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Mass change due dates

Learn how to mass change due dates in Amlib.

It is possible to mass change a set of due dates. Items can be individually searched for and added to a Saved List for altering or X-Referenced from the Borrower module for altering.

Create a List of Borrower Items to be Renewed

If you only need to target a smaller list borrowers by Borrower Barcode or Name, then this can be done in the next section.

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Select Main > Borrowers > BorrowerWhere – the Borrower Where Search screen will open
  3. Set the Where statement to search for borrowers you wish to change – for example:
    • Type =S
  4. You may wish to include additional parameters to create more manageable lists-- for example:
    • Class = 7k
  5. Click the Paste button
  6. Select F5 Query
  7. You will be asked if you want to use a Saved File – select No
  8. A Borrower List will appear
  9. Highlight all the borrowers in the list
  10. Select XReferences > Items on Loan
  11. This will create a Stockitem List of items currently out on loan which can then be saved and mass renewed
  12. Select File > Save All
  13. This will open Stockitem Saved Query Results screen
  14. Click the F1 New button
  15. In the Details column type in a file name – for example: Mass Renewals
  16. Click the F3 Save button
  17. Then click F9 Select – this will place all the stockitems into the file
  18. A pop-up will appear, telling you how many items were saved into the file: The ‘XXX’ file contains X stockitems.
  19. Click on the OK button
  20. Go to Mass Change the Saved File

Create a Saved File of Stockitems to Changed

It is possible to create a search that targets only items due on (or before or after) a particular date, and to identify items out on loan to a small group of borrowers (using their Borrower barcode).

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Select Main > StockItems > StockitemWhere – the Stockitem Where Search screen will open
  3. Set the Where statement to search for the items you wish to change – for example:
    • Issue Date Due Back = 12/07/2010 (will target items due on a specific date)
    • On Loan = Y (will target only items on loan)
    • Bor Barcode IN B114,B765,B632 (optional – to target a specific borrowers)
    • Form = BK (optional – to restrict by Form Code)
    • Sts Code = FIC (optional – to restrict by Stats Code)
  4. Click the Paste button
  5. Select the F7 QtoFile button – this will open Stockitem Saved Query Results screen
  6. Click the F1 New button
  7. In the Details column type in a file name – for example: Mass Renewals
  8. Click the F3 Save button
  9. Then click the F9 Select button – this will place all the stockitems into the file
  10. A pop-up will appear, telling you how many items were saved into the file: The ‘XXX’ file contains X stockitems.
  11. Click on the OK button

Mass Change the Saved File

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. From the Stockitem module screen, select File > DisplayFile
  3. The Stockitem Saved Query Results screen will open
  4. Highlight the Saved File created earlier and F9 Select – this will display the items in a Stockitem List
  5. Highlight all items in the list that you want to change the due date for
  6. Select Table > ChangeDueDates
  7. The Change Due Dates screen will appear:
  8. Type in a New Due Date – for example: 08/11/2010
  9. Click on the OK button
  10. All the selected (marked) items will then be renewed