Change from single line accounting to double line accounting

Learn how to change from single line accounting to double line accounting in Amlib.

Change the parameter in Supervisor to Double Entry Accounting

  1. Go to Supervisor > LibraryMenu > Installation
  2. The Default parameters will display
  3. Select the System Button
  4. Scroll down to find the “Use Double Entry” parameter
  5. Change from N to Y
  6. Select the F3 Save button to save the changes

Run the Financial Transaction Upgrade

This would have been run when the Upgrade to Version 5.3 was done. However, it needs to be run again after changing the Installation parameter as there will be two extra sections in the Financial Transaction Upgrade that have not been run as yet.

  1. Run the Financial Transactions Upgrade application to re-index the Finance module of the Amlib client and reconfigure existing Financial transactions to use correct double-entry methodologies
  2. Run the Check Payments application to reconcile any irregular Financial transactions (if required)

WARNING: Those libraries using Double-Entry accounting in the Amlib client may have to reconcile irregular financial transactions as part of this update. This can be a time-consuming process. Please plan accordingly.

Financial Transactions Upgrade: Double-Entry Sites

Run the Financial Transactions Upgrade

  1. Launch the Amlib 5.3 Financial Transactions Upgrade client (it should be accessible from your Programs menu)
  2. The Amlib Login prompt will display
  3. Enter the following details:
    1. Amlib User Name: your Amlib client Username
    2. Password: your Amlib client Password
    3. Database: select the Database to be upgraded (for example: Live)
  4. Click the OK button – the Steps to upgrade Financial Transaction Data window will display:
  5. Double-Entry users require four operations to be performed:
    1. Check for and remove duplicate transaction ID’s
    2. Create unique index for transaction ID on FIN_TRANS table
    3. Create Payment Links
    4. Create Indexes on FIN_PAYMENTS_LINK table
  6. Click the Run button

    Please Note: Depending on the number of financial transactions in your database this may take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes
  7. Once complete the following prompt will display: Processing is complete.
  8. It may also report the following: There are borrowers(s) with unlinked transactions and/or a balance difference between the amount owing from the Borrower and the amount owing from the Financial transactions

    Run the CheckPaymentsLinks programs to correct
  9. Click the OK button to return to the main window – if the Check Payments Links program needs to be run, details of the links to be corrected will appear in the Create Payment Links section at the bottom of the window:
  10. Click the Exit button

You may then proceed as follows:

  • If you have not been prompted to run the Check Payments Link application, then the upgrade of your Amlib databases is now completed.
  • If you have been prompted to run the Check Payments Links, then please proceed to the next section: Check and Create Payment Links
  • If you have to update locally installed versions of the Amlib client, then proceed to Section 2: Update All PCs
  • If there are no locally installed client versions of Amlib to update then the upgrade procedure is now completed

Check and Create Payment Links

The Check and Create Payment Links client enables the user to create links between unlinked financial transactions, it also has the ability to update the Borrowing Owing balances where these are out of alignment.


  1. Launch the Amlib 5.3 Check Payments Link client (it should be accessible from your Programs menu)
  2. The Amlib Login prompt will display
  3. Enter the following details:
    1. Amlib User Name: your Amlib client Username
    2. Password: your Amlib client Password
    3. Database: select the Database to be upgraded (for example: Live)
  4. Click the OK button – the Check and Create Payment Links window will display:
  5. You may need to enter the File Name and map the pathway for the error file:
    1. Click on the Browse button – the Open dialog box will display:
    2. Select the BorrowerErrors.txt file and click the Open button
  6. Click the Run button – the Transactions screen will display:

Across the top of the screen you will see the following fields:

  • Borrower barcode
  • Amt owing from Borrower
  • Amt owing from Transactions
  • Amt unlinked
  • Rows – the number of items requiring attention

The table below this heading will contain a complete list of the Borrower transactions (not just the ones requiring attention):

The client will list each Borrower in succession and the user will have to assess the data being presented and make the necessary adjustments. For the most part, this simply requires the Borrower Owing balances to be readjusted (something that can be done with a simple button click). Other transactions may require linking, whilst some may be missing matching transactions altogether.

Please Note: It is possible to remove transactions that are already linked from the table by simply clicking on the Remove Linked from list button at the bottom of your screen. Use the Restore All to List button to show all transactions again.

The following scenarios present various issues and how to resolve them.

Scenario 1: Update Borrower Owing Balances

In the following example, you will notice the following:

  • Amt Owing from Borrower = 4.10
  • Amt Owing from Transactions = 105.25
  • Amount unlinked = 105.25

There is a clear imbalance between the Amounts Owing (they are listed in RED). However, you will note that the Update Borrower Owing button at the bottom of the screen is active – this means that the client can automatically adjust these balances:

  1. Click the Update Borrower Owing button – the system will automatically adjust the balances (the Amounts Owing should be the same and no longer in red):
  2. At this point the OK button at the bottom of the screen should now be active:
  3. Click the OK button

Adjustments to this Borrower record are now complete – if there are additional Borrower records to be adjusted, then the next one will then display.

