MarcTag maintenance
From the Marc Tag Maintenance screen you are able to perform the following tasks:
- Mass Delete Unused Authorities
- Mass Merge Duplicate Shared Authorities
- Change a tag to an Authority/ Non- Authority
- Add a subfield to a tag (replaces existing) or leave blank to delete subfield
- Rebuild an Authority Key
- Rebuild the keywords for an Authority
- Rebuild the Keywords for a non Authority
- Rebuild all the Keywords
These options are available Main > Authorities > MarcTagMaintenance screen. Marc Tag Maintenance should generally be undertaken following the advice of Amlib Support, so if you are unsure of any options please contacts the Help Desk.
Mass Delete Unused Authorities
To mass delete Authorities that are not being reference by catalogue records select this option. Schools that import the SCIS Authority File should not perform this task, as they will want to keep the unused headings for future use.
- In Amlib go to Main > Authorities > MarcTagMaintenance
- Choose the Marc Tag Maintenance Task from Field 1 – Mass Delete All Unused Authorities
- Under field 2, use the Select Tags... button select the tag the maintenance task is to apply the deletion to. Some tasks allow multi selection of tags, whilst some will allow only one tag. Tick the tags you want to delete the unused authorities from and select OK
- Under field 3 select the Options... button to choose the deletion level from Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 then select OK (these are explained further below)
Mass Delete Unused Authorities – See options in more detail below
3 options that can be chosen. Level 1 will delete the least data, Level 3 the most data:
Level 1: Only Authorities that have never been used on your database will be deleted. Therefore subject headings that have been used as a See, See also, RT, NT etc. will not be deleted
Level 2: Will delete Authorities that are not attached to a Catalogue record but will retain Authorities where one of the references (NT, BT etc.) is attached to a Catalogue record
Level 3: Will delete any Authority that is not directly attached to a Catalogue record
See below in Table format “Mass Delete Unused Authorities”
NB: As schools import SCIS Authority headings, they may not wish to delete the Unused headings
- Press F3 Start to begin the task
- A confirmation message will be seen, select OK
Term |
Usage |
Level 1 Only Authorities that have never been used on your database will be deleted. Therefore subject headings that have been used as a See, See also, RT, NT etc. will not be deleted |
Level 2 Will delete Authorities that are not attached to a Catalogue record but will retain Authorities where one of the references (NT, BT etc.) is attached to a Catalogue record |
Level 3 Will delete any Authority that is not directly attached to a Catalogue record |
Cats |
0 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Cats NT Kittens |
0 |
N - (the heading is used by the system by having a cross reference) |
Y |
Y |
0 |
Cats NT Kittens |
0 |
N |
N -Neither term will be deleted (the Cats heading is being referenced by a catalogue record through the cross reference) |
Y - The Term Cats will be deleted. The Term Kittens will remain (the heading is being directly referenced by a catalogue record) |
1 |
Cats NT Kittens |
1 |
N |
N - Neither term will be deleted (the Kittens heading is being referenced by a catalogue record through the cross reference) |
Y - The Term Kittens will be deleted. Cats will remain (the heading is being directly referenced by a catalogue record) |
0 |
Cats NT Kittens |
1 |
N |
N |
N - (both headings are being directly referenced by a catalogue record) |
1 |
Cats |
1 |
N |
N |
N |
Mass Merge Duplicate Shared Authorities
This is a Mass merge process and the system automatically merges any duplicate shared Authority - for example Subject headings or Authors, without allowing the User to first view any duplicates. It will keep the fuller authority and merge the shorter version to the larger version.
- In Amlib go to Main > Authorities > MarcTagMaintenance
- Choose the Mass Merge Duplicate Shared Authorities Task from Field 1
Mass Merge Duplicate Shared Authorities
This merges authorities that have identical Search keys and merges them to one Authority without User Intervention
Please Note: This option should be used with caution as some Authors may have the same name but in fact are different Authors
John Smith (1866-
1924) and John Smith (1948 -) are different authors but they have the same Search string – these would be merged if this option is run
- Under Box 2 highlight the Marc Tag to which to apply the task then select OK. If merging Subject Headings, tick the Tag for the 650. You will need to redo the other tags if they are required e.g. 651
- Ignore Fields 3 and 4 as these are not required for this task
- Press F3 Start
- You will receive a notification, select OK
Change a Tag to be an Authority/Non Authority
This example uses the 490 tag but the process is the same for the 440 tag.
