Federated searching

Learn how to use Federated Searching in Amlib, which is the ability to search a combination of the local library, neighboring libraries, other libraries, databases, encyclopedias and websites in a single search as required.

Federated Searching is the ability to search a combination of the local library, neighboring libraries, other libraries, databases, encyclopedias and websites in a single search as required.

In Amlib, this possible by either ZSearch (Z39.50) or setting up e-files (for online articles and websites).

Z39.50 is an international information retrieval standard Application Service between computer systems.

Please Note: To access Z39.50 Servers it is necessary to be able to exit through the firewall for the port defined for the server. The default is usually port 210 but some Servers do use other ports (7990 being quite common)

Z39.50 Search

Searches can be done from Z39.50 client in Amlib:

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Catalogue > CatZSearch – the Z39.50 Search window will open
  3. Click the F5 Query button – the Query window will open
  4. Select the Group or Library from the Servers: drop-down listing. The search query allows you to search within several areas by selecting a Server Group from the available Servers: and selecting and combining multiple search terms at once

    Please Note: Server Groups can be set up to include different Library servers (including ALL). This is done from the Catalogue module – select Application > CatZGroups
  5. Select the search term by using the dropdown boxes in the Search Attributes section and type in the search terms – for example: ISBN, Title, Author, Subject or combination of these
  6. Click the OK button when complete
  7. A result list will then display:
  8. Highlight the required items
  9. Click the Import button – the following message will display: Do you wish to import by saving into a marc file and then via the Authority module marc take up option – if so select Yes or alternatively import now directly? (select No) If you import you will not get all the options available in the Authority method
  10. If you click the Yes button:
    1. The following message will appear: Records may now be imported via Authority Module they have been saved in File...
    2. Click the OK button – the Open window will display:
    3. Select the file and click the Open button
    4. Marc take-up will automatically commence - the Marc Import screen will open
    5. Complete import as per standard Marc Import
  11. If you click the No button:
    1. The Import window will open
    2. Enter details in the Tag Actions fields as required – you might like to saved a record of your imported records into a Saved File
    3. Click the OK button – the MARC records will be imported
    4. Once complete you will see the following message: All the selected records have been imported. Stockitems have been refreshed where appropriate
    5. Click the OK button 

The import is now complete.

Please Note: Schools can link to SCIS in this way. You will need to contact SCIS directly to get your IP address authorised and they will supply the details of the SCIS z39.50 details you will need to set them up as a Server to be accessed through Z39.50.

Z39.50 Searching: settings and parameters


Servers are the Libraries or databases you wish to search. F1New enables you to enter new databases to search.

  • Description = the description you will see in Amlib of the Library or database.
  • Display Seq = the order in which you wish the list to display (for example: 1, 2, 3 etc – the number here needs to be unique)
  • Host = the Internet Address of the Library or database. If this is not correct, you cannot be connected to perform a search.
  • Port = TCP/IP port - the most common port number for Z39.50 is 210
  • Server Type is generally Other unless it is an Amlib site
  • Database is the name of the database. This will also need to be supplied by the Library or database being searched.

Setting Up a New Server

Setting up a new ZServer – for example: Encyclopaedia Britannica

  1. Launch the Amlib client and open the Catalogue module
  2. From the menu, select Application > CatZServers – the Z39.50 Servers table will open
  3. Click the F1 New button – the Server window will open
  4. Enter the General tab details
  5. Select the Search tab and enter details
  6. Ensure that the Server contains Holdings Data parameter is set to No
  7. Select the Advanced tab and fill in the details
  8. Select the Attributes tab and fill in the details – tick the searches required
  9. Select the Groups tab and fill in the details - tick the Group Names required (new Group Names can be added via Application > Groups screen)
  10. Click the OK button to save the Server information
  11. Log off and then back into the Catalogue module – the new server will then be available
    • Host: z3950.eb.com
    • Port: 210
    • Server Type: Other
    • Database: XXDEFAULT
    • Server Contains Holding Data: NO (will not work if set to Yes)
    • Attributes: Title

(When searching you need to use Title search and not Subject)

Example Search

  1. Search for Global Warming brought matches in Encyclopaedia Britannica
  2. Double-click on the Title to bring up the Bibliographic Data
  3. Use the F7, F8, F9 and F10 keys to arrow through to the other notes found on Global Warming

Please Note: You can set up your own Local Library findings in combination with the others if you have purchased ZServer.

ZOpac allows the Public to search across Databases in the same way. For example, check out Armadale’s ZOpac at: http://library.armadale.wa.gov.au/zopacs/


You need to have a valid account to be able to connect via Z39.50


  1. Launch the Amlib client and open the Catalogue module
  2. From the menu, select Application > CatZOptions – the Z39.50 Options table will open
  3. Select the CatZSearch tab

There are four options that are currently in use:




A server is not working if it does respond in XXX seconds

Can be any amount of time you want to wait.


Alternate path to Z39.50 client

Is not currently used


Tag(s) to use when Displaying a Title

Can be as many Tags as you like.


Tag(s) to use when Displaying an Author

Can be as many Tags as you like.


Registration Key

Is not currently used


Display all records as (US)Marc or (UK)Marc

Display Marc records in US or UK version.



The Servers being searched can be grouped together so that parallel searches are performed across multiple databases

  1. Launch the Amlib client and open the Catalogue module
  2. From the menu, select Application > CatZGroups – the Z39.50 Server Groups table will open
  3. Click the F1 New button – the Groups table will open
  4. On the General tab, add in a Description and Display Seq
  5. Select the groups tab, and tick the Servers you wish to be in this Group
  6. Click the OK button when complete