MARC take up
MARC take-up (including SCIS) - Bibliographic Data
Accessing the Data for the Download
- Launch the Amlib client
- Go to Main > Authorities > MarcTakeUp (alternatively use Ctrl + M) – the Marc Import screen will display:
- Click the F1 Open button to display the Open dialogue box
- Locate the file to be processed by using the Look in: drop-down box – for example: if the file is on the C: drive, the Look in: box may say Local Disk (C:)
- Once the file name has been located, use your mouse to select it and click on the Open button
There are two processing options: Bibliographic Data or Authority Data – this guide covers the import of Bibliographic Data.
Bibliographic Data
This option is to load records which are Bibliographic Data in machine readable format which can be imported into Catalogue, Authorities and Stockitem (where appropriate) applications of Amlib.
- The Marc Import – Open screen will display:
Note: If the Import file (Bibliographic or Authority) contains more than 9999 records, it is recommended that Open and Update is selected (ticked) so that all records can be loaded into the database. This eliminates the need to load in sections. The maximum records that can be viewed in the Holding file is 9999 records.
Marc Options
Bibliographic Data
Bibliographic data to be created for the Catalogue.
Data from external source (for example: SCIS, SL of WA, Kinetica, etc. with USMARC Tags)
Authority Data
Authority data for creation or updating of Authority Headings and/or cross references.
See and See Also Update from SCIS or other source
Update the database without viewing the Marc records
Open and Update
If checked (ticked), the imported items will not display in the Holding file.
The Catalogue will be
Updated immediately
If unchecked (unticked), the imported items will display in the Holding file.
Review records
The Catalogue record will not be updated until the F3 Update button is selected
Load Range
All records from the file are downloaded into a holding file.
Selected records from the file are downloaded into a holding file. If Range is selected, the next 2 fields have to be updated.
For example: 1 to 50
- Complete the options using the above table:
- Marc Options = Bibliographic Data
- Open and Update = ticked, unless you want to review each individual MARC record
- Load Range = All (unless the file sizes are quite large)
- Click on the OK button
Bibliographic Options
- The Bibliographic Options screen will display:
Explanation of options are below:HEADING
Marc Details
We think the file
The data type is displayed
Standard format
Total Bibliographic
The number of Bibliographic records
will display
Total Authority
The number of Authority headings
records (this will only
with See/See Also references will
display if the import
is for Authority
- Select the appropriate Each bibliographic record contains setting:
Each Bibliographic record contains:
Catalogue data only
The system will determine the contents of the import file. If only Catalogue data exists in the file, this will be the Default option.
Full Catalogue & Stockitem data
The system will determine the contents of the import file. If both Catalogue and Stockitem data exists in the file, this will be the Default option.
Please Note: This item can be selected to create “Dummy” Stockitems even though only Catalogue data exists in the Import file.
Brief Catalogue and Order data
The system will determine the contents of the import file. If only brief Catalogue data and Order data exists in the file, this will be the default option.
AOL Data
When displaying
All tags in the file
All tags from the Import file will
If Tag: 650v is not used
the records
display in the Holding file for viewing.
in Amlib it WILL still
However, tags not defined in Amlib
display in the Holding
will not load into the Amlib Catalogue
unless the Marc tag is defined.
Only tags defined in
Only tags used in Amlib will display in
If Tag: 650v is not used
the Holding file.
in Amlib it will NOT
display in the Holding
- If the Marc Details are set to import Full Catalogue & Stockitem data, the Item Default and Item Prices sections will also display:
Item Defaults
Please specify default values for each item in the fields below
The default values set in the Main > Supervisor > Installation > Stockitem tab will display if defined.
If these fields are not yet defined, codes which will apply to the items can be entered. Rules for automatic entries of Form and Stats codes depending on the Tags that are imported, and be set in Cat Defs in the Stockitem Form and Stats codes.
If during the Import, Cat definitions cannot be created, each Stockitem will have a default Form of BK (for example)
Lib Group
Stats Code
Floor Loc (optional)
Process (optional)
Item Prices
Minimum price of an item
If the item price in the Import file is less than the price set here, enter the Minimum price
The Import price is $8.00 but the Minimum price set here is $10.00, the price in the Stockitem will be $10.00
Appreciate items by
Items can be appreciated by a percentage – for example: GST of 10%
Depreciate old stockitems
Items to be depreciated will be dependent on the table set in Stockitem > Application > Stats Group
Use average prices if no price
Items will be given an average price, set in Stockitem > Application > Stats Group. If no price is entered in the Import File
- Click the OK button once you have completed modifying your settings
Note: Form and Stats Code defaults from the Main > Supervisor > Installation > Stockitem tab display automatically in the fields. If there are no defaults entered, the field will be blank. Location displays as the Login Location. Entry of these fields is optional. As the import of data is processed, the Stockitems will be given the default values if there are no catalogue definitions for the Form or Stats codes of the items. Form and Stats Code Cat definitions are found in Main > StockItems > StockitemForms or StockitemStatsCodes table for the particular code.
