Work with search results in WorldCat Find

Discover how to sort, filter, and limit your search results in WorldCat Find.

Sort search results

From the search results screen.

  1. Tap Sort and filter from the search results screen.
  2. From the Sort and filter dialog, tap Sort by to open the Sort dialog. By default, your search results are sorted by location.
  3. Select a different sort option from the drop-down list to determine how your search results are sorted. See Sort by for more information on the available sort options.
  4. Tap Done > Apply filters.

Filter search results with facets

To filter your results:

  1. Tap Sort and filter from the search results screen.
  2. Select a facet category. Available categories include:
    • Format - For the Format filter, all subfilters are automatically selected when you select a filter. You can deselect a subfilter by tapping it. 
    • Author/Creator
    • Publication Year
    • Language
  3. Select the check box next to the filter(s) you want to apply in the category. Tap Done to return to the Sort and filter dialog. The filter(s) you selected will now appear beneath the category you selected.
  4. (Optional) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional facet categories.
  5. Tap Apply filters to apply all selections to your search results.

 Note: All filters are applied to your search using AND and OR logic (e.g., selecting Article updates your search to [original search query] AND (Article OR Downloadable Article), as the Article filter has a Downloadable Article subfilter.).

Remove facets

To remove a selected facet:

  • From the Sort and filter dialog, tap a facet category and then tap a selected check box to deselect a filter.
  • From the Sort and filter dialog, tap a facet category and then tap Clear All to remove filter(s) for the selected category.
  • Tap Sort and filter > Reset to remove all selected filters.

Limit search results to open access content only

Open access (OA) content is freely and openly accessible online to everyone, without restrictions, login, or payment.

To limit your search results to open access content only:

  1. Tap Sort and filter from the search results screen.
  2. Tap the View open content only toggle switch to select it.
  3. Tap Apply filters.

To remove this limit, tap Sort and filter and then tap the View open content only toggle switch to deselect it.