCode, BorClass Statistics
&STAC510.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorType, ItemFormCode, BorClass Statistics
&STAC511.QRP Details by TransType, Location, ItemFormCode, BorClass Statistics
&STAC520.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorClass, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAC521.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemStatsCode, BorClass Statistics
&STAC530.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorClass, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAC531.QRP Details by TransType, Location, ItemStatsCode, BorClass Statistics
&STAC540.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorClass, SuburbCode Statistics
&STAC550.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorClass, SuburbCode Statistics
&STAC560.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorType, WardCode, BorClass Statistics
&STAC570.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorClass, WardCode Statistics
&STAC600.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorClass Statistics
&STAC610.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorClass Statistics

Statistics reports based on Borrower Group

template description report type
&STAG500.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorGroup, ItemFormCode Statistics
&STAG501.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemFormCode, BorGroup Statistics
&STAG511.QRP Details by TransType, Location, ItemFormCode, BorGroup Statistics
&STAG520.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorGroup, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAG521.QRP Details by Location, TransType, ItemStatsCode, BorGroup Statistics
&STAG530.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorGroup, ItemStatsCode Statistics
&STAG531.QRP Details by TransType, Location, ItemStatsCode, BorGroup Statistics
&STAG540.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorGroup, SuburbCode Statistics
&STAG550.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorGroup, SuburbCode Statistics
&STAG560.QRP Detail by Location, TransType, BorType, Ward, BorGroup Statistics
&STAG570.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorGroup, WardCode Statistics
&STAG600.QRP Details by Location, TransType, BorGroup Statistics
&STAG610.QRP Details by TransType, Location, BorGroup Statistics

RepStockitem (Stockitem reports)

Go to Main > Reports > RepStockitem.

  • Create Fin (Y/N) = Y – deletes Stockitem History only
  • If Report Stats Codes set – Statistics table updated
template description report type
&SPINE1.QRP Spine Labels (1 column) Spine Labels 1 label wide
&SPINE2.QRP Spine Labels (2 columns) Spine Labels 2 label wide
&SPINE3.QRP Spine Labels (3 columns) Spine Labels 3 label wide
&SPINE4.QRP Spine Labels (4 columns) Spine Labels 4 label wide
&SPINE5.QRP Spine Labels (5 columns) Spine Labels 5 label wide
&SPINE6.QRP Spine Labels (6 columns) Spine Labels 6 label wide
&SPINE7.QRP Spine Labels (7 columns) Spine Labels 7 label wide
&SPINE8.QRP Spine Labels (8 columns) Spine Labels 8 label wide
&SPINE9.QRP Spine Labels (9 columns) Spine Labels 9 label wide
&SPINE10.QRP Spine Labels (10 columns) Spine Labels 10 label wide
&SPINE11.QRP Spine Labels (11 columns) Spine Labels 11 label wide
&SPINE12.QRP Spine Labels (12 columns) Spine Labels 12 label wide
&SPINE13.QRP Spine Labels (13 columns) Spine Labels 13 label wide
&SPINEW1.QRP Spine labels with accession plate (2 columns) Spine Labels 1 label wide
&SADBR.QRP Stockitem audit list (brief details) Item Audit
&SADDET.QRP Stockitem audit list (medium details) Item Audit
&STKAUD.QRP Stockitem audit list (full details) Item Audit
&STKAVG.QRP From a Stats Code shows averages for item - cost, issues, renewals, average year accessioned – ordered by Stats Code Stockitems (Default)
&STKBCODE.QRP Borrower list with Barcodes (requires font setup) Stockitems (Default)
&STKBRF.QRP List of stockitems – Medium details Stockitems (Default)
&STKCFCS.QRP Stockitem count by form and call number set Stockitems (Default)
&STKCFS.QRP Count of stockitems by Form and Stats Codes Stockitems (Default)
&STKCLFS.QRP Count of stockitems by Location, Form, and Stats Codes Stockitems (Default)
&STKCLSF.QRP Count of stockitems Location, Stats Codes, and Form Stockitems (Default)
&STKCOP.QRP List of stockitems attached to Cat Ref No – with a count of items Stockitems (Default)
&STKCRES.QRP Reservations and copies ratio report Stockitems (Default)
&STKCS.QRP Stockitem count by Stats Code Stockitems (Default)
&STKCSC.QRP Stockitem count by Stats Code and Call Set Stockitems (Default)
&STKCSF.QRP Stockitem count by Stats Code and Call Set Stockitems (Default)
&STKFBOR.QRP List of items borrowed by individual Borrower name Stockitems (Default)
&STKFS.QRP Count of stockitem by form Stockitems (Default)
&STKFULL.QRP List of stockitems – full record Stockitems (Default)
&STKH5.QRP Shows items where count > 5 Item History
&STKH10.QRP Shows items where count > 10 Item History
&STKH20.QRP Shows items where count > 20 Item History
&STKHCC.QRP Usage count by Form – Call Number order giving details of each Stockitem Item History
&STKHCCS.QRP Usage count by Form – Call Number order (summary) Item History
&STKHCSC.QRP Usage count by Form – Stats Code order giving details of each Stockitem Item History
&STKHCSS.QRP Usage count by Form – Stats Code order (summary) Item History
&STKHIST.QRP Stockitem History list

