Link Resolver

Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for Link Resolver and see a description of the available Link Resolver reports.

Link Resolver Reports

The Link Resolver is included with License Manager and WorldCat Local subscriptions. Reports offer monthly stats on Referrer, ISSN, Service Type, Title, Provider, Collection, and reports for Outbound/Inbound activity.


Report Description
Outbound Journal Report 1 (COUNTER format) Displays Journal Title, EISSN, monthly totals for outbound Journals.
Inbound Journal Report 1 (COUNTER format) Displays Journal Title, EISSN, monthly totals for inbound Journals.
Full Text Activity Summary by Service Type Monthly report displays Service Type and count for a given month.
Full Text Activity Summary by Referrer Monthly report displays Referrer Link and count for a given month.
Search Activity Summary by Title Monthly report displays Title, ISBN/ISSN, and count for a given month.
Full Text Activity Summary by Provider/Collection  Monthly report displays Provider, Collection, and count for a given month.