Export item records with availability

Learn how to export the stockitem availability in Amlib.

During the Marc Export process, it is now possible to export the Stockitem availability (e.g. if the item is on loan or available).

Set up the Marc Tag

  1. Go to Main > Authorities > Marc Tags
  2. Highlight the 945 tag and select F7 SubF button
  3. Select F1 New and enter a new subfield for the availability. This example uses “f” but this may depend on what you are exporting the records for. Enter the availability subfield as below if it is not already set up
  4. Select F3 Update and exit the window

Set up the MarcItemDefs

  1. Go to Main > Authorities > Authorities
  2. Select Application > MarcItemDefs
  3. Click on the Export Items tab
  4. In our example we have set the availability to be exported in the “f” subfield of the 945 tag. Against the line Circ status for an item enter
    • Tag number– for example 945
    • Subfield – for example f
    • Starting position
    • Length 0
  5. F3 Update then log out of Amlib and back in

Export Records

  1. Export your records in the usual way, as per the Marc Export instructions
  2. Marc records that have been exported will include the availability subfield