Connexion and FirstSearch

Find the format/document type values and codes for Connexion and FirstSearch when searching WorldCat indexes.


These values are identifying the primary type based on if it is an Internet resource or, if not, what type it is based on the Leader/06 or Leader/07 values. The search option is used when performing a command-line search in Connexion. In FirstSearch, they can be selected as limits in the Advanced Search screen or entered as an expert search. Limit a search by Format type by either:

Format/Document Type values and codes for Connexion and FirstSearch

Here is how the table is organized:

Code Name Indexed values
Record type and bib level

 Other criteria
Standard Slash qualifier Leader/06 Leader/07
art /art Article a, t a    
bks /bks


Also search by text

a, t c, d, m    
com /com

Computer file

Also search by elr

cnr /cnr

Continuing resource

 Note: In FirstSearch, this is only available as an expert search.

[any] s, b, i    
int /int Integrating Resource [any] i    
ser /ser Serial [any] s, b    

Internet resource

Currently, the books format also retrieves Internet resources

a, c, d, i, j, m, p, t   008/23= q, s, or o
  • If 856 is present, the 2nd indicator must be zero or blank. If it is blank, it also needs the 008 to indicate electronic or online resource (the 008 column data).
  • 008 not needed for URLs with a blank 2nd indicator for records with the Leader/06 as "m".
e, f, g, k, o, r   008/29= q, s, or o
map /map Map e, f      
mix /mix Mixed materials p      
sco /sco

Musical score

Also search by mus

c, d      
rec /rec Sound recordings i, j      
vis /vis Visual material g, k, o, r