See and See Also references

Learn about See (Use) and Seen By (Use For) references in Amlib.

See (Use) References

Allows reference from the entered term (a non-preferred heading) to an alternative heading which is preferred. An Authority may only have one See reference.

It is possible to check the terms the Users have used when searching the NetOPACs. This is useful for deciding which terms will need creating as a non-preferred heading to then be able to SEE other authorized terms

For example

Symbols for Non-Preferred (Non-Allowed) Terms







Non-Allowed Headings have a See Reference (USE Reference) to direct the User to an Allowed heading, which is more appropriate

Fish farming

USE Aquaculture

For example: Australian History SEE Australia – History

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Authorities > Authorities – the Authorities screen will display:
  3. In the Search Term box, enter the non-preferred heading to which you wish to add See cross references (for example: Australian History) and click the F5 Query button
  4. Double-click on a selection in the Authority List (for example: Animals) – the selected Authority will display on the Authorities screen
  5. From the menu, select Authority > See & See Also – the See & See Also screen will display
  6. In the search box, enter the authority that you wish to set as the See reference (for example: Australia - History) and F5 Query button
  7. Highlight the term in the Browse List box that is to be the See cross reference and click the Add USE button – the Authorities - Add USE prompt will display:
  8. Click the Yes button
  9. Click the F3 Update button – an Authorities – Update prompt will display:
  10. Click the Yes button
  11. If a heading is no longer to be a See reference, highlight the term and click the F6 Restore button

Seen By (Use For)

Allows reference from a non-preferred heading to a preferred heading. This would be a one-way match – for example:

Adding a See reference automatically creates this – for example: since we added a See reference for Australian History to see Australia – History, if we search for Australia – History, the Seen By reference will point to Australian History:

Similarly, you can have Cookery: Seen By Cooking:

This means any attempt to search for Cooking in a Catalogue Enquiry will search for Cookery instead.

When searching for a commonly used term (for example: Cooking) the NetOPACs user will be given a result instead of a message that there are no items found for that term:

See and See Also References Across MARC Tags

It is also possible to set See and See Also references across different MARC tags. For instance, it is possible to set some cross references for countries that are topical headings or people – for example: Spain, see also Bullfighters, see also Queen Isabella 1.

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Authorities > Marc Tags – the Marc Tags Within the System screen will display:
  3. Locate the tag you wish to include in the cross referencing – for example: 650
  4. Add a comma (,) in the Allow Tag Xrefs with these comma sep list column and the next tag number, repeating for multiple tags – for example: to search through Subject – Topical Term, Subject - Personal Name, Subject – Geographic Term, the search phrase would be: 650,600,651
  5. Repeat for the reciprocal tags – for example: 600, 651:
  6. Click the F3 Update button when complete
  7. You are then able to select against a range of tags in the See & See Also screen as a result:
  8. It is also possible to manually search across tags, by entering additional tag numbers after the tag(s) displayed in the Includes box, separating them with a comma (;), at the bottom of the See & See Also screen: