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OCLC Support

Holding Library Group

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Holding Library Group word (zu:) index.

This index is used to search for items with the holding library group symbol.

Word (zu:)


Label zu:
Search? Yes
Browse? ---
Examples To find Strunk and White's Elements of Style held by a group — nd:stru,elem and zu:x@yz
Fields/Subfields Holdings information
Qualifier index? Yes
  • Retrieves bibliographic records for titles held by any institution that belongs to a specified group.
  • Follow index label and colon (:) with an OCLC group symbol.
  • Include all letters, numbers, and special characters that are part of the symbol.
  • Use mainly to limit searches.
  • Connexion client - This index is not included in the client drop-down list for guided searches. You must enter as part of a full syntax search in the command line.

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label ---
Search? ---
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields ---
Qualifier index? ---
Notes ---


Label zu:
Search? Yes
Browse? ---
Examples ti:elements of style AND zu:UKDW
Fields/Subfields Holdings information
Qualifier index? Yes
  • Retrieves bibliographic records for titles held by any institution that belongs to a specified group.
  • Follow index label and colon (:) with an OCLC group symbol.
  • Include all letters, numbers, and special characters that are part of the symbol.
  • Use mainly to limit searches.

WorldCat Discovery

Label ---
Search? ---
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields ---
Qualifier index? ---
Notes ---

Label ---
Search? ---
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields ---
Qualifier index? ---
Notes ---