- Make sure you are logged out of the Catalogue module
- Navigate to Main > Authorities > Marc Tag Maintenance
- From Box 1 Choose Change a Tag to be Authority/Non Authority
- In Box 2 click Select Tags button
- Find the find 490 tag, highlight and click OK
- In Box 3 Click the Options button
- Select Combined Authority/Non Authority and change the Authority Column to N for Subfield v. Click OK
- Click F3 Start- this process will take some time
- You will receive a confirmation message, notifying of any merging of duplicates if these occurred. Select Yes
- Navigate to Main > Authorities > Marc Tags
- Highlight Tag 490, and press F7 SubF. Ensure Subfield v is set to N in the Authority column
- Go back into Catalogue and the procedure for adding and modifying Series will have altered- see instructions on adding a series when using split Authority
Add a Subfield to a Tag (Replaces Existing) or Leave Blank to Delete Subfield
Adding a Subfield
- In Amlib go to Main > Authorities > MarcTagMaintenance
- From box 1 select Add a subfield to a tag (replaces existing) or leave text blank to delete subfield
- Beside box 2 select the Select Tags button. Highlight the tag to which the change will apply i.e. 856 tag and select the OK button.
- Box 3 is optional and allows you to select a saved file of Authorities to apply the change to. Generally you will be applying a change to all occurrences of the tag within the database so this box may be ignored
- In Box 4 enter the subfield and text to be added as below, or to delete data from a subfield leave the text box blank. For additional information on deleting a subfield see below
- Press F3 Start to perform the addition of the Subfield data. Once the processing is complete you will see a notification of how many subfields have been added or deleted in the database.
Deleting a Subfield
It is also possible to remove a Subfield from a nominated Authority Tag. For example, remove the Statement of Responsibility data from the 245 Tag (Subfield c). Nominate the Tag and Subfield as shown above in steps 3-5 but leave the text box blank. If no data is added, the existing subfield will be deleted when you select F3 Start.
You will see this warning message, and then select Yes to delete all instances to the 245c tag from the database.
You may the need to complete the following tasks covered in separate instruction guides:
- Rebuild the Marc Display within the Catalogue (Catalogue Maintenance- Rebuild the Marc Display) for those tags that have changed
- Refresh Stockitem Display (Stockitem Autolink) if any Stockitem Line Displays are affected
Rebuild an Authority Key
If an authority parameter is altered, the authorities already on the system will not be altered to the new parameter. By running this option, the authorities will be refreshed according to the new parameters. If you are not sure that the Rebuild Authority Key needs to be run, check with Amlib Support. This example uses the situation where we have removed the associated dates from being used in the search key in Marc Tag Subfields) and need to refresh the Authors.
Note: This function MUST only be completed when all users are off the system, including NetOPACs as rebuilds can take a long time to complete.
You can see an example of the current Authority Key by going to Main > Supervisor > Authorities and searching for an authority. The Authority key appears below:
To Rebuild the Authority Key:
- In Amlib go to Main > Authorities > MarcTagMaintenance
- From Box 1 select Rebuild an Authority Key
- From Box 2 click the Select Tags button, highlight the tag you wish to rebuild and select OK.
Note that more than one tag can be selected here
- In Box 3 select the Options button
- Two options are presented here- Refresh the Catalogue Display and Refresh the Stockitem Display. Generally both options should be selected, then press OK
- Select F3 Start and a message will display once the process is complete
My example Authority after the rebuild:
Rebuild the Keywords for an Authority
Rebuilding the keywords for an Authority is for a retrospective rebuild if in the subfields for any tag for the column “Create keyword “has been changed at all.
An example of when this would need to be run is when an existing Tag is changed in regard to keyword code e.g. Series Code changed from T to Z Keyword codes. Another example is if a 245 k subfield is given an N for Create Keywords.