Course overview
This course provides instruction on how to set up institution information and use the staff features in WorldCat Discovery. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to administer the management of staff accounts, user support and feedback, the configuration of search boxes and alternative subject headings, and other staff-maintained search features.
Note: This learner guide is designed to accompany the WorldCat Discovery staff configuration course.
If you attended the WorldCat Discovery staff configuration course or listened to the recording, please complete our brief evaluation. Your feedback is very important! Thank you!
Updating the WorldCat Registry
Edit the Institution Name
Edit the name of your institution, including branches, by signing into the WorldCat registry with the registry ID.
- Enter the Registry ID into the Select an Institution drop-down list.
- If updating the Institution Name for a branch, enter the Branch Registry ID.
- For information on signing into Service Configuration, see Signing In.
- Navigate to the Name and Location screen.
- Update the Institution Name.
- Select OK.
- Once you have edited the Institution Name, update the Display Name in the Holding Codes & Shelving Location Messages module.
Caution: After you have completed the above, contact OCLC Support to update internal information regarding this Institution Name.
For information on signing into Service Configuration, see Signing In.
Add an address
- Click Add Address. The Add New Address screen will appear.
Note: You may also add a new address by using the Copy function. See Copy an address, below.
- Complete the fields on the screen. If accepted, a confirmation message will appear. If not, an error message will appear.
- Select an address type from the drop-down list.
- Type information in the fields provided and select locations from the drop-down lists.
Note: After selecting a State or Province, the Country is automatically selected.
- Entering latitude and longitude will enable advanced features like a Map and auto-detection of your time zone. For further information, see: Map and Open Hours.
- Click OK to save or Cancel to start over. The address appears under Addresses.
For additional information on editing and deleting addresses, see Name and Location
IP Addresses
To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the IP Addresses left navigation, select Manage IP Addresses.
Use this screen to manage IP address ranges and attributes for OCLC products and services to authenticate users within the designated range.
- and WorldCat Discovery use the IP address module to determine when to show fulfillment options to users within an institution's IP network.
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan institutions using third-party discovery systems use IP authentication to access the WorldShare ILL request form via OpenURL Resolver.
Add an IP address
- Click Add. A pop-up window will appear.
- Type an IP address range.
- Click OK. The IP address range appears in the list.
Note: The IP address is not added until you add attributes and Save. See IP Address Range Attributes, below
Add IP addresses in bulk
- Click Bulk Entry. The Bulk Entry button changes to Selection List.
- Click Selection List. The list of IP Address Ranges is highlighted.
- Cut and paste a list of IP address ranges from Microsoft® Word or Excel.
- Click Done.
User Support
To receive library user feedback and/or broken link reports, enable the following settings and provide an email address.
- Enable the Receive "send feedback" emails setting.
- Enter an email address to receive feedback from library users.
- Provide the following information relating to your privacy policy:
- Customized privacy policy heading
- Optional. To include translated display text:
- Click Add Translations. The text is expanded to display additional fields.
- Select a Language from the drop-down list and enter Custom Text in the text field.
- Optional. Click Add Translations to add additional translations.
- Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.
- Customized privacy policy
- We recommend a summary of your privacy policy with a link to view your entire policy. 500-character limit.
- Optional. To include translated display text:
- Click Add Translations. The text is expanded to display additional fields.
- Select a Language from the drop-down list and enter Custom Text in the text field.
- Optional. Click Add Translations to add additional translations.
- Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.
- Customized privacy policy link display text
- Optional. To include translated display text:
- Click Add Translations. The text is expanded to display additional fields.
- Select a Language from the drop-down list and enter Custom Text in the text field.
- Optional. Click Add Translations to add additional translations.
- Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.
- Customized privacy policy link URL Only properly formatted URLs will be accepted.
- Click Save Changes.
- Enable the Receive broken link reports from WorldCat Discovery setting.
- Enter an Email address to receive broken link reports.
- Provide a Customized broken link report confirmation message.
- This message displays to users when they submit a broken link, whether or not feedback is requested. If no message is entered, the system will supply a default message. Limit 1000 characters.
- Optional. To include translated display text:
- Click Add Translations. The text is expanded to display additional fields.
- Select a Language from the drop-down list and enter Custom Text in the text field.
- Optional. Click Add Translations to add additional translations.
- Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.
- Click Save Changes.
See Full-text link display in WorldCat Discovery for more information.
Staff features and accounts
Library staff has the option to Sign In to the WorldCat Discovery interface in order to benefit from the staff features that are not visible to patrons. The staff view of WorldCat Discovery includes the:
OCLC number in the brief record shown in search results
Option to display the MARC record
Ability to create and place ILL requests for patrons directly in the Discovery interface using the Staff ILL Request button.
- Click the Staff ILL Request button from the item record detail to view the item record from within the WorldShare ILL or Tipasa interface. View holdings for the item and click Create Request to populate the request form with the bibliographic information of the item.
- For additional information about processing requests in WorldShare ILL, please see Process requests.
- For additional information about processing requests in Tipasa, please see Process requests.
- Available to libraries with access to WorldShare Interlibrary Loan or Tipasa. Staff members will need the WorldShare ILL Admin or WorldShare ILL User roles. See Interlibrary Loan roles for more information.
Create users
Create accounts for your users. Required fields may vary, depending on the services your library subscribes to. Additionally, if you are using a third-party authentication system, you will not see the Identity Management section.
Follow the account naming conventions used by your institution when creating user names. If you are creating accounts for your staff members, make sure you tell them their user name soon after you create the account. They will need their user name to create a password.
Note: Need help? Contact OCLC Order services. If your library does NOT have a WorldCat Discovery URL, please see the information on the Ordering page.
For more information on creating accounts, see Create users in the WorldShare Admin Online Help.
To manage accounts in WorldShare, see User Management.
Create a user account
From the Admin section:
- On the left navigation, under User Management, click New User.
- On the Basic User Data panel, OCLC recommends filling in the following fields:
- First Name: Highly recommended
- Address, Phone Number, or Email Address: Email is highly recommended.
- User Name (or Barcode): Required. If you cannot edit or do not see the User Name field, type in the Barcode field
Some libraries have additional required fields (those with Circulation functionality and others):
- Home Branch: Required for some. Select the user's preferred branch from the list
- Patron Type: Required for some. Select the patron type from the list
- Click Create.
- On the confirmation window, click OK. The user/patron account appears.
Assign roles to a user account
- In the user account, expand the Roles accordion.
- Within the Roles accordion, click Edit (on the far right).
- Select the appropriate roles.
- Select WC Discovery Admin for staff that will need to be able to administer staff accounts. Otherwise, select WorldCat Discovery Staff.
- For more information on the actions users can perform with additional individual roles, see Roles
- All accounts must have the Everyone role assigned. The Everyone role is included automatically and should not be removed
- Click Save.
Prompt your staff member to set a password
- For the account you just created, perform one of the following actions so your staff member can create a password:
- Click Set/reset in the Identity Management section if available, or
- Direct your staff to:
- Go to your library's WorldShare URL. Replace yourlibrary with your library's identifier:
- Click Set/reset password on the Sign In screen.
- Either action will send a system-generated message to the email address in the account. Please note:
- Your staff member must follow the link in the system-generated email within 24 hours to set a password. They should check their junk folder if they do not see the email within a few minutes
- If the link expires, you can perform either of the above steps to prompt your staff member again
Note: Send your staff member their user name. Your staff member needs this information to create a password.
Search box generator
To access the Search Box Generator, navigate to the WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local module of the OCLC Service Configuration.
The Search Box Generator enables libraries to construct and customize advanced WorldCat Discovery search boxes. The output of the Search Box Generator is an HTML snippet that can be embedded on your homepage or LibGuides.
Note: OCLC Support does not troubleshoot customized HTML code for search boxes.
For detailed instructions, see Search Box Generator
Local subject re-mapping
Create a spreadsheet to define local re-mapping for subject headings using a universal template provided by WorldCat Discovery. Use the template to replace the existing local subject heading with an updated locally defined subject heading. Upload this template to the OCLC Service Configuration to surface the local inclusive subject heading in your library's WorldCat Discovery interface.
Note: Uploading this file does not modify local bibliographic data or the WorldCat record itself; it changes the way subjects display in the user interface for your institution only. With the first phase of this project, the inclusive subject will display on the first term it matches on. An additional release will expand the functionality to allow replacement on all relevant subject matches.
Access the Local subject re-mapping template
Access the Local subject re-mapping template.
- Prior to accessing the template, you must have a Google account. Refer to Create a Google account for more information.
- The Local subject re-mapping template can be edited by anyone with a Google account. It is advised to download the template to your computer to retain changes.
