Load MARC records with 001 Tags- WA Public Libraries

Learn how to load MARC records with 001 tags in Amlib for W.A. public libraries.

When W.A. Public Library sites load Catalogue Records from sources other than State Library, sometimes the items become Orders.

This only occurs when the record to Import contains a 001 Tag.

This is due to the Marc Item Definitions > Import Orders being set to 001 (to load Western Australian State Library Order (Web Select) records. The 001 Tag normally contains the AOL Order Number for Web Select records.

A similar alteration has to be made when loading Weblinks as their records also contain a 001 Tag

 Note: After changing the setting you need to Log Out of the Authorities Module (Ctrl L) and then log back into the Authorities Module, prior to the Data Load to refresh the changed parameters.


  1. Go to Authority > Application > MarcItemDefs
  2. Click on Import Orders. Set the AOL Number (Mandatory) Tag No to 955 (this will need to be set back to 001 for AOL Order record imports after the CatZ load).
  3. Select F3 Update

     Note: Step 2 is very important. If not done, the Items imported will end up as Orders due to the Catalogue record also having a 001 Tag

  4. Log out of Authorities using Ctrl L
  5. Log into Authorities and Import your CatZ records with this setting as described in Marc Item Definitions.
  6. Return to Authorities > Application > MarcItemDefs. Click the Import Orders Button to be set to 001 as the AOL Tag No so that Orders from State Library will be correct. Press F3 Update.
  7. Log out of Authorities using Ctrl L