Borrower picture import

Learn how to set up the Shared Image Directory, set up the Supervisor Parameters, and run the Borrower Picture Import in Amlib.

The Borrower Picture Import utility allows the library to bulk import patron photographs from a file, usually provided by the student photographer.

Some important factors to ensure a successful import are:

  1. Files may be either .jpg or .gif format only
  2. All individual student photo files should be located within a single folder (if the photos are separated out into year level folders, then the import will need to be run for each year level)
  3. Image files must be named using the following conventions only (this is required for matching purposes):
    • Surname followed Given Name –for example: smithsarah.jpg or smithsarah.gif (if a middle initial is required to correctly identify multiple patrons with the same name it must be in the format SurnameFirstnameInitial – for example: smithsarahj.jpg or smithsarahj.gif)
    • Patron barcode– for example: B37865.jpg or B9988.gif and these must match the exact BarCode found in the Amlib Borrower screen
    • Exact data found in either the Ref1 or Ref2 field of the Amlib Borrower screen – for example: R45787 or S37586

Set Up the Shared Image Directory

Ensure that there is a shared Image directory created on the Amlib server for the images to be saved into as part of the import process. For example: \\libraryserver\Images. The path will depend on the shared directory created but generally should be in the format of \\ServerName\Images.

Ensure that the Images directory exists in the relevant path and that this directory is able to be shared so that all computers on the network are able to see the pictures.

Setting up the Supervisor Parameters

  1. Go to Main > Supervisor > Installation – the Installation screen will display
  2. Click on the Other tab
  3. Scroll down to the setting Location’s Picture Directory and enter the directory file path:

    \\libraryserver\Images (being the file path determined above) – for example:


  4. Click the F3 Save button

    The parameter which sets the file types (gifs or jpgs) of the pictures is required next:
  5. Click on the Borrower tab
  6. Scroll down to the setting Borrower images to be kept in files enter (eg .jpg or .gif) and enter either .jpg or .gif depending on the type of files you are going to load

    Both of these settings must then be copied to all locations:
  7. From the menu, select Installation > Advanced Copy – the Advanced Parameter Copy screen will display:
  8. In the first box scroll to the setting Borrower images to be kept in files enter (eg .jpg or .gif) and tick this box and then scroll further down to Location’s Picture Directory and tick the box beside it (this selects both parameters for copying to the other locations)
  9. In the table below are the other locations: choose the Select All button next to this table to automatically tick all of the other locations
  10. At the top of the screen click the F6 Copy button – a prompt with the following message will display: The parameters have been copied.
  11. Click the OK button
  12. Click the Done button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
  13. Exit and restart the Amlib client for these settings to take effect

Running the Borrower Picture Import

  1. Navigate to Main > Borrowers > BorrowerPictureImport – the Borrower Picture Import screen will display
  2. This screen is broken up into 6 steps:
    1. (1) Source Directory of Pictures: select the Browse button and use the drop-down arrow to browse to where the image files are currently stored, whether this is on a drive, USB or CD-ROM – browse to the file folder, highlight any one file from the folder and click the Open button
    2. (2) Output Directories for Matched Pictures (se in Supervisor): have previously been set in the Supervisor module (see above), so no changes need to be made here:
    3. (3) Output directory for Non Matched Pictures: allows you to create a folder to save any photos that are not matched to patrons during the import process –Browse to a location where you would like to save these files, Make a New Folder if necessary and click the OK button when you have chosen a folder:
    4. (4) Match picture filename on: from the drop-down choose what you intend to match against – this is wholly dependent on how your images files are named – for example: Barcode, Name, or data in Ref1 or Ref2:
    5. (5) Saved file for matched borrowers: create a file into which saved all patrons that are matched with a photo can be saved – choose the Select button to bring up the Borrower Saved Query Results screen, highlight a list (or click F1 New, enter Details and click F3 Save) and then click the F9 Select button to insert that file into the Borrower Picture Import screen
    6. (6) When all of the necessary data has been entered, the F3 Start button will become bold
  3. Click the F3 Start button to begin the import
  4. When the import is complete – the a prompt will display indicating the number of Pictures matched – for example: Pictures matched = 11 of 11
  5. Click the OK button
  6. Close the Borrower Picture Import screen and search for a patron in the Borrower or Issues module to see the matched displayed image: