Chart options

Find chart examples in Amlib OpenReports.
  1. Select the Report Type of Chart

  2. Select the Chart Type
    • Area
    • Bar
    • Column
    • DotPlot
    • Doughnut
    • Line
    • Pie
    • Pyramid
    • ThreeLineBreak

  3. Select the Chart Palette
    • Default
    • Earth Tones
    • Excel
    • GrayScale
    • Light
    • Pastel
    • SemiTransparent
    • Subdued
    • Vivid
    • Theme
  4. Select the Orientation
  5. Preview the Report
  6. Save if required

Examples of charts

  1. Area
    • Earth Tones
  2. Column
    • Default
  3. Bar
    • Excel
  4. DotPlot
    • GreyScale
  5. Doughnut
    • Light
  6. Line
    • Pastel
  7. Pie
    • Semi Transparent
  8. Pyramid
    • Subdued
  9. ThreeLineBreak
    • Vivid