Delete unused catalogues

Learn how to delete unused catalogues in Amlib.

This option will delete only those catalogues that have been saved to a particular File in the Catalogue Saved Query Results screen.

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Catalogue > CatMaintenance – the Catalog Maintenance screen will display:
  3. Create a Saved File of Unused Catalogue Records:
    1. Choose the Maintenance Task = Insert all Unused Catalogs into a Saved File
    2. Only consider catalogue records created before = insert date (defaults to 1 year ago)
    3. Click the Options… button– the Catalogue Saved Query Results screen will display:
    4. Highlight a File and click the F9 Select button (alternatively, click the F1 New button, enter a Description, click the F3 Save button and then the F9 Select button)
    5. Click the F3 Start button – the unused catalogue records will be inserted into the selected Saved File:
    6. Click the OK button when complete
  4. Delete the Unused Catalogue Records:
    1. Choose the Maintenance Task = Delete all Unused Catalogs that are in a Saved File
    2. Click the Options… button– the Catalogue Saved Query Results screen will display
    3. Highlight the relevant Saved File and click the F9 Select button
    4. Click the F3 Start button – a prompt with the following message will display: Are you sure you want to Mass Delete all the Catalogs that are not reference by a Stockitem, Order or Periodical AND that are in the selected File?
    5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion – the unused catalogue records will be deleted:
    6. Click the OK button when complete