Document delivery 1:46 pm - 3:09 pm Wednesday, February 26, 2025 | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) WEBVTT 1 Rick Newell 00:16:10.340 --> 00:16:30.780 So again, welcome everyone. My name is Rick Newell. I'm a senior product trainer at OCLC. Now today's session is about document delivery and Tipasa. I just want to check one more time and be sure that everybody can see and hear. If you are seeing a slide with my picture and the title of today's session, and if you are hearing my voice, you can click one of those feedback icons at the bottom of the screen. 2 Rick Newell 00:16:33.380 --> 00:16:35.780 If you're not, you can send a message in chat. 3 Rick Newell 00:16:42.340 --> 00:17:00.020 I'm not seeing any messages. I'll assume that everybody can see in here unless you tell me differently. So by the end of today's session, you should be able to set up the document delivery and functionality in Tipasa by configuring automations, patrong request work forms, and notifications. And then. 4 Rick Newell 00:17:00.900 --> 00:17:19.980 You should be able to fulfill requests from your patrons and it's your patrons rather than another library, for physical or electronic resources that your library holds or licenses or for open access resources. You should also be able to change the fulfillment type between document delivery and ILL. 5 Rick Newell 00:17:22.660 --> 00:17:41.100 So what do we mean by document delivery in the context of Tipasa? Well, that means fulfilling a request for a mere patrons with items from year collection. So there's not another library involved. And your collection could include physical items if you have your holding set in Worldcap. 6 Rick Newell 00:17:41.220 --> 00:18:01.620 For a physical item, then Tipasa has the ability to route that request to your document delivery queue rather than your new for review queue. So your paper may not realize when they're requesting what they think is an ILL that your library actually owns that material. Your collection could also include copies from. 7 Rick Newell 00:18:01.780 --> 00:18:10.020 From print journals in your library holds, so if you provide a service where you will make copies or scans, more likely. 8 Rick Newell 00:18:11.660 --> 00:18:18.380 For your patrons, you can do that through the document delivery functionality inTipasa. So for example, if you. 9 Rick Newell 00:18:19.900 --> 00:18:23.860 Do that service for distance education students or for faculty members. 10 Rick Newell 00:18:25.620 --> 00:18:45.780 Your collection could also include links to resources that your library has registered in the worldcap knowledge base or any other knowledge base for that matter. So those would be electronic resources primarily. It could also include an open access links and links to other electronic resources that your library has available. Now for those last three, of course. 11 Rick Newell 00:18:45.980 --> 00:19:02.300 The Patron could find those on their own. They don't need to submit a request, but staff members at the library usually better at, at searching and finding things in the patrons are. So a document delivery gives you an easy way to provide those links to patronts without having to send a separate email. 12 Rick Newell 00:19:06.340 --> 00:19:12.500 So as I mentioned, one reason you might want to consider using the document delivery functions in Tipasa is. 13 Rick Newell 00:19:14.780 --> 00:19:18.540 If you allow patrons to request copies from journals housing your print collection. 14 Rick Newell 00:19:24.460 --> 00:19:34.900 Another reason is if you will fill book or returnable request for items that you hold and ship them to distanced education students or other remote patrons or deliver them to faculty offices. 15 Rick Newell 00:19:41.900 --> 00:19:57.660 So if you enable the document delivery queue, that queue will display only when you have some requests in that queue. So once you've processed all the requests in that queue you'll no longer see it. But you can access that queue either from the left navigation or from the quick links in the middle of the screen. 16 Rick Newell 00:20:00.780 --> 00:20:08.460 So what I would like to do next is show you, how to, how to set this up. Before I do that, I want to. 17 Rick Newell 00:20:11.020 --> 00:20:12.940 Go to my web browser and I want to. 18 Rick Newell 00:20:14.260 --> 00:20:14.900 Point out that. 19 Rick Newell 00:20:17.620 --> 00:20:26.660 If you go to the need help menu and Tipasa, and then go to resource sharing, and then Tipasa. 20 Rick Newell 00:20:33.460 --> 00:20:36.820 And then if you scroll way down to the training page. 21 Rick Newell 00:20:41.140 --> 00:20:42.260 I'm going to scroll down to. 22 Rick Newell 00:20:44.460 --> 00:20:45.940 The bottom for document delivery. 23 Rick Newell 00:20:48.140 --> 00:21:07.540 And the reason I wanted to show you this is that this is where you came to register for today's session, but the slides that I'm showing you and also on the learner guide is available here and you may or may not want to print this, but the learner guide, has all the steps that I'm going to be showing you to configure document delivery and to process. 24 Rick Newell 00:21:07.980 --> 00:21:23.540 Document delivery requests, so you don't need to take notes unless you want to. So, how do you set this up? Well, I'm already logged into Tipasa and I need to go to service configuration, so under other I'm going to click service configuration. 25 Rick Newell 00:21:32.020 --> 00:21:34.660 And normally you don't need to log in, but because. 26 Rick Newell 00:21:36.780 --> 00:21:38.260 I timed out I need to log in again. 