The Detailed Record screen
The Detailed Record screen displays the full content of a record from the List of Records screen. The control panel beneath the on-screen tips displays the name of the database searched, the search phrase, and the unique number assigned to this record in the current results list. The record number indicates the record's relative position in the results list; this number can change based on your selected sort or rank order.
Within the record your search term or terms are highlighted. You can change this feature by selecting Options in the Navigation menu.
The control panel beneath the on-screen tips displays the name of the database searched, the search phrase used and the unique number assigned to this record in the current results list. The record number indicates the record's relative position in the results list; this number can change based on your selected sort or rank order.
External Resources. These links have been selected by your library staff and implemented by your library's FirstSearch administrator. Consult your reference, public services, or other appropriate staff for additional information.
Contribute content. Using the Add/View Comments tab, you can add your own notes, review, or table of contents to a resource via OCLC's Open WorldCat.
Request the item through interlibrary loan
This feature is available only if an item can be requested through interlibrary loan.
- Select the ILL button (
) to go to the Interlibrary Loan Request screen.
- Select the Direct Request button (
) to go to the Patron Direct Request screen.
Fill in the request form to obtain the item through interlibrary loan.
Access related information
These links provide more information about this work and its author.
Note: Not all links are available for all works.
To... | do this... |
Find items that share properties (such as title, author, publisher, language, subjects) with this item | Select the Advanced options ... link in the Advanced options ... heading. |
Find other works by this same author | Select the linked author name under the Author(s) heading. |
Find works about this title | Select the linked title under the Find Items About heading. |
Find additional works about the person or persons who are the subject of this work. | Select the linked name under the Named Person heading. |
Find works about this author | Select the linked author name under the Named Person heading. |
Find works with the same subject heading | Select any linked term under the Descriptor heading to search for other works cataloged with the same subject heading. Note: This feature is not available for all records. |
Classification number | Select the linked author name under the Named Person heading. |
Page through each detailed record in your results list
Select to scroll to the previous detailed record or
to scroll to the next detailed record in the results list. These icons are always available at the top and bottom of the Detailed Record screen. Between the two icons, an input box displays the record number. To jump to another detailed record on the list, type the record number in this box, then press <ENTER> to move to that specific brief record.
Mark the record for later actions
Select the checkbox at the top of the record to mark the record. After marking records, select the Marked Records link in the Navigation menu to go to the Marked Records screen. Here you can view, e-mail, or save to disk all the records you have marked.
Use the Table of Contents, More Info., or Excerpt tab
One or more of these tabs is displayed with each detailed record. For more information, click the Help button () at on the tab screen.
- Table of Contents. Select this tab to display an online table of contents.
- More Info. Select this tab to display a summary of the work.
- Excerpt. Select this tab to display a brief excerpt from the work.
See a list of libraries that own the item
Select the Libraries button () or the Libraries worldwide that own item link (listed under the Availability heading) to go to the Libraries that Own Item screen. Note: This feature is available only if library holdings information is available for the specified record.
Library staff can help you view holdings on a regional or state level, or for area library groups.