WorldCat Discovery release notes, 26 June 2024


Release Date: 26 June 2024


For libraries using WorldShare License Manager, this release of WorldCat Discovery provides the following enhancement:

Recommended actions

For this release, we recommend that you review the following checklists and complete the relevant tasks so that you can adjust your policies and workflows and train your staff. These checklists identify updates that we have determined as significant for most institutions.

Administrative actions

These items require immediate action or decisions.


Review the WorldShare License Manager Release Notes - June, 2024 including recommended administrative actions.  Suppose you are currently displaying License Manager terms of use in Discovery. In that case, these notes guide you to re-apply your terms of use template and, during this process, instruct the system to remove (delete) the existing notes in Collection Manager.

New features and enhancements

View licenses and terms of use for individual titles

With this release, when users of WMS libraries view ‘Notes & License Terms’ for electronic resources in WorldCat Discovery, they can now see usage terms that apply to individual electronic titles displayed directly from your title level licenses in WorldShare License Manager.

This enhancement builds upon the feature added to WorldShare License Manager in 2023 that enables you to link licenses to WorldCat knowledge base titles. Previously you could only apply licenses to whole collections.  Because license terms may not apply to every title in a collection, for example only some titles may be accessed remotely, WorldCat Discovery users could see inaccurate public-facing terms of use applied erroneously to some titles. This may discourage users who believe a title is not accessible when it is or frustrate users who believe a title to be accessible when it is not.

Now you can show more accurate, title-level terms of use to your users directly from your WorldShare License Manager licenses.  Also, you will no longer need to create custom collections in Collection Manager for titles whose terms differ from those of the collection in which they are included. 

WorldCat Discovery will now also display collection level license terms of use directly from WorldShare License Manager for resources associated with a collection level license while continuing to display Collection public notes from WorldShare Collection Manager. WorldCat Discovery will also continue to display title level (Title, Coverage, Location) public notes from WorldShare Collection Manager. To avoid potentially displaying terms of use twice in WorldCat Discovery, both directly from WorldShare License Manager and from those previously mapped to Collection public notes in WorldShare Collection Manager, please refer to the recommended administrative actions in the WorldShare License Manager Release Notes - June, 2024. These provide guidance on removing existing notes in Collection Manager.

All appropriate notes and terms (collection and title level) for a resource will be displayed when users click ‘Notes & License Terms’ in the following locations:

  • Search results
    • Individual record tile - opens “Notes & License Terms” modal
    • Alternative Links drawer
  • Item detail
    • Access Options panel - opens “Notes & License Terms” modal
    • Alternative Links drawer
    • Access Online section


Notes&LTerms modal annotated4.png

Important links

Product website

More product information can be found here.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at:

If you have additional questions, please contact OCLC Customer Service by calling 1-800-848-5800 or 1-614-793-8682 Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. ET, or email For support enquiries in the UK and Ireland, please contact the Support Desk by calling +44-(0)114-281 60 42 or emailing Support is available between the hours of 09:00 and 17:30 (UK Time).

Include Request ID with problem reports

When reporting an issue with WorldCat Discovery, it is extremely helpful to include the Request ID. The Request ID is found at the bottom of the screen on which the issue occurred. Including this information allows us to directly trace what happened on the request we are troubleshooting.

Request ID screen.jpg