27 Rick Newell 00:21:46.460 --> 00:21:53.500 And then I'm going to go to world share ILL in the left navigation, and then I'm going to go to advanced Workflows. 28 Rick Newell 00:21:56.660 --> 00:22:15.500 And then I'm going to scroll down to document delivery. So in order to use the document delivery functionality, you need to check this box that says on and then of course got down to the bottom of the screen and click save. However, that's not enough to, really configure document delivery. In order. 29 Rick Newell 00:22:16.180 --> 00:22:36.220 To poss it to automatically route applicable requests to your document delivery queue, you need to have an automation and probably a lot of you already have automations and you can get to the automation screen either by clicking this link here under document delivery or you can click automated request manager over on the left navigation. They both go to the same. 30 Rick Newell 00:22:41.100 --> 00:22:44.620 So, I want to show you a couple of things. 31 Rick Newell 00:22:48.780 --> 00:22:50.980 So you'll notice that many of our. 32 Rick Newell 00:22:54.260 --> 00:22:58.660 Our, automations have an exception. So let's I'm going to. 33 Rick Newell 00:23:05.820 --> 00:23:10.380 I'm going to modify this audio visual automation, so I'm going to click edit. 34 Rick Newell 00:23:12.260 --> 00:23:16.020 And so what this will do is if the. 35 Rick Newell 00:23:19.940 --> 00:23:34.620 If the automation matches these formats, it will send the request to lenders if at least one lender in my designated custom holdings path holds the item, and it also applies a constant data. But you you may want to consider adding to most of your. 36 Rick Newell 00:23:37.180 --> 00:23:56.220 To most of your automations, the existing ones if held by my institution route to document delivery, and then of course save. So I hope that you already have some automations configured because they can save you a lot of time and make your, your ILL operation a lot more efficient. 37 Rick Newell 00:23:57.020 --> 00:24:00.300 However, even if you don't have any other automations, you might want to consider. 38 Rick Newell 00:24:03.060 --> 00:24:22.500 Setting up some automations list for document delivery, and I have two examples to show you. One of them I've called a doc Dell FGS and you'll notice the patront statuses that applies to our faculty grad student and staff. And let's edit that to look at it. So, what it says is if it matches one of these three patron. 39 Rick Newell 00:24:23.860 --> 00:24:33.300 I want to send the request to lenders, but if it's held by my institution route to document delivery. So that, that is the crucial thing that that. 40 Rick Newell 00:24:34.820 --> 00:24:44.060 That enables deposit to send the request to your document delivery key. And then I wanted to look at one other one that is related to document delivery and that is the. 41 Rick Newell 00:24:45.620 --> 00:24:52.260 One that I called doc Dell U, and you'll notice that it applies to the patrong status undergrad student. 42 Rick Newell 00:24:54.260 --> 00:24:55.180 So in this one. 43 Rick Newell 00:24:57.420 --> 00:24:59.980 What I said was route the request to review. 44 Rick Newell 00:25:01.700 --> 00:25:15.660 And build a lender string, but don't send it to lenders because I want to look at it first and apply constant data and rather than sending it directly to the document delivery queue, I'm saying if held on institution route to review. 45 Rick Newell 00:25:20.900 --> 00:25:30.500 So another words, what I'm saying is that undergrads are not eligible for the document delivery service, that may or may not be the kind of automation that you think that you want to configure. 46 Rick Newell 00:25:37.380 --> 00:25:40.700 So what questions do you have about the automations related to document delivery. 47 Rick Newell 00:25:47.820 --> 00:25:59.140 There are a couple of other configuration steps that are related that you may already have set up, and one of them is under, request forms. 48 Rick Newell 00:26:03.260 --> 00:26:11.300 And this applies to your book request form and your article request form and any other request forms really. 49 Rick Newell 00:26:13.540 --> 00:26:13.580 So. 50 Rick Newell 00:26:15.300 --> 00:26:24.140 In your book request form, by default, feels such as ISPN and OCLC number are included. You want to be sure not to delete those. 51 Rick Newell 00:26:26.660 --> 00:26:36.020 The OCLC number ISBN and ISSN for article requests are what to pass the users to, to determine that your library has holdings on an item. 52 Rick Newell 00:26:40.380 --> 00:26:40.700 I'm. 53 Rick Newell 00:26:42.180 --> 00:26:45.420 And it looks like in this one we don't have the OCLC number. 54 Rick Newell 00:26:47.220 --> 00:26:48.740 Field. So I'm going to go ahead and add that. 55 Rick Newell 00:26:51.740 --> 00:27:01.220 And in this case I'm going to make it editable but not required. So if the Patron is searching a database such as worldcat discovery, that means that. 56 Rick Newell 00:27:02.940 --> 00:27:17.540 It will automatically populate that, but I don't want to make it required because if the patron is filling out a blank form, they probably don't know the OCLC number, but making it editable allows them to type one in if they know it. 57 Rick Newell 00:27:20.780 --> 00:27:24.740 Another thing that is specific to, document delivery is that. 58 Rick Newell 00:27:27.460 --> 00:27:41.580 You may want to consider adding address fields if you're going to be shipping, and this applies to especially to the the book request form. If you're going to be shipping materials to patrons, probably you have their address and their patron record, but. 59 Rick Newell 00:27:43.060 --> 00:27:49.020 Maybe that's, that's not the address they want the item to shipped to. So you can add fields to display such as. 60 Rick Newell 00:27:54.700 --> 00:27:58.020 Other related address fields such as city. 61 Rick Newell 00:28:03.300 --> 00:28:03.980 And country. 