Can be used to delete records – Update Entity = Y
Item History
&STKHISU.QRP Stockitem History deletion – count of records deleted

Can be used to delete records – Update Entity = Y
Item History
&STKMEMOS.QRP Stockitem memo list Memos
&STKMRR.QRP Most recent return – damaged item notice (letter) Most Recent Return
&STKMRRE.QRP Most recent return – damaged item notice (e-mail) Most Recent ReturnEmail
&STKODUE.QRP List of overdue stockitems Stockitems (Default)
&STKPDC.QRP Count by date published – must be set to order by Edition Stockitems (Default)
&STKSUBJ.QRP List of stockitems by Subject Headings Stockitems (Default)
&STKTACA.QRP Bibliographic data - Author, Title, Call Number Stockitems (Default)
&STKTACT.QRP Bibliographic data – Title, Author, Call No Stockitems (Default)
&STKTACR.QRP Bibliographic data – Title, Author, Call Number, Accession Date, # Reserves Stockitems (Default)
&STKTITL.QRP List of stockitems – Author, Title, Call Number, Form, Stats Code details Stockitems (Default)
&STKTUR1.QRP Count of items and turnover by Stats Code and Form Stockitems (Default)
&STKTUR2.QRP Count and turnover By Cat Ref Stockitems (Default)
&STKTUR3.QRP Count and turnover Summary By Stats Stockitems (Default)
&STKTUR4.QRP Count and turnover By Author Stockitems (Default)
&STKUCTS.QRP Count of items attached to the same Cat record by Form Stockitems (Default)
&STKTCCF.QRP Title, Cost, Call Number and Form Stockitems (Default)
&STKTACB.QRP Title, Author, Call Number and Barcode Stockitems (Default)
&STKLTN.QRP Title, #of items, Author, Call Number, Form by Location Stockitems (Default)
&STKHIS2.QRP Stock Item History List Summary Item History
&STKTAKE.QRP List of items in Stocktake Stockitems (Default)
#ITEMINV.QRP Inventory Stockitem list with check-box Stockitems (Default)
Export Template (Excel Export Reports)
&STKHIS3.QRP Stock Item History List by Location Item History
&XSTKCS.QRP MS Excel format – Stockitem Count by Stats Code Stockitems (Default)
&XSTKCLS.QRP MS Excel format – Stockitem Count by Location and Stats Code Stockitems (Default)
&XSTKFS.QRP MS Excel format – Stockitem Count by Form Stockitems (Default)
&XSTKCSV.QRP MS Excel format – Stockitem list-Title, Author, Call No, Form and Stats Code Stockitems (Default

Reports contained within the Amlib modules

For the most part these templates are hard-coded into the Amlib client and cannot be renamed. However, it is possible to reformat them using Repwin30. We recommend that copies of any altered template(s) be kept in a separate folder to avoid them being overwritten during system upgrades.

Authority module

template location
$AUTHLST.QRP Table of search results - Authority window (F6 Print)
$FILES.QRP List of saved query files from Display File window (F6 Print)
$CATMEDL.QRP List of Authority Media records from AuthMediaRecords window (F6 Print)
$TAGDEFS.QRP List of Marc Tags on MarcTag window (F6 Print)
$TAGSF.QRP List of Marc Tag subfields in Marc Tag Subfields (F6 Print)
$TAGSAF.QRP List of Marc Tags and subfields
$TAKUPLO.QRP Log of tags or subfields not updated during MarcTakeUp procedure in MarcTakeUp (F6 Log)
&MARCTAG.QRP List of Marc Tags in a Marc record after loading of Marc records before updating into Amlib in MarcTakeUp window (F5 Report)

Borrower module

template location
$BORAREA.QRP List of Borrower Areas (F6 Print)
$BCCLASS.QRP List of Borrower Classes (F6 Print)
$BGGRUPS.QRP List of Borrower Groups (F6 Print)
$LIBLOC.QRP List of Library Locations (F6 Print)
$BOSTTUS.QRP List of Borrower Status (F6 Print)
$STREETS.QRP List of streets (F6 Print)
$SUBURB.QRP List of suburbs (F6 Print)
$BTITLES.QRP List of Borrower titles (F6 Print)
$BOTYPES.QRP List of Borrower types (F6 Print)
$WARDS.QRP List of wards (F6 Print)
$BRESTABL.QRP Print of Borrower Current reservations table(F6 Print)
$BFINTBL.QRP Borrower Finance table (F6 Print)
$BFINPAY.QRP Borrower Financial receipt: Borrower > Financial > F8 Receipt
$BFINREC.QRP Borrower Financial receipt: Borrower > Financial > F7 Alloc’n (F8 Receipt)
$BHISTNT.QRP List of reports in Borrower history window (F6 Print)
$BHISTLN.QRP List of Circulation History of Borrower (F6 Print)
$BORMEMO.QRP List of Borrower Memos (F6 Print)
$FILES.QRP List of Saved Query Files from Display File window (F6 Print)
$BORLIST.QRP A report based on the table of search results in Borrower
$BOVALID.QRP List of Borrower validations: Application > BorrowerTypes (F8 Validtn)
$BLDAY.QRP Table of daily loan parameters: Application > BorrowerTypes > F7 Loan > Daily Loans tab (F6 Print)
$BLHOUR.QRP Table of hourly loan parameters: Application > BorrowerTypes > F7 Loan > Hourly Loans tab (F6 Print)
$BLCHARGE.QRP Table of loan charges: Application > BorrowerTypes > F7 Loan > Charges tab (F6 Print)
$BLFINES.QRP Table of fines: Application > BorrowerTypes > F7 Loan > Daily Loans tab (F6 Print)

Catalogue module

template location
$FILES.QRP List of saved query files from Display File window (F6 Print)
$CATLIST.QRP A report listing the search results in Catalogue Module table: Table > Report

Circulation module

template location
$BLNLIST.QRP Loan receipt in a non-bookmark format: Issues (F6 A4Style)
$BLNBKMK.QRP Loan receipt in bookmark style: Issues (F7 BookMark)
&CI1NEW.QRP Docket printout of loans issued that session: Issues (F8 NewIssues)
&CI1ISS.QRP Docket printout of loans: Issues (F9 Issues)
&CI1000.QRP Docket printout of all loans and current reservations: Issues (F10 Statement)
&CI1OVD.QRP Print Overdue Items only: Issues (Print > Print OverduesOnly)
$RESSLIP.QRP Reservation bookslip for returned items - Returns: (F11 ResSlip) / Chute Returns: (F11)
$BFINREC.QRP Borrower finance receipt for payments just made: only available from Issues screen via Borrower Finance: (F8 after allocating payment but before changes saved)
$BFINTBL.QRP Borrower Finance table (F6 Print)

Finance module

template location
$BUDSUM.QRP Budget Totals Summary Table (F6 Print)
$BUDMOD.QRP Budget year (F2 Modify then F6 Print)
$ATRLIST.QRP Financial Transaction List (F6 Report)
$FINCDLS.QRP List of Transaction Types (F6 Print)

Client Opac module

template location
$OPACAUT.QRP List of Authorities: F1 in Author, Title, Subject use this report
$OPACCAT.QRP Details from Catalogue record
$OPACITE.QRP Item list: F1 in Author, Title, Subject use this report
$OPACPER.QRP List of periodicals
$OPALOAN.QRP Your on-loan List
$OPITEPER.QRP List of copies in Periodicals

Orders module

template location
&ORDPRT.QRP A report based on the table of search results in the Orders module.
$ORDCONV.QRP Order Forms - List of Order conversion table (F6 Print)
$ORDGRP.QRP Order Groups – A report based on a table of Order Groups
$ORGTYPE.QRP Order Types – List of Order Types (F6 Print)

