Step by step sample: Borrower contact list
This is a quick guide to creating our first report. Start simply and refine later and have an idea what your layout should include!
Skills outlined in this Sample:
- Creating a giving a Title to a New Report
- Choosing Orientation
- Creating a Group and Sub Group for indexing
- Choosing Display Fields
- Previewing, Saving Ordering of results
- What to do if a wrong Field is selected, Editing a Format
- Changing the Column Name and the Width of the Field
- Select New from the buttons of the Report Designer
- The Edit Report Window will display
- Enter a Report Title in the Report Title section. This can display at the top of the report. For the sample we can give a Title of “Borrower – Contact List”.
- Enter a Group if the Reports are to be grouped logically together so they can be found easier in Report Viewer and Designer, for example Borrower
- Enter a Sub Group if the Reports are going to be grouped further together by a secondary classification - for example List
- Choose Report Type from the Drop-down options (Table is default):
- Table – set out in rows and columns (select for the sample)
- Chart – if set to chart there are many options in relation to what
- Select Orientation – this will depend on the amount of detail required
- Landscape
- Portrait (select for the sample)
- Show details: For this sample Report we can set to All
- Show Sub totals if a calculation based on Groups is required (Default is unticked). For the sample leave this unticked.
- Show total if a Total calculation of the Sub totals is required (Default is unticked). For the sample leave this unticked.
- Private. If you wish the report only to be available under your Login (Default is unticked). For our sample leave this unticked.
- Show header on first page. For our sample leave this ticked
- Show header on next pages. For our sample leave this unticked
Display Fields
- Highlight the Entity from the Entities / Data Fields
- For our sample, select the entity of Borrower
- The Entity opens up to display all of the Data Fields for Borrower
- The Data Fields are listed in Alphabetical Order
Note: The Order in which the Fields are listed, give the order in which the Fields are displayed. They can be manipulated up and down the Table under Display Fields until you get the order correctly placed - Highlight the required Field for the Borrower. This could be:
- Full Name - Surname, Given which is a useful Function that gives the Surname, Given name in one field. Alternatively it is possible to select Surname and Given Name separately or Full Name – Given, Surname if preferred
- Drag and drop into the Display Field Table
Note: If the wrong data element is brought across, simply drag the Field into white space and “let it go” to delete it from the Display Fields Table - At this point it is possible to Select Preview from the top of the window, just to check how the Name will display. The Borrowers names will display
- Select Preview to view the report
Notice how the Name wraps. It is possible to adjust the size of the Data Field to prevent this wrapping. Also the Header could be simplified to just name - Select Back to return to the Report Designer
- To change the Header and the Width of the Data Field
For the sample change the Full Name-Surname, Given Header to simply Borrower- Select on the Full Name-Surname, Given Display Field
- Options will display
- Change the Width from 4cm to 6cm
- Overtype the Header with Name
- Select out of the box
- Continue to drag other Data Fields as required
For the Sample we would like to list the Full Address 1 as well. Select Borrower Full Address 1 and drag it across. Preview to check the list. The name no longer wraps. The Name Header is simplified. It is also possible to alter the Header for the Borrower Address1 Full to be just Residential Address or what is relevant
- Select Back to return to the Report Designer
- Continue to select any other Data Fields required into the Display fields Table by dragging and dropping. It is possible to determine where it will drop by Selecting between existing Display Fields until a Box is formed, into which the Field can drop
For example if Borrower Mobile Number is to be included after the Name then a box can be created and the Data element dropped into the space between the other Fields
- At this point it is possible to recheck the Preview from the top of the window, to check how the report now looks and whether it needs to be refined
- As the report is being created, the system maybe busy as it compiles the report
If you want ALL Borrowers no filter is necessary. Filters will be discussed later
Order by
It is useful in this report to have an Order sequence to ensure it orders correctly so that the Contact List is by Surname alphabetically
Note: Make sure the Order is one of the Data Fields within the Display or Group Columns. If a Group column exists, it is logical to have it ordered by that Data Field first
- Drag and drop Data Fields over to the Order by section
- Select either Ascending or Descending from the drop-down box
- In the sample report it is useful to Order it by Full name – Surname, Given in Ascending Order
Once the Report is successful it is useful to Save it to be available in the Report Viewer, so that the report can be used in the future
Report Viewer
The same report now displays in Report Viewer
Select the required format from the Drop-down options at the top of the Window
- Screen
- Excel
- Word
Once the choice is highlighted Select Start