62 Rick Newell 00:28:05.340 --> 00:28:14.860 And stay, and you need the the country in order for it to pass it to display the leappropriate list of, of states. Now we need to select. 63 Rick Newell 00:28:16.220 --> 00:28:16.780 A country first. 64 Rick Newell 00:28:23.260 --> 00:28:32.420 And again, that's what allows to pass it to display the list of sites. So those are some changes you may want to consider to your, your Patron. 65 Rick Newell 00:28:34.140 --> 00:28:34.620 Work forms. 66 Rick Newell 00:28:39.020 --> 00:28:40.220 And the same idea for. 67 Rick Newell 00:28:43.140 --> 00:29:02.180 The article request form, you probably don't need a physical mailing address since you're going to be transmitting articles electronically, but notice that this work from does have ISSN, ISPN and OCLC number fields. And again, those are fields that Tipasa uses to determine your library's hol. 68 Rick Newell 00:29:10.220 --> 00:29:29.540 So as I mentioned, the same work forms are used for ILL and document delivery. So when a Patron is requesting something, they don't know, and probably don't care, whether the request is going to be fulfilled by something that you obtained from another library or something that is from your own collection. 69 Rick Newell 00:29:30.380 --> 00:29:34.900 So that is true for the request work forms. However, for notifications. 70 Rick Newell 00:29:38.140 --> 00:29:57.060 There is a separate set of notifications for document delivery. So chances are you already have configured your borrowing library to patron notifications. So, you probably have a notification configured for article available and article exchange, knowledge base link available, open. 71 Rick Newell 00:29:57.220 --> 00:30:05.260 Open access link available or a loan available for pickup. However, if you use document delivery, you will also want to consider. 72 Rick Newell 00:30:06.900 --> 00:30:21.020 Those same or similar notifications for a document delivery. And they work much the same way. So you can most of them you can send either automated or manual, automated means that. 73 Rick Newell 00:30:23.260 --> 00:30:26.060 They are triggered by an event that happens in. 74 Rick Newell 00:30:27.340 --> 00:30:30.460 Toposa such as marking a request complete if it's a loan item. 75 Rick Newell 00:30:33.460 --> 00:30:52.260 Manual means that you open the request and you click an email button to send the email to the Patron. Keep in mind that you also can configure up to fifty custom notifications, so if there are situations where you want to have an email template for notifications and one of the existing ones doesn'. 76 Rick Newell 00:30:52.500 --> 00:30:56.180 Doesn't meet your needs, you can configure up to fifty custom notifications. 77 Rick Newell 00:31:08.940 --> 00:31:28.740 One thing I want to point out about the load available for pickup, you may want to consider making that just manual, and you may want to do that if, for example, for distance education students or maybe grad students or faculty, you will, you will deliver it to them, but for undergrads. 78 Rick Newell 00:31:28.860 --> 00:31:43.300 You make them come to the library and pick it up, you might want to enable us for manual rather than automated and then either modify that each time as needed or use custom notifications instead. 79 Rick Newell 00:31:46.140 --> 00:31:47.540 So let's do a little bit of review. 80 Rick Newell 00:31:51.140 --> 00:31:51.900 If you go to the. 81 Rick Newell 00:31:54.060 --> 00:32:14.140 Automations and you don't see the option to route it to document delivery, if held by your institution, that probably means that you have not yet turned document delivery on. So you need to turn document delivery on first and then once you do that, that four, fourth option for if held by my institution route to document deliver. 82 Rick Newell 00:32:14.380 --> 00:32:15.180 Will, will become available. 83 Rick Newell 00:32:20.700 --> 00:32:39.700 And as I mentioned to automatically route to the document delivery queue, the patrong request must contain an ISPN ISSN or OCLC number. If the request doesn't have any of these will route to new for review, and you can change your fulfillment type from ILL, which would be new for review, to document delivery. 84 Rick Newell 00:32:39.860 --> 00:32:44.020 Or the other direction as well. And a little bit later in this session I'll show you how to do that. 85 Rick Newell 00:32:46.860 --> 00:32:49.980 What questions do you have about configuring document delivery. 86 Rick Newell 00:33:05.420 --> 00:33:18.380 Okay well what I would like to do next is show you how to process the day to day request that you might receive. So I'm going to go to my document delivery key. 87 Rick Newell 00:33:22.020 --> 00:33:40.580 I'm going to open that from the quick links in the middle of the screen. I could instead go to the left navigation. Notice that I have ten copies. I don't happen to have any loans, but if I did, they would display there, and I have several of the that are already in process, six of them are retrieving, three of them are. 88 Rick Newell 00:33:40.780 --> 00:33:46.100 Are scanning and two are verifying. I'm going to open the new copies and I'm going to. 89 Rick Newell 00:33:48.020 --> 00:33:50.860 Look at this request for a performance improvement quarterly. 90 Rick Newell 00:33:58.860 --> 00:34:11.060 And notice that it says that I have local holdings, but because I have this in three different branches, Pasa doesn't know which one I want to use to fulfill it. So. 91 Rick Newell 00:34:13.300 --> 00:34:31.060 Actually this is all in the same branch, but it's different volumes. So, if I look at the request, I can see this is for volume forty five, which is the year two thousand six. So I'm going to view local holdings and this is the one that I want to use, so I'm going to click apply. 92 Rick Newell 00:34:33.100 --> 00:34:34.379 And that's going to populate the. 93 Rick Newell 00:34:35.860 --> 00:34:56.020 The local ID field with the location and call number, and it also is going to tell me the availability status, and, the next step that I'm going to show you is optional, but you may find it useful. You may know that as a lending library, you can use advanced landing workflows. 94 Rick Newell 00:34:56.220 --> 00:34:59.100 Which are retrieving scanning and packaging. 95 Rick Newell 00:35:00.940 --> 00:35:21.060 You can also use those if you already have those turned on or if you decide to turn them on, and document delivery because in document delivery, you are in a sense acting as both the borrowing library because they're your patrons and the lending library because you're supplying the materials from your collection. So it's not, not really another library, it's it's. 96 Rick Newell 00:35:21.260 --> 00:35:26.580 Your library. But that's all a long way of saying what I'm going to do is mark this as retrieving. 97 Rick Newell 00:35:32.660 --> 00:35:52.460 Let me I need to save first, actually I'm gonna do one other thing first. I'm going to add this to the request print queue, and the reason I'm doing that is so that I can use that that request printed as a poll slip to retrieve the item from the stacks, and then I'm going to save, and now I'm going to mark as. 98 Rick Newell 00:35:53.220 --> 00:35:53.740 Retrieving. 99 Rick Newell 00:35:56.380 --> 00:35:59.580 And then I'm going to look at one more request. 100 Rick Newell 00:36:01.820 --> 00:36:04.460 This is one that's for foot and ankle International. 101 Rick Newell 00:36:06.620 --> 00:36:11.900 I also have several volumes for this. So again, I'll look at the request. 102 Rick Newell 00:36:14.180 --> 00:36:16.620 And the issue date is twenty nineteen volume forty. 103 Rick Newell 00:36:20.860 --> 00:36:26.300 Same thing there. I'll choose the one I want to use. I'll add it to the request print queue. 104 Rick Newell 00:36:28.300 --> 00:36:47.820 Save, then mark as retrieving. So if you have student workers that are going to be retrieving and scanning these items, that, helps manage your workflow. If there's just one person, you're going to be doing everything, then, there isn't really any reason to use the retrieving and. 105 Rick Newell 00:36:50.380 --> 00:36:54.620 And scanning queues. But let me show you the print queue. 106 Rick Newell 00:36:58.180 --> 00:37:01.580 So what I'm going to, look at is the request. 107 Rick Newell 00:37:03.460 --> 00:37:22.380 And so here are the requests that I added to the, the print queue actually I don't want that one. I just these first two. And you can print either one or two prepaid and I'll print two per page. So they would look something like this, and notice that it has. 108 Rick Newell 00:37:23.300 --> 00:37:39.620 The local ID field with the location and call number and it has the rest of the bible graphic information about the article. It also has a request ID in the form of a barcode. So you can again use this as a pull slip to retrieve the item from the stacks, and you can also. 109 Rick Newell 00:37:41.420 --> 00:37:41.780 When you. 110 Rick Newell 00:37:44.860 --> 00:37:50.420 When you have retrieved it, what you can do is go to the document delivery retrieving queue. 111 Rick Newell 00:37:52.180 --> 00:38:12.180 And if you want to update, update these to scanning, let's say another student worker is going to be doing that step, you can update these to scanning, and then you can scan that, that barcode to update the request. The other way that you can do it if you don't happen to have the printout is you can just use this plus sign. 112 Rick Newell 00:38:13.220 --> 00:38:15.180 And move these to the, the scanning queue. 113 Rick Newell 00:38:16.900 --> 00:38:24.060 Because these are copy requests, you don't need shipping labels or bookstraps or stickers. So that moves those to the scanning queue. 114 Rick Newell 00:38:25.740 --> 00:38:30.620 And then whoever is going to be doing this could open that scanning queue. 115 Rick Newell 00:38:33.820 --> 00:38:43.340 And once they have scanned the article and saved it on their computer, the next step would be to click OCLC article exchange, find where they have saved that on their computer. 116 Rick Newell 00:38:56.180 --> 00:39:01.540 And then I click open and then click drop file, and that is what adds the. 117 Rick Newell 00:39:03.540 --> 00:39:23.580 The article to the the request. If you work on lending it all this process may look very familiar to you. It's the same process. However, rather than responding yes, what you do for document delivery is you mark as complete, and when you do that, assuming you have a notification config. 118 Rick Newell 00:39:24.340 --> 00:39:31.060 That will send a notification to the patron that this item is available, it will also make it available to the Patron in my account. 119 Rick Newell 00:39:37.140 --> 00:39:38.980 And let's do that for this one as well. 120 Rick Newell 00:39:41.940 --> 00:39:44.660 So I'm going to click article Exchange. 