
Learn about the Global Settings options for OpenReports in Amlib.

Global Settings

Header Background

It is possible to set the top Header banner with a particular pattern

  1. Select the Arrow to the right of the Header Background field
  2. The patterns will display
  3. Select the required pattern by selecting on it
  4. The Pattern Name will display in the Header Background Field
  5. Continue with the other settings
  6. Selection Save at the bottom of the window will save all the settings


Select the transparency level of the Title. The opacity-level describes the transparency-level from 0-100

  1. Slide the value along the bar to the transparency level required where:
    • 100 is not transparent at all
    • 50 is 50% transparent
    • 0 is completely transparent
  2. Continue with the other settings
  3. Selection Save at the bottom of the window will save all the settings

Opacity: 100

Opacity: 50

Opacity: 0


Select the Contrast level of the 2 colours of the Header. The contrast can be set at a level from 0-100

  1. Slide the value along the bar to the contrast level required where:
    • 100 is full contrast
    • 50 is mid contrast
    • 0 is completely transparent
  2. Continue with the other settings
  3. Selection Save at the bottom of the window will save all the settings

Contrast: 50

Contrast: 25

Contrast: 0

Reset Session

Use the Reset session to stop the current web session and restart. You may want to reset a session in situations in which the session is not functioning correctly or if the session has stopped responding.

Selecting the Reset Session button will return you to the Login Window

Report Logo

If required a logo can be chosen to be used for the heading for Reports.

  1. Select Upload
  2. A Windows Dialogue box will display where you can navigate/browse to the correct Logo image file
  3. Once chosen, select Open to load it into Memory
  4. Once selected the banner will display showing it was uploaded
  5. The Logo will then display at the top left of each report printed

To Remove the Logo

  1. Click Remove
  2. A message will display at the top of the Window to show it is deleted
  3. It will show that no custom Logo has been uploaded
  4. The Logo will no longer display at the top of each report printed

SMTP Details: If patrons will be able to email their reports results, the SMPT and Email Options - this will need to be completed

SMTP Host: Enter the SMTP Host name of the Server or IP address

SMTP Port: Enter the SMTP Port Number

SMTP user name: Enter the SMTP User name if required for access

SMTP password: Enter the SMTP User name if required for access

SMTP enable SSL: Tick if SMTP Enable SSL is to be enabled: This allows for the SMTP Client using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection for your email. If you want an unencrypted connection DO NOT tick the SMPT ENABLE SSL

SMTP reply email: Enter the email address you wish to use if patrons reply to the email, so that it does not get lost going to the SMTP email address which will likely not be received correctly by the library

Log level

Logs all normal application events when you call the web site, go back to Amlib etc. Select the Log Level from the drop-down choices, as appropriate:

Generally we recommend setting it to WARN unless there is a reason why it is necessary to capture more complex information

  1. Debug: Highest level of logging, should only be used if OCLC suggests to set it to this level
  2. Info: Information Presents information helpful in resolving the issues, but slows down the application
  3. Warn: Warning of harmful situation. This should be the default
  4. Error: Lowest level of detailing: only serious errors are logged

Nhibernate Log Level

NHibernate log level is the database access layer (all the SQL statements etc, which will result in very long complex logs if set to INFO or DEBUG, and will slow the application. The default should be WARN or ERROR. We suggest do not change this level unless OCLC Support suggests a different Level.

Generally we recommend setting it to WARN unless there is a reason why it is necessary to capture more complex information

The logs are written to a folder in the folder in inetpub\wwwroot\OCLC OpenReports\OclcLogFiles

Version Displays the Version Number and Date/Time. For example: You are currently running Version from 13/08/2014 9:36:00 am