Bibliographic reports

Find information about the Bibliographic reports in Amlib OpenReports.

From file

Skills outlined in this Sample – Getting Data from a File

First create a File within Amlib on a Topic. This could be done via a Keyword search within Stockitem and then Xreference to Catalogue and save as a File

Take note of the File No. This could be used within the Filter of OpenReports

  1. Access the Report Designer TAB
  2. Select New from the buttons
  3. The Edit Report Window will display
  4. Enter a Report Title in the Report Title section. For the sample for example “Topic of Music
  5. Enter a Group since we want to find it later easily – for example Bibliographic
  6. Enter a Sub Group – for example Topic
  7. Show details: For this sample Report we will set to ALL
  8. Show Sub totals: leave this unticked.
  9. Show total: leave this unticked.
  10. Tick Private: leave this unticked.
  11. Show header on first page: This is your choice. We can have this ticked
  12. Show header on next pages: This is your choice. But for now leave this unticked
  13. Choose Report Type from the Drop-down options (Table is default):
    • Table – set out in rows and columns (select for the sample) We will test it as a Table and then change it to graph when we are happy with the results
  14. Select Orientation
    • Landscape (select for the sample)
  15. Leave Show sql

Display Fields

  1. Select the Bibliographic Entity
  2. Drag and drop Catalogue Tag Number and Catalogue Tag Data into the Display
  3. Fields Column

Group Fields

  1. Drag and drop the Cat Ref Number to the Group Fields table


The Filter can be selected to target a File previously saved into Amlib. The File Number is the best Filter to choose as it is Unique

  1. Drag and drop Catalogue Tag Number to the Filters Column
  2. Select Equal to
  3. Select the Tag Number that will display in the Display from the drop-down option. This is up to you but may include 082 (Call No), 100 (Main Author), 245 (Title), 520 (Notes), any 600 Subject headings
  4. Drag and drop Catalogue File Number to the Filter column
  5. Select Equal to
  6. Enter the File Number

Order By

Drag and drop Catalogue Ref Number to the Order by Column. Leave as Ascending


Select Preview to view the Report


Once the Report is successful, select Save to be available in the Report Viewer as a graph

Note: In Oracle databases, the Authority and Non Authority data needs to come together using separate DataFields

For Authority data select Authority Details from the Authority Entity

For Non Authority data select Non Authority Details for data up to 250 characters from the Bibliographic Entity

For Non Authority data longer than 250 characters, select Non Authority Details Long from the Bibliographic Entity