121 Rick Newell 00:39:53.180 --> 00:40:03.980 Drop file, and you can preview if you're not sure if you attach the the right article or, whether all the pages are included. Normally you don't need to do that though. You can just mark as complete. 122 Rick Newell 00:40:05.980 --> 00:40:10.380 So that's what you would do for a request for a journal article. 123 Rick Newell 00:40:11.740 --> 00:40:16.620 That you're going to scan from your print collection. What questions do you have about that. 124 Rick Newell 00:40:25.140 --> 00:40:31.180 Remember you can send any questions you might have in chat or if you have a microphone, you can unmute your microphone and ask verbally. 125 Rick Newell 00:40:36.700 --> 00:40:40.340 Situation that you may encounter in document delivery is that. 126 Rick Newell 00:40:42.340 --> 00:40:49.580 The request is for something that's in a, a database or an e journal or an ebook that your library has licensed and you have this. 127 Rick Newell 00:40:51.620 --> 00:40:56.300 You configured in the Worldcat knowledge base, and I'm going to show you a slide. 128 Rick Newell 00:40:58.820 --> 00:41:17.980 Because this is a, a training library, not a real library I didn't really have access to all of these, these databases, but this is an example of what it would look like. Notice that under libraries holdings information, this library has, this, this journal available and all these different collections, education source. 129 Rick Newell 00:41:19.700 --> 00:41:27.820 Abscope, communication source, ProQuest, and so on. So, the library can choose which collection they want to use to fulfill this request. 130 Rick Newell 00:41:30.780 --> 00:41:36.980 So in the example I'm going to show you, I'm going to go back to my document delivery copies queue. 131 Rick Newell 00:41:38.740 --> 00:41:53.460 And I'm going to look at this journal of accounting research and that information doesn't doesn't display in this case because again this is a not a real library, but so I'm going to pretend that. 132 Rick Newell 00:41:56.740 --> 00:42:00.860 I already have found that information, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to. 133 Rick Newell 00:42:03.020 --> 00:42:19.700 Change the URL type to KB link, and the reason is that with article exchange, the patron is, at least for US libraries is limited to five views or thirty days. If they don't access it during that time. 134 Rick Newell 00:42:21.620 --> 00:42:41.940 It will no longer be available to them. And that's for copyright reasons. For the libraries outside the United States, obviously you have different copyright laws, so you may choose to have that configured differently in service configuration. But with KB link, there's no time restriction or number of accesses restriction. 135 Rick Newell 00:42:43.100 --> 00:42:53.140 But the Patron does need to be authenticated. However, your library does authentication. So I'm going to change that to KB link, and then I'm going to paste in the the URL. 136 Rick Newell 00:42:59.380 --> 00:43:00.900 And then I'm going to click Save. 137 Rick Newell 00:43:08.900 --> 00:43:11.700 And then the last step is going to be Mark as complete. 138 Rick Newell 00:43:23.140 --> 00:43:24.300 So what questions do you have about. 139 Rick Newell 00:43:25.900 --> 00:43:28.140 Fulfilling your request with a knowledge base link. 140 Rick Newell 00:43:36.540 --> 00:43:54.900 So this is what I was, I was mentioning earlier that in theory Patrons could have found this on their own by searching your libraries discovery layer or catalog or wherever you have wherever you make these available, but they did not find it and so they submitted what they may have thought was an ILL. 141 Rick Newell 00:43:57.020 --> 00:43:57.340 Providing that. 142 Rick Newell 00:43:59.660 --> 00:44:19.140 Through Tipasa gives you a really easy way to provide that information to them without having to send a separate email. So when you click that mark as complete, then again we'll send them a notification assuming you have it configured, then notifies them that the item is available, and it also makes it available. 143 Rick Newell 00:44:19.340 --> 00:44:20.380 To them in my account. 144 Rick Newell 00:44:23.300 --> 00:44:25.740 So let me do that just for one more example. 145 Rick Newell 00:44:29.540 --> 00:44:38.420 I'm going to use this music analysis, and again I'm going to change the URL type to KB link and paste in. 146 Rick Newell 00:44:40.020 --> 00:44:40.580 A URL. 147 Rick Newell 00:44:46.740 --> 00:44:47.420 Click save. 148 Rick Newell 00:44:48.740 --> 00:44:52.660 And then Marcus complete. And again, marking as complete is what triggers the notification. 149 Rick Newell 00:44:54.580 --> 00:44:57.060 And makes it available in my account. 150 Rick Newell 00:44:59.060 --> 00:45:00.940 Another situation you may encounter is. 151 Rick Newell 00:45:04.940 --> 00:45:13.900 Something that's available via Open Access and, these may very well be in your in your new for review queue rather than in your. 152 Rick Newell 00:45:15.740 --> 00:45:25.420 Document delivery queue, because they may not have an ISPN ISSN or OCLC number. So I'm going to go to borrowing request and open my new for review queue. 153 Rick Newell 00:45:27.860 --> 00:45:32.620 And I'm going to look at this, request for advances and fuzzy systems. 154 Rick Newell 00:45:36.340 --> 00:45:36.780 Notice that. 155 Rick Newell 00:45:38.300 --> 00:45:57.780 In the right side of the screen, it says Open Access View now free. It says that three times, and this is available through various open access portals and it's also available via Google Scholar. So notice that this has. 156 Rick Newell 00:45:58.660 --> 00:46:10.540 Very limited information. It just has the journal title, a digital object identifier, and then information about the article. So the Patriot did not find this for this example, I'm going to. 157 Rick Newell 00:46:14.060 --> 00:46:14.900 Google Scholar. 158 Rick Newell 00:46:17.820 --> 00:46:22.220 And here's the article that the Patron wanted. I'm going to click that link. 159 Rick Newell 00:46:25.460 --> 00:46:26.500 And I'm going to. 160 Rick Newell 00:46:28.700 --> 00:46:48.380 Copy that URL and notice this, this is an open access journal, so you can see the, the entire entire article is available here rather than just something like an abstract. And there's an option to print a PDF but I don't know whether the patron would prefer a PDF or or the html. 161 Rick Newell 00:46:48.580 --> 00:46:49.780 So I'm going to go back to. 162 Rick Newell 00:46:52.900 --> 00:47:08.140 To and what I need to do before I can paste in that, that URL, notice there's there's no place to paste that in here and it's because I need to change the fulfillment type to document delivery. So I'm going to do that. 163 Rick Newell 00:47:16.700 --> 00:47:21.740 And then I'm going to change the URL type to open access link. 164 Rick Newell 00:47:24.980 --> 00:47:28.020 And then I'm going to paste in that URL that I found. 165 Rick Newell 00:47:30.100 --> 00:47:31.140 And click Save. 166 Rick Newell 00:47:35.220 --> 00:47:47.340 And now I can mark as complete and what will happen again if you have a notification configured is that that will generate a notification to the Patron and it will also be available in my account. 167 Rick Newell 00:47:51.220 --> 00:47:55.980 I want to take one more look at a an open access journal. 168 Rick Newell 00:47:58.220 --> 00:48:09.620 And one thing I wanted to point out is that there is a fulfillment type called Open Access, but we do not recommend that you use that and to explain that, I'm going to go to. 169 Rick Newell 00:48:13.740 --> 00:48:14.380 Learner guide. 170 Rick Newell 00:48:17.140 --> 00:48:31.500 So, what I just showed you previously was using both fulfillment type document delivery, and the URL type open access link. The option I do not recommend is a fulfillment type open access, and the reason is that. 171 Rick Newell 00:48:32.820 --> 00:48:52.860 As soon as you choose that, the request status is updated to closed, and the link will not be available to the pager in my account. So if you were going to use that, you would first need to click email and send an email to the patrient to give them the link. The reason this is still there is for libraries that choose not to enable document delivery, they can still use. 172 Rick Newell 00:48:53.940 --> 00:49:13.580 This fulfillment type of open access, but assuming that you already have document delivery enabled or you're planning to enable it, again, I don't recommend fulfillment type open access. Again I recommend the fulfillment type document delivery and the URL type, open access. So let's do that for this, this request. 173 Rick Newell 00:49:17.540 --> 00:49:27.020 Know also that this one still has not had the fulfillment type changed, and I wanted to show you another example of view now. 174 Rick Newell 00:49:30.420 --> 00:49:44.740 And sometimes he just, it's kind of trial and error wha how did I know to click the first one rather than second third or fourth one? It's because before this training session I, I clicked the other links and they, they kind of led to that ends. The reason that. 175 Rick Newell 00:49:46.860 --> 00:49:48.260 This works is that. 176 Rick Newell 00:49:51.740 --> 00:49:56.140 The Worldcap knowledge base has an open access collection and. 177 Rick Newell 00:49:58.140 --> 00:50:09.380 Whether or not your library subscribes to the Worldcan knowledge base all to possible libraries have access to this information that to to pass the supplies automatically when we're available. So this first link worked and. 178 Rick Newell 00:50:12.060 --> 00:50:16.900 Actually, that looks like it didn't go directly to the article. It went just to the journal. So let me. 179 Rick Newell 00:50:19.700 --> 00:50:21.180 Let me try one of the other links. 180 Rick Newell 00:50:34.780 --> 00:50:35.660 And this is the. 181 Rick Newell 00:50:37.860 --> 00:50:41.140 I believe that the Patron wanted. So I'll copy this URL. 182 Rick Newell 00:50:56.780 --> 00:51:04.340 And then I'll go back to Tapasa and I will change the whole fillment type to document delivery. 183 Rick Newell 00:51:07.100 --> 00:51:08.500 And then I will change the. 184 Rick Newell 00:51:10.300 --> 00:51:15.220 URL type to open access link, paste in the URL. 185 Rick Newell 00:51:16.700 --> 00:51:17.020 Save. 186 Rick Newell 00:51:18.580 --> 00:51:19.540 And then mark as complete. 187 Rick Newell 00:51:22.980 --> 00:51:25.380 So what questions do you have about open access links. 188 Rick Newell 00:51:37.100 --> 00:51:57.260 Well normally when Patron's request something, they begin in a database such as WorldCat discovery and when they click an ILL link or if it's something that dear library holds, they're they're in your, your local catalog, and they click a link to place a hold, and that. 189 Rick Newell 00:51:57.580 --> 00:52:01.900 Populates the request form with, the information, the bill of graphic information. 190 Rick Newell 00:52:03.500 --> 00:52:05.260 However, if instead. 191 Rick Newell 00:52:07.140 --> 00:52:11.460 They just type on a blank work form, maybe they didn't search it a database, maybe. 192 Rick Newell 00:52:13.700 --> 00:52:23.500 Were just typing in information or copying and pasting information from a bibliography or a citation that their professor gave them. So, in that case. 193 Rick Newell 00:52:25.780 --> 00:52:27.060 The request might go to your. 194 Rick Newell 00:52:29.340 --> 00:52:49.140 Your new for review queue, even though it's something that you own. Notice that this one has a title. This is for a book and it has an author and publisher, but it doesn't have an ISPN or OCLC number. So to Pasa was not able to determine that, that we hold this item. So. 195 Rick Newell 00:52:49.380 --> 00:52:52.980 What I'm going to do is I'm going to click this magnifying glass next to. 196 Rick Newell 00:52:54.580 --> 00:52:54.980 The title. 197 Rick Newell 00:52:58.380 --> 00:53:09.740 Notice that the first one that displays is held by my library. So what I'm going to do is click that title link and then apply this bill of graphic data to the request. 198 Rick Newell 00:53:13.780 --> 00:53:14.380 And now that. 199 Rick Newell 00:53:17.020 --> 00:53:35.980 Now that i've done that, the ISPN and OCLC number is supplied. Now, if the ISPN and OCLC number had been in the request, when the patront submitted it to possibly would have known that my library held it and it would have displayed that information over here on the right. However, since that was not initially. 200 Rick Newell 00:53:36.100 --> 00:53:45.460 In the request, in order to supply the location and call number, I need to search my library's online catalog, which happens to be worldcat discovery. 201 Rick Newell 00:53:48.340 --> 00:53:54.060 And then I'm going to manually copy and paste this information in. And the reason I'm doing that is so that. 202 Rick Newell 00:53:56.060 --> 00:53:56.580 I can. 203 Rick Newell 00:53:59.380 --> 00:54:13.780 Print that information when I print the request so I can use that as a pull slip. So what I'm going to do first, is I'm going to change the fulfillment type to document delivery. If this is something that I'm going to ship to a distance edge student or a faculty member, for example. 204 Rick Newell 00:54:17.180 --> 00:54:22.420 And then I'm going to paste that information into the local ID field and click save. 205 Rick Newell 00:54:24.740 --> 00:54:29.700 And then I'll just go ahead and print this one now rather than adding it to the request print queue. 206 Rick Newell 00:54:35.740 --> 00:54:37.900 So I would print this request, retrieve it. 207 Rick Newell 00:54:40.220 --> 00:54:42.140 From the, the stacks, and. 208 Rick Newell 00:54:49.900 --> 00:54:50.620 To get rid of this. 209 Rick Newell 00:55:14.100 --> 00:55:23.060 So I don't know what I'm going to do is once I have retrieved it, I can mark as complete, and again that will send a notification to the patrient. 210 Rick Newell 00:55:33.540 --> 00:55:34.940 Is that done button I was looking for? 211 Rick Newell 00:55:43.500 --> 00:55:51.100 So you've seen how you can change your fulfillment type from an ILL request, which is in your new for review queue to. 212 Rick Newell 00:55:52.620 --> 00:55:57.900 Document delivery. There might be situations where you need to change it from document delivery to. 213 Rick Newell 00:56:01.380 --> 00:56:03.980 To an ILL request and so let me go to. 214 Rick Newell 00:56:05.740 --> 00:56:07.180 My document delivery queue again. 215 Rick Newell 00:56:10.460 --> 00:56:15.980 And I'm going to look at this one. General of the American Chemical Society. 216 Rick Newell 00:56:18.220 --> 00:56:22.300 I noticed that to Possible was able to determine that our library does hold this. 217 Rick Newell 00:56:24.260 --> 00:56:35.940 But it turns out that the only volume we own is volume one thirty, which is two thousand aid. And if we look at the request, the requested article is in two thousand eighteen. 218 Rick Newell 00:56:37.380 --> 00:56:41.300 Which is volume one forty. So Tipasa can determine that. 219 Rick Newell 00:56:42.980 --> 00:56:58.980 We have holdings on that, that journal, but it cannot determine that we don't have that particular volume. So we cannot actually fill this request from, from our own collection. So what I need to do is I need to change the fulfillment type to. 220 Rick Newell 00:57:00.380 --> 00:57:01.060 ILL request. 221 Rick Newell 00:57:09.340 --> 00:57:15.940 And then I would process the request just as I would any other ILL request. So, for example, I might view holdings. 222 Rick Newell 00:57:17.900 --> 00:57:20.740 And then I might apply a custom holdings path. 223 Rick Newell 00:57:24.700 --> 00:57:26.260 And, update the request. 224 Rick Newell 00:57:28.420 --> 00:57:33.140 And because this is not a real request, I'm not going to send it to any real libraries I'll just type in a. 225 Rick Newell 00:57:40.020 --> 00:57:42.380 Symbol of another training library. 226 Rick Newell 00:57:46.380 --> 00:57:47.420 And then I would send the request. 227 Rick Newell 00:57:50.340 --> 00:58:03.780 The other thing I could do is I could send this to automation. If I already have an automation configure that applies constant data and builds a lender string and maybe even sends it directly to lenders, I could send it to automation. For this example, I'll just send the request. 228 Rick Newell 00:58:06.300 --> 00:58:09.420 And that's why I recommend using the. 229 Rick Newell 00:58:10.660 --> 00:58:13.460 Automation because that would have automatically applied the constant data. 230 Rick Newell 00:58:22.420 --> 00:58:23.500 So what questions do you have about. 231 Rick Newell 00:58:24.860 --> 00:58:27.660 Any of those typical kinds of requests you might encounter. 232 Rick Newell 00:58:29.260 --> 00:58:34.100 In document delivery or in your new for review queue that you might want to change to document delivery. 