We had an unsuccessful patron load and would like to know what happened.

Applies to

When you send us a patron load, once the patron load file has been ingested, a report of the file is placed in your FileX site in this file path /xfer/wms/reports. 

Any exceptions (patron records that were not loaded into your system for some reason) are sent in an Exception File Report - the Exception report details what is wrong with the rejected patron records.

You can check if a file has been ingested and loaded on your FileX site. We automatically ingest the file every 15 minutes and usually publish the reports in 2-3 hours.

Contact OCLC Support if after 3 hours you do not have an Exception File Report in your FileX site.  Support will need to know the symbol for your institution, the time and date of your attempt, and the file name of the patron load you are reporting.

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