Download and edit the Local subject re-mapping template
After accessing the template:
- Adding to the universal template allows for it to be a collaborative document where libraries can benefit from the re-mapping solutions being defined globally. Add your local subject re-mappings to the universal template, being careful not to delete any previous work.
- Download the template.
- Navigate to File > Download > Tab Separated Values (.tsv). The template is exported to your system as a tab-separated values sheet and able to be edited locally.
Note: You can export the template as a tab-separated values file (.tsv), however, it may be easier to edit the spreadsheet as an excel document prior to saving it in the proper .tsv format for uploading.
- Open the file and populate the sheet to meet your subject heading needs. Refer to the Subject mapping column definitions for more information and for required fields.
- Save the modified file as a tab-separated values (.tsv) file.
Subject mapping column definitions
Find the definitions for the subject re-mapping configuration file. An asterisk (*) after the field name denotes a required field that will be checked by the system upon upload into service configuration.
Note: Define subject heading mappings that apply across all subject authorities or define mappings for specific thesauri or subject heading schemes by entering them in the 6xx field, 6xx 2nd indicator, and/or 6xx $2 value. This can be done individually or in combination.
Column |
Definition |
Region |
The standard country code as described in Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49)..
Symbol |
The institution's unique OCLC symbol.
6xx field |
The subject access field for the sensitive subject heading.
6xx 2nd Indicator |
The thesaurus a subject term originates from.
6xx 2 value |
The source of the subject heading or term.
- Only required when the second indicator has a value of 7.
Category |
The category of the group of terminology that reflects the same value. The category name can be defined by the institution and does not need to come from any officially controlled vocabulary.
Category allows libraries to quickly find work relevant to their user population and relevant to their metadata work. It also helps to categorize the work they are doing to reduce harm in the subject description.
Subject Heading* |
The sensitive subject heading to be replaced.
Alternative Heading* |
The locally defined, inclusive subject heading your library wishes to display.
- Multiple local replacement alternative headings can be defined for individual Subject Headings.
- A subject a library has chosen to replace can match multiple entries in the same local re-mapping file. Each Alternative Heading has its own entry line for the Subject Heading being replaced.
- When the system matches on multiple local subject replacements in the re-mapping file, all matches will display in the interface for library users.
Use wildcards to define where subjects are replaced
Leverage wildcards to define rules about where locally preferred, inclusive subjects can display. Where the subject can be replaced is denoted using an asterisk (*).
Asterisk (*) location |
Result |
Subject Being Replaced* |
An inclusive subject can replace a subject for display if it occurs at the beginning of a string. |
*Subject Being Replaced |
An inclusive subject can replace a subject for display if it occurs at the end of a string. |
*Subject Being Replaced* |
An inclusive subject can replace a subject for display in the middle of a string. |
Note: For libraries using Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, a subject heading needs to be encased by two asterisks to allow for sub-string replacements like so: **Subject Being Replaced**
Upload the Local subject re-mapping template to the OCLC Service Configuration
Refer to Alternate Subject Headings.
Caution: The file type must be a tab-separated values (.tsv) file or the upload will not work. The row limit on the spreadsheet is 2,000 rows. We encourage using wildcards, where possible, in order to maximize the number of subject headings that can be changed.
- Navigate to the OCLC Service Configuration.
- From the left navigation, select the WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local module.
- Select Search Settings and navigate to the Alternate Subject Headings section.
- Toggle on the Display alternative subject headings in search results and item details setting.
- Select the Browse button to find and select your tab-separated values file for upload.
- Determine whether to configure a custom message for library users. Users will see this language if they click on a locally defined subject replacement, warning them that the original subject will be displayed when the search is run.
Note: Once uploaded, the Local subject re-mapping file cannot be downloaded from the OCLC Service Configuration. Retain a local copy for future use.
Run time: 6:15
This video demonstrates how to locally re-map subject headings to display more inclusive language in the WorldCat Discovery interface, as well as how to define local search expansions to ensure the most relevant results are returned for users.
Test your knowledge
- WorldCat Discovery Staff accounts are able to see...
- Staff ILL buttons
- MARC views
- OCLC Numbers
- All of the above
- Broken link reports include...
- The work's author
- The item's database
- The work's publication date
- Locally re-mapped subject headings permanently replace existing subject headings
- True
- False
- Answer key
- d
- b
- b
Supplemental information
We look forward to seeing you in the next class!