When an item is recalled, the due date is automatically updated and a notification is sent to the patron who borrowed the item. Library staff are able to recall items by default, in accordance with their library's loan policy.
The recall button is configured in OCLC Service Configuration. The recall button appears to customers only when there are no items available to check out. To enable recalls, see Place Hold/Request Buttons. Once enabled, the recall button displays in the item detail of the record.
If you have configured a Place Hold to display on items that are checked out AND have also enabled Recall, the Recall option will display next to the Place Hold. When Recall is enabled, it will display as a stand-alone fulfillment option and is not considered in best access options logic.
Patrons can recall:
The patron can select a pick up location from the I want to pick up at drop-down list. An error message will appear if a recall is not allowed on the selected copy.
In the patron account, the item will appear: