Why is the option to turn on WorldCat knowledge base links in WorldCat Discovery greyed out in Collection Manager Institution Settings?

Applies to

If the option to turn on WorldCat knowledge base links in WorldCat Discovery is greyed out in WMS>Metadata>Collection Manager>Institution Settings>WorldCat Discovery it is because links from the Knowledge Base have not been turned on in the Service Config.

Please make sure that the box to display links for WorldCat knowledge base links in the WorldCat Local section (near the bottom of the page) is selected in the Service Configuration>WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local>Full Text and Open Access Links>WorldCat Local Detailed Record Page.  This will allow you to select the option to display WorldCat knowledge base links in WorldCat Discovery in the Institution Settings of Collection Manager.

Additional information

For more information, please see Full Text and Open Access Links.

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