Bath Profile compliance checklist

Find information about bath profile compliance for Z39.50 access in FirstSearch.
  Bath Profile requirement OCLC FirstSearch compliance Comments
General Profile Requirements
1. Z39.50 version 2 or version 3 standard support yes The OCLC FirstSearch server is version 3 compliant.
2. Type 1 query support yes  
3. Bib 1 attribute support yes  
Functional Area A—Bibliographic Search and Retrieval
  General Requirements
4. Record syntax support


yes The OCLC FirstSearch server supports SUTRS for all databases. XML support is available for WorldCat only.
5. "Any" (use=1016) search contains author, title, and subject access points yes  
6. Named result set support yes  
7. Boolean operators AND/OR/NOT yes  
8. Processing of all six attributes as sent yes  
  Level 0 Searches
9. Author Search—Precision Match for Established Name Heading
10. Title Search—Keyword (5.A.0.2) yes  
11. Subject Search—Keyword (5.A.0.3) yes  
12. Any Search—Keyword (5.A.0.4) yes  
  Level 1 General Requirements
13. Truncation yes The OCLC FirstSearch server supports the following truncation attributes: 1, 100, 101, and 104.
14. Scan service support yes  
15. Character set and language negotiation no Character set provided is UTF-8
  Level 1 Searches
16. Author Search—Precision Match for Established Name Heading (5.A.1.1) yes  
17. Author Search—Keyword (5.A.1.2) yes  
18. Author Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.A.1.3) yes  
19. Author Search—Exact Match (5.A.1.4) yes  
20. Title Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.A.1.5) yes  
21. Title Search—Exact Match (5.A.1.6) yes  
22. Title Search—First Words in Field (5.A.1.7) yes  
23. Title Search—First Characters in Field (5.A.1.8) yes  
24. Subject Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.A.1.9) yes  
25. Subject Search—Exact Match (5.A.1.10)     yes  
26. Subject Search—First Words in Field (5.A.1.11) yes  
27. Subject Search—First Characters in Field (5.A.1.12) yes  
28. Any Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.A.1.13) yes  
29. Standard Identifier Search (5.A.1.14) yes  
30. Date of Publication Search (5.A.1.15) yes  
  Level 1 Scans
31. Author—Exact Match (5.A.1SCAN.1) yes  
32. Title—Exact Match (5.A.1SCAN.2) yes  
33. Title—Keyword (5.A.1SCAN.3) yes  
34. Subject—Exact Match (5.A.1SCAN.4) yes  
35. Subject—Keyword (5.A.1SCAN.5) yes  
36. Any—Keyword (5.A.1SCAN.6) yes  
Functional Area B—Bibliographic Holdings Search and Retrieval
  Level 0
37. Holdings embedded in bibliographic records yes  
Functional Area C—Cross-Domain Search and Retrieval
  Level 0
38. Record syntax support

yes The OCLC FirstSearch server supports SUTRS for all databases. XML support is available for WorldCat only.
39. Creator Search—Keyword (5.C.0.1) yes  
40. Title Search—Keyword (5.C.0.2) yes  
41. Subject Search—Keyword (5.C.0.3) yes  
42. Any Search—Keyword (5.C.0.4) yes  
  Level 1
43. Record syntax support

SUTRS or XML (using Dublin Core Simple DTD)
yes The OCLC FirstSearch server supports SUTRS for all databases. XML support is available for WorldCat only.
44. Creator Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.C.1.1) yes  
45. Title Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.C.1.2) yes  
46. Title Search—Unanchored Phrase (5.C.1.3) no Proximity searching can be used.
47. Subject Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.C.1.4) yes  
48. Subject Search—Unanchored Phrase (5.C.1.5) no Proximity searching can be used.
49. Any Search—Keyword with Right Truncation (5.C.1.6) yes  
50. Any Search—Unanchored Phrase (5.C.1.7) no Proximity searching can be used.
51. Standard Identifier Search (5.C.1.8) yes  
52. Date of Publication Search (5.C.1.9) yes  

Contact Information: For technical support, comments, or questions about Z39.50 access to the OCLC FirstSearch service, contact OCLC Support.