Step by step: Top 10 borrowers by borrower type

Learn how to categorise the groupings by Borrower Type in Amlib OpenReports.

We have had many requests to categorise the groupings by Borrower Type – for instance “Who are the top 10 readers by Borrower Type or Borrower Class etc.”

Some sites have the Reading monitored by Borrower type (Keep Housebound Borr History) set to Y. If that is the case it is possible to use the Borrower History Type of READING. If set to N, then it is possible to set up a similar report using Stockitem History shown in the next Sample

Skills outlined in this Sample are revising those used as last time as well as:

  1. Access the Report Designer TAB
  2. Select New from the buttons
  3. The Edit Report Window will display
  4. Enter a Report Title in the Report Title section. For the sample “Most frequent Borrower – Top 10
  5. Enter a Group since we want to find it later easily – for example Borrower
  6. Enter a Sub Group – for example Top 10
  7. Choose Report Type from the Drop-down options (Table is default):
    • Table – set out in rows and columns (select for the sample)
  8. Select Orientation
    • Portrait (select for the sample)
  9. Show details: For this sample Report enter
    • Top: Enter the Top value required – for example 10
  10. Show Sub totals: leave this unticked.
  11. Show total: leave this unticked.
  12. Tick Private: leave this unticked.
  13. Show header on first page: For our sample tick this one if required
  14. Show header on next pages: This is your choice. If there is a Page Break for Borrower Type, tick this

Display Fields

  1. Select the Borrower History Entity
  2. Select Borrower History Type from the Entity and drag and drop to Display – this will set the Counter correctly so it knows to count from the History Table. Simplify to History Type by Selecting on the Data Field and changing the Header
  3. Select the Entity of Counter
  4. Drag and drop Group detail count to the Display Fields.
  5. Select Group detail count to expand the display options.
  6. Ensure the Function is Sum so it adds the counts together
  7. Change the Header if required. For example, simplify to Total Borrowed

Group Fields

  1. Drag and drop Borrower Type to the Group fields. It is possible if required to have a Page Break between Borrower Type Selecting on the Data Field and selecting Page Break
  2. Drag and drop the Data Fields that describe the Borrower to the Group fields. This can vary. For the sample we have chosen Borrower Full Name – Given, Surname. We have simplified this to Name


The Filter can be selected to target exactly the data required. For example: filter the results to get ALL current Loans

  1. Select the Borrower History Entity
  2. Drag and drop Borrower History Date over to the Filter By Section
  3. Select Greater than from the Drop-down Options
  4. Enter a Date as appropriate using the calendar. Note: A Date range could be set if required
  5. Drag and drop Borrower History Type over to the Filter By Section
  6. Select the History Type to report on (likely to READING)

Order by

It is useful to have an Order sequence of Group detail count to be Descending so it shows correctly

  1. Select Group detail count from the Counter Entity and drag and drop to the Order by section
  2. Select Descending from the drop-down box


1. Select Preview to view the Report


Once the Report is successful, select Save to be available in the Report Viewer

Note: Try the same approach to get the Top 10 by Borrower Class or Group

If you do not keep the Borrower History for each type, adjust the above report in the following way.

Display Fields

Select the Stockitem History Entity

  1. Select Stockitem History Type from the Entity and drag and drop to Display – this will set the Counter correctly so it knows to count from the History Table. Simplify to History Type by Selecting on the Data Field and changing the Header
  2. Select the Entity of Counter
  3. Drag and drop Group detail count to the Display Fields.
  4. Select Group detail count to Format
  5. Ensure the Function is Sum so it adds the counts together
  6. Change the Header if required. For example, simplify to Total Borrowed

Group Fields

  1. Drag and drop Borrower Type to the Group fields. It is possible if required to have a Page Break between Borrower Type Selecting on the Data Field and selecting Page Break
  2. Drag and drop the Data Fields that describe the Borrower to the Group fields. This can vary. For the sample we have chosen Borrower Full Name – Given, Surname. We have simplified this to Name


The Filter can be selected to target exactly the data required. For example: filter the results to get ALL current Loans

  1. Select the Stock History Entity
  2. Drag and drop Stock History Date over to the Filter By Section
  3. Select Greater than from the Drop-down Options
  4. Enter a Date as appropriate using the Calendar. Note: A Date range could be set if required
  5. Drag and drop Stock History Type over to the Filter By Section
  6. Select the History Type to report on (likely to ISSUE or RETURN)

Order by

It is useful to have an Order sequence of Group detail count to be Descending so it shows correctly

  1. Select Group detail count from the Counter Entity and drag and drop to the Order by section
  2. Select Descending from the drop-down box


2. Select Preview to view the Report


  1. Once the Report is successful, select Save to be available in the Report Viewer