About WorldCat Admin

Find information about how to use WorldCat Admin to customize your FirstSearch service.

This guide is a planning tool

By describing the features and options of the WorldCat Services Administrative Module, this guide helps you plan your customization of the FirstSearch service. Use this guide to note your decisions before you enter your choices in the module.

Online help contains how-to information

This guide does not describe how to enter your choices in the administrative module. If you need assistance while entering your choices, click the Help button, located at the top and bottom of each screen. Or type a search word or words in the Search box at the top of the screen, then click Search Help.

Address of the administrative module

The WorldCat Services Administrative Module is available at https://firstsearch.oclc.org/admin.

 Note: Use only lowercase letters in the admin part of the address.

Getting started with the administrative module

The Customize FirstSearch section of Manage FirstSearch also contains important information about getting started with the administrative module.

General information about the administrative module

The following articles provide general information about the administrative module:

Information about features for customizing FirstSearch

The following articles describe the features of the administrative module: