Renew periodical subscription

Learn how to renew a periodical subscription in Amlib.

Renew a subscription

  1. Navigate to Main > Periodicals > Periodical
  2. Search for the title
  3. Select XReferences > Subscriptions
  4. Select the Renew button
  5. Simply change the renewal date year, e.g 2010 to 2011 and Sub start dates & end dates will automatically be changed. Add the new cost. F3 Update. See example below.
  6. Select OK to the pop-up and set the Stock default window then F3 Update

  7. Click the New button in the middle of the screen for issues creation
  8. Select the options as necessary from the dropdown boxes, creating the next subscription issues then select Use These Settings
  9. 1. If these issues are NOT displaying issue numbers correctly, delete the issues and click the New button again and reselect your options. If you are happy with the issues display click F3 Update