Cancel all reservations

Learn how to mass cancel reservations in Amlib.

Mass cancelling reservations

Set Up the Report

It is possible to cancel large numbers of reservations by running a report.

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Navigate to Main > Reports > RepReservation
  3. Select the F1 New button and highlight the &resexpb.qrp – Cancel non collected res. Template then select OK
  4. Give your report a meaningful title, and check that the Update Res Status is set to Y
  5. F3 Save
  6. Select F7 Where (this example will delete all reservations on the system but you may choose to delete one the reservations for )
  7. In Box 1 highlight Res Placed Date
  8. In Box 2 select the less or equal to sign
  9. Select the red Special button, highlight Current Date and the Paste button
  10. F3 Save
  11. To preview the report, select F8 View and answer No to the popup
  12. Please check carefully that this list is exactly what you want to delete

Run the Report

If you are happy with the report results, you may then run the report through the Scheduler to delete the reservations.

Please Note: Once reserves have been deleted they cannot be retrieved. Please use this process with caution.

  1. Highlight the report and select F6 Print
  2. Select the File option (generally you would not need to send this to a printer, however if you do, select Printer) then OK
  3. Browse to a location to save the report to, give the report a name and select Save
  4. Select Application > RepStartSchedule (if RepStartSchedule is greyed out then the Scheduler is already running and there is no need to complete the following steps)
  5. Ensure the option your selected above ( whether print of save to file) is selected then choose OK

13. The report will then be sent to the scheduler to run and may take a few minutes to delete all the reservations