Reviewing Records to be Imported (Optional)
It is possible for the importer to review (and edit) the MARC data being imported.
- If the importer has decided to review the records being imported (see Bibliographic Data step above), the Marc Import screen will display:
- If you do wish to edit the data (prior to import), use the editing buttons on the right to change or delete the individual tags
Note: Editing of the data prior to import is not essential. Changes can be made after the data has been imported into the Catalogue. Remember that not all the tags will necessarily be Imported, so if editing is considered necessary, change only the tags you know will be imported!
- Use the F7, F8, F9 and F10 buttons to move between records
- Once the data has been reviewed, click the F3 Update button Find
It is possible to use the find function to locate any matching text, tag number or specific Subfield in the Holding File data being displayed. For example: use this facility to check all Author entries or Subject headings. - From the main menu, select Window > Find – the MarcImport - Find screen will display:
- Type in the Tag, Subfield or String to find and click the Find Next button
- It will then find any matching data in the record currently being displayed:
- When the data has been checked, click the F3 Update button to include these items in the database
Catalogue Update Options
- The Update Options screen will then display, allowing you to select the Cat(alogue) and (Stock)Item Options:
- Cat Options: When an incoming Catalogue is match with an existing Catalogue
- Item Options: When an existing Catalogue is replaced all existing items
Cat Options
When an incoming Catalogue is matched with an existing Catalogue:
Display an IGNORE/REPLACE message
A message will display at each match occurs. At each match, the operator will get a choice to create a new catalog, replace the existing or to keep the existing details.
Keep the existing Record ie NO UPDATE
No Update occurs for the Catalogue
Add Authorities but Replace Non-Authorities
Does not replace existing Authorities but adds new Authorities to the record. However, it replaces any Non Authority data from the Import
Replace the existing Catalogue ENTIRELY
All tags from the Import are used, overwriting any existing data
Replace all tags EXCEPT:
Don’t delete the following tags from the existing catalogue eg.
This will vary according to the setting in Main > Supervisor >
Installation > Catalogue tab:
- MARCImport Replace: don’t delete these tags from the existing cat
- MARCImport Replace: don’t import these tags from the existing cat
Adds non-identical tags when importing all but specified Tags. Existing data in the specified Tags remains unchanged
Don’t import the following tags from the incoming catalogue eg.
Adds non-identical tags when importing. Does NOT import the new data in the specified Tags. Existing data in the specified Tags remains unchanged
Item Options
When an existing Catalogue is replaced, all existing Stockitems:
Keep their current display
No existing Stockitems are refreshed – they remain the same
Are refreshed from the Catalogue
All existing Stockitems are replaced by the new Catalogue details
Are refreshed except lines: eg. 1,5,6
Enter the line numbers to be retained – for example: 6 (Line 6, which is usually Call Number). Line numbers correspond to the 6 lines of Stockitem display (for example: Line 1 is usually Title, Line 2 Author etc.)
Please choose the location to use when matching an order
Only order items where location is the same as the current Amlib location will be candidates for replacement
Stockitems on the file may replace any order item on the database
Only create stockitems
The import of data will result in no Catalogue records being created. Only Stockitems will be created.
Create Catalogue records as well as Stockitems
- Enter the options you would like, then click the OK button – the Saved Files screen will display:
- Type the names of the files into which all the newly created Catalogues, Authorities and/or Stockitems will be saved (if you do not want to check new items – for example: Authorities, do not enter a filename)
- Click the OK button
HINT: These files assist in finding the newly created Catalogues, Authorities and/or Stockitems after the import. The Filenames are created so that you can identify the file later. A suggested Filename could be the type of data – for example: SCIS or EXCHANGE, the date and the initials of the staff member processing the data. - If confirmation of duplicate items has been requested in the parameters, a Catalogue Match screen will display every time a duplicate item is found:
- Are the above two records the same? Click the Yes, No or Replace button
The catalogue entry that exists on the database will remain as displayed in the top box. A new Stockitem would need to be added if appropriate. The imported record will not be included in the New File created for Catalogue or Authorities
A new catalogue will be created with the data from the Imported data being used for the new catalogue record. The imported record will be included in the New File created for Catalogues or Authorities
The existing catalogue entry will remain but the data will be replaced with the data from the imported recorded. The imported record will not be included in the New File created for Catalogue but there may be some additions to the Authorities file
- An Update prompt will display, indicating the progress of the import:
- When the update is finished an Update prompt will display, showing the number of records Updated: Record Numbers X to X have been Updated.
- Click the OK button
- You will be able to view the log by selecting the F6 Log button
F6 Marc Log
This log lists any errors that were experienced in the process of importing the file and also what action was taken with certain items. Most of the errors that display in the log are caused by the tag numbers not being defined on the Amlib database. This may be because we did not wish to use them in the Catalogue data but were present in the data file.