Periodicals module

template location
$PERLIST.QRP A report of the table of search results in the Periodicals module
$PILIST.QRP List of issues as shown in the second periodical window: available via Issues Print button (located far right of screen) or from the Issues dropdown menu
$PCLIST.QRP List of copies for a periodical as shown on the first periodical window: available via table Print button (located far left of screen)
$PERNFRE.QRP List of Periodical Frequency table
$PERSUPL.QRP List of Suppliers
$PERCLST Report of periodical circulation list

Reports module

template location
$REPWAIT.QRP Report from PrintProgress window (F6 Print)

Stockitem module

template location
Interlibrary loan fax sheets
$ITELIST.QRP Report from a table of search results in the Stockitem module
$LOCLIST.QRP List of Stockitem locations: Application > Locations (F6 Print)
$FILES.QRP List of Saved Query files (F6 Print)
$STFOLST.QRP List of Stockitem forms: Application > StockitemForms (F6 Print)
$STLOLSD.QRP Daily Loan Parameters: Application > StockitemForms > F7 Loan > Daily Loans tab (F6 Print)
$STLOLSH.QRP Hourly Loan Parameters : Application > StockitemForms > F7 Loan > Hourly Loans tab (F6 Print)
$STLOLSC.QRP Charge Parameters: Application > StockitemForms > F7 Loan > Charges tab (F6 Print)
$STLOLSF.QRP Fine Parameters: Application > StockitemForms > F7 Loan > Fines tab (F6 Print)
$STVLTBL.QRP Form validation table: Application > StockitemForms > F8 Validtn (F6 Print)
$STORIG.QRP List of Origin types: Application > StockitemOrigins (F6 Print)
$STSTLST.QRP List of Stockitem Stats codes: Application > StockitemStats (F6 Print)
$SILLTBL.QRP List of External libraries: Application > StockExternalLibs(F6 Print)
$STLTYP.QRP List of Loan types: Application > StockLoanTypes(F6 Print)
$STLCFLR.QRP List of Floor locations: Application > StockLocFloor (F6 Print)
$STPROCS.QRP List of Processes: Application > StockProcess (F6 Print)
$SSGLIST.QRP List of Stockitem Stats groups: Application > StockStatsGroup (F6 Print)
$STTALST.QRP List of Stocktakes in progress: Application > StockTakes (F6 Print)
$SMEMLIST.QRP List of memos on Stockitem: Item > Memos (F6 Print)
$SRALLOC.QRP Reallocate Stockitem reserves. Item > ReserveAllocate (F6 Print)
$SLNHST.QRP History List of Stockitem loans: Item > History (F6 Print)
$REPHST.QRP History List of Stockitem reports: Item > History (F6 Print)
$STDEPR.QRP List of Stockitem depreciation values: Application > StockStatsGroup > F7 AccPri (F6 Print)
$SRESLST.QRP List of current reserves on a Stockitem: Item > CurrentReserves (F6 Print)

Supervisor module

template location
$DIYLIST.QRP List of DIY parameters (F6 Print)
$WDLIST.QRP List Fuzzy match (F6 Print)
$ISSAUD.QRP Printout of Issues Audit (F6 Print)
$INSLIST.QRP Printout of Installation parameters (F6 Print)
$LIBGRP.QRP Printout of Library groups (F6 Print)
$LIBLOC.QRP List of Library Locations (F6 Print)
$LIBMEM.QRP List of Memo Types (F6 Print)
$OPACBU.QRP List of Opac buttons (F6 Print)
$OPCOT.QRP List of other Opac functions (F6 Print)
$OPTERM.QRP Printout of User Enquiries (F6 Print)
$OPACOP.QRP List of Opac User names (F6 Print)
$SNDLIST.QRP List of Sound List (F6 Print)
$PRSHT.QRP Print of Selected Spreadsheet (F6 Print)
$STATPAR.QRP List of Stats Parameters (F6 Print)
$OPLIST.QRP List of User Names (F6 Print)
$WINDLIST.QRP List of Window names (F6 Print)
$WEBHTML.QRP Print of Web Opacs Parameters table (F6 Print)

DIY module

template location
$SILOAN.QRP Print of all loans from the (F1 Print)
$SILOAN.QRP Print of ‘Today's loans from the (F2 Print)

NetOpacs module

template location
&NEITBRF.QRP Print of items from the Results Summary button
&NECTBRF.QRP Print of catalogue records from Results Summary button