Scenario 2: Create Links between Transaction Records (2 Transactions Only)

In the following example, you will notice the following:

  • Amt Owing from Borrower = 0.00
  • Amt Owing from Transactions = 0.00
  • Amount unlinked = 4.00

The Amounts Owing are in balance (they are listed in BLACK). However, the Amt unlinked is 4.00. You will also note that both the Update Borrower Owing and OK buttons at the bottom of the screen are inactive. A closer examination of the table shows that there are 2 items containing amounts in the OutstandingAmounts column (of 2.00 and -2.00) totaling 4.00:

There appears to be a clear relationship between the transactions (as they are both showing amounts of the same value) and all that is required is for the user to create a link between the two transactions:

  1. Highlight the transactions to be linked (by clicking in the grey area at the start of the transaction line – use the Ctrl button when highlighting additional transactions):
  2. At this point the Create Link button at the bottom of the screen should now be active
  3. Click the Create Link button – the system will now link the two transactions together (you will note that the two transactions now have the same CreditID and that the Amt unlinked is now 0.00):
  4. At this point the OK button at the bottom of the screen should now be active
  5. Click the OK button when complete

Adjustments to this Borrower record are now complete – if there are additional Borrower records to be adjusted, then the next one will then display.

Scenario 3: Create Links between Transaction Records (Multiple Transactions)

Whilst Scenario 2 above showed only 2 transactions being linked, the same method can be used to link multiple items (1 credit transaction with multiple debit transactions and vice versa), as shown in the following example:

There is a clear relationship between the 3 unlinked items – as evidenced by the total of the amounts (this is further supported by the CR and DR values in the CreditOrDebit column)

  1. In this instance, Highlight all 3 transactions (by clicking in the grey area at the start of the transaction line – use the Ctrl button when highlighting additional transactions):
  2. Click the Create Link button – the system will now link the 3 transactions together (they now have the same CreditID and that the Amt unlinked is now 0.00):
  3. Click the OK button when complete

Adjustments to this Borrower record are now complete – if there are additional Borrower records to be adjusted, then the next one will then display.

Scenario 4: Create Links between Transaction Records (Amounts Unmatched)

Occasionally, a relationship between two or more transactions will be detected but the amounts will not match (perhaps because only partial payment has been made), as shown in the following example:

There is a clear relationship between these 2 unlinked transactions – as evidenced by the Comments: GSWT # 10% = 8.85

  1. In this instance, highlight the 2 transactions (by clicking in the grey area at the start of the transaction line – use the Ctrl button when highlighting additional transactions):
  2. Click the Create Link button – the following prompt will appear, asking: Are you sure the selected transactions are correct?
  3. Click the OK button – the system will now link the 2 transactions together (they now have the same CreditID):
  4. The Amt unlinked is still 7.90 as the Borrower still owes money – but the Amounts Owing are now in balance and the OK button is now active
  5. Click the OK button when complete

Adjustments to this Borrower record are now complete – if there are additional Borrower records to be adjusted, then the next one will then display.

Scenario 5: Create a Balance Debit

In the following example, you will notice the following:

  • Amt Owing from Borrower = -17.60
  • Amt Owing from Transactions = -17.60
  • Amount unlinked = 17.60

The Amounts Owing are in balance (they are listed in BLACK). However, the Amt unlinked is 17.60. You will also note that both the Update Borrower Owing and OK buttons at the bottom of the screen are inactive. A closer examination of the table shows that there is only 1 item containing an amount in the OutstandingAmounts column if 17.60:

Since there are no other transactions with which this item can be linked, the user is required to create a balancing transaction line:

  1. Highlight the transactions to be linked (by clicking in the grey area at the start of the transaction line):
  2. Click the Create Balance Debit button – the Create Debit Transaction screen will display:
  3. The Amount should default to the Amt unlinked (in this example: 17.60) – if there are multiple transactions to be accounted for, then you need to insert more than 1 transaction line and adjust the Amount accordingly for new line
  4. Select a Transaction Type from the drop-down list (these are derived from the Transaction types present in your Circulation Transaction Types table in the Amlib client) – for example: CREDIT
  5. If you like you can enter a comment at this point – the example above uses a comment from the transaction: Was subsequently returned
  6. When complete, click on the OK button – the system will now insert a new transaction line with the amount specified:

  1. There is now an imbalance between the Amounts Owing – click the Update Borrower Owing button to reset the balances
  2. It is now necessary to create a link between the two transactions – use the instructions outlined in Scenario 2: Create Links Between Transaction Records to achieve this
  3. Click the OK button

Adjustments to this Borrower record are now complete – if there are additional Borrower records to be adjusted, then the next one will then display.

Check Complete

If there are no more Borrower records to update, the following prompt will appear: Processing completed

  1. Click the OK button – you will be returned to the main screen (the number of Borrowers processed, Borrowers with unlinked and Borrowers unbalanced details will be displayed):
  2. Click on the Exit button