Modify catalogue details

Learn how to modify catalogue details in Amlib.

Modifying catalogue details

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Catalogue > Catalogue (or the icon) – the Catalog screen will display:
  3. Initiate a F5 Query to locate the Catalogue record that requires editing (alternatively, if the item record is open in the Stockitem module, select XReferences > Catalogue)

Modify Using the Work Sheet

It is now possible to edit an existing catalogue record using the Catalogue Work Sheet.

  1. From the menu, select Catalogue > Catalog Modify using Worksheet – the Work Sheet screen will display:
  2. The catalogue record can then be edited/modified in the same manner as a new Catalogue record (see above)
  3. Existing Authorities cannot be altered in the Work Sheet – if a new Authority is to be created (for example: one with a different subdivision), then the F2 Insert button should be used to enter it on a new line to that of the existing heading (the existing heading can be retained or removed using the F4 Delete button)


Inserts a new Tag for the Bibliographic record.

This process will be different depending on whether the Tag chosen from the list is an Authority or Non-Authority Tag.

  1. Click the Insert button on the right-hand side of the screen – the Select For Creation table with a list of Tag Nos will display:
  2. Double-click on the desired Tag

Insert Non Authority Tag

  1. If the selected Tag is a Non-Authority – the SubFields window will display:
  2. Please ensure you enter the correct data into the correct subfield – clicking the F6 Table button gives the Valid SubFields/Parts table available for that Tag:
  3. Once the data has been correctly entered click the F3 Update button

Insert an Authority Tag

  1. If the selected Tag is an Authority – the Authority Replace screen will display:

    Notice the Green colour of the list (in this example: a 650 - Subject Heading)? This is because the headings shown come from the Authority module.
  2. Type in a Search Term (for example: Fantasy) and click the F5 Query button – a list of matching terms will display:
  3. If the correct term is in the list:
    1. Highlight the term and click the F3 Replace button
    2. The Authority Replace window will close and the selected Authority will appear in the catalogue record
  4. If the correct term is NOT in the list or your search gives no results:
    1. Click the F2 NewAut button – the SubFields table will display:
    2. Please ensure you enter the correct data into the correct subfield – clicking the F6 Table button gives the Valid SubFields/Parts table available for that Tag:
    3. Once the data has been correctly entered click the F3 Update button
    4. Click on the red X in top-tight corner to close the Authority Replace screen – the new Authority will have been added to the catalogue record:

Once the Authority has been entered, it is available for use in subsequent catalogue records.


Replaces the Tag data with an alternative heading.

  1. Highlight an Authority to be replaced
  2. Click the Replace button on the right-hand side of the screen – the Authority Replace table will display with highlighted Authority:
  3. Type in a Search Term (for example: Fantasy) and click the F5 Query button – a list of matching terms will display:
  4. If the correct term is in the list:
    1. Highlight the term and click the F3 Replace button
    2. The Authority Replace window will close and the selected Authority will appear in the catalogue record
  5. If the correct term is NOT in the list or your search gives no results:

    (Please Note: this option NOT available if User settings have been set to DISABLE modification of Authorities in the catalogue screen – the Insert button should be used to create a new Authority and the existing Authority removed from the record using the Delete button)
    1. Click the F2 NewAut button – a prompt with the following message may display:  Creating an Authority replaces the existing Authority. Continue?
    2. Click on the Yes button – the SubFields table will display:
    3. Please ensure you enter the correct data into the correct subfield – clicking the F6 Table button gives the Valid SubFields/Parts table available for that Tag:
    4. Once the data has been correctly entered click the F3 Update button
    5. Click on the red X in top-tight corner to close the Authority Replace screen – the new Authority will have been added to the catalogue record:

If the heading to be replaced is not found, a new Authority can be created. This only replaces the existing Authority in this particular item.


PLEASE NOTE: It is possible to update User Name security so as to DISALLOW the editing of Shared Authorities using the Modify button. This helps ensure the integrity of the Shared Authorities (which may be in use in other Catalogue records). Authorities can then be modified by XReferencing to the Authorities module.

  1. Highlight the Tag to be modified and click the Modify button on the right-hand side of the screen – the Tag will open in the SubFields screen

    WARNING: If the tag is an Authority, changes will be made to ALL Catalogue records using this Authority. BEWARE!
  2. Make the changes
  3. Click the F3 Update button when complete


Deletes a highlight tag (for this record only – does not affect other Catalogue records or any Authorities previously created).

  1. Highlight the Tag to be deleted and click the Delete button on the right-hand side of the screen – a prompt will appear with the following message: Delete Current tag. Are you sure?
  2. Click the Yes button
  3. The Tag will be deleted


Alternates between hiding/showing tags for this record.

  1. Click on the Hide button on the right-hand side of the screen to hide the Tags in the displayed record (Hide will then be replaced by Show)
  2. Click on the Show button on the right-hand side of the screen to show the Tags in the displayed record (Show will then be replaced by Hide)

Please Note: Show has to be selected to enable the Duplicate Button.

Movement of Tags

Arrows enable the Tags to be sorted. For example having the Main Subject Heading

1. Highlight the Tag to move and use the arrow keys to move the Tags up or down

Please Note: This sequencing possible within the record depends on what is set in the Main > Supervisor > Installation - Catalogue tab parameter line: Allow tags to be sequenced anywhere within a catalogue (Y/N) – see here for further details.

Catalogue Record Created / Last Edited Information

For newly created (and imported) Catalogue records it is now possible to tell which user created a record, and who it was last edited by. The top line shows when the record was last edited, and the bottom line remains the same, showing when the record was created. This information is not retrospective so that for all existing records, only the user, date and time for the last update will be shown.