233 Rick Newell 00:58:51.620 --> 00:59:11.260 What I'm going to do next is put into chat a link for a quiz or a knowledge check. This is a real short about four, four or five questions and the easiest way to get to that is to simply click the link in chat or you can copy and paste that into your favorite. 234 Rick Newell 00:59:11.500 --> 00:59:18.980 Web browser and when you finish the quiz, please click the smile reaction from the bottom of the screen. Or you can. 235 Rick Newell 00:59:20.540 --> 00:59:38.340 Send a message in chat. If the chat panel's not displaying, click that chat button at the bottom right of the screen. While you're working on that quiz, I'm going to get ready to show you some document delivery reports that are available to help you manage your, your use of document delivery. 236 Rick Newell 01:05:05.100 --> 01:05:23.260 Well, if you are still working on that quiz, please feel free to continue working on it. However, I do want to, show you some reports that are available to help you manage your library's use of document delivery. So the way that you get to these reports is by going to the analytics. 237 Rick Newell 01:05:23.380 --> 01:05:43.660 Tab, and then under reports, click on classic reports, and then under interlibrary loan, there are three reports available as well as a report about, when the ILL data was last refreshed. So let's take a look at each of those reports. The first one is. 238 Rick Newell 01:05:43.860 --> 01:05:45.500 Document delivery activity overview. 239 Rick Newell 01:05:49.940 --> 01:05:56.900 And so it will ask you, what's starting and ending date do you want to use? So, I'm going to. 240 Rick Newell 01:05:59.220 --> 01:06:05.420 Type in a date and the specified format, and same thing for the end date. 241 Rick Newell 01:06:29.020 --> 01:06:31.660 I forgot to press the enter key. Which is why. 242 Rick Newell 01:06:33.540 --> 01:06:34.620 I'm run button was not available. 243 Rick Newell 01:06:44.020 --> 01:07:04.300 And so what this report shows you in both a graph format and a table form is this real basic statistics. How many document delivery requests were filled in a particular month, the average turnaround time for those that were filled and account of requests that were canceled and expired. 244 Rick Newell 01:07:08.260 --> 01:07:11.820 The document delivery request detail as the name applies, gives you more detail. 245 Rick Newell 01:07:16.020 --> 01:07:19.540 And again, ask you to select starting and ending dates. 246 Rick Newell 01:07:21.180 --> 01:07:24.340 And this one has a calendar widget, so I'm going to use that to. 247 Rick Newell 01:07:26.700 --> 01:07:27.740 To select a date. 248 Rick Newell 01:07:33.980 --> 01:07:35.540 And same thing for the end date. 249 Rick Newell 01:07:47.660 --> 01:07:58.460 And you can filter by material formats or language or source system. I'm just going to accept the defaults for those and click run. 250 Rick Newell 01:08:14.820 --> 01:08:15.740 And it's thinking about it. 251 Rick Newell 01:08:23.859 --> 01:08:29.380 And so this gives you detailed information including the request ID, bill of graphic information. 252 Rick Newell 01:08:36.100 --> 01:08:42.020 The patront department and status are type, some additional billographic information for articles. 253 Rick Newell 01:08:45.660 --> 01:09:04.060 Any tags that you manually apply to the request and some date and time information when the request is created, closed, canceled or expired, and the turnaround time for requests that were filled. And of course you can, download this report or export this report or print. 254 Rick Newell 01:09:05.540 --> 01:09:12.100 If you want to do that. And the third request or the third report I should say is document delivery request statistics. 255 Rick Newell 01:09:17.020 --> 01:09:22.339 And again, this asks you for a starting and ending date for the report. So let's go back to. 256 Rick Newell 01:09:26.259 --> 01:09:27.620 January twenty twenty four. 257 Rick Newell 01:09:30.060 --> 01:09:33.380 And for the end date, select. 258 Rick Newell 01:09:35.779 --> 01:09:37.180 End of January of this year. 259 Rick Newell 01:09:53.380 --> 01:10:00.460 This report is very similar to the activity overview except that you can view it from different perspectives. 260 Rick Newell 01:10:13.860 --> 01:10:17.780 So you can view it by patron's status or actually I have a slide that. 261 Rick Newell 01:10:19.860 --> 01:10:23.460 Shows us a little bit better, I think, let's see. 262 Rick Newell 01:10:39.460 --> 01:10:55.740 Now this slide shows a little bit better, the dates I selected don't happen to have enough data, but you can view it by patron status or patron type such as grad student undergrad student faculty or by patront department if you have that information in your patron records. 263 Rick Newell 01:10:57.460 --> 01:11:02.100 Or by material format, so several different ways of viewing that information. 264 Rick Newell 01:11:10.300 --> 01:11:14.740 So what questions do you have about the reports or anything else that we have talked about in today's session? 265 Rick Newell 01:11:21.700 --> 01:11:38.380 Just want to remind you about a couple of useful topics. One is you already saw at the beginning of the session that I went to General Health and displayed the the learner guide for the session. Let me do that one more time. 266 Rick Newell 01:11:49.500 --> 01:11:54.780 And I want to show you that under resource sharing, and then Tipasa. 267 Rick Newell 01:12:00.220 --> 01:12:18.220 There is a whole section of documentation about document delivery. So a lot of the information we covered today is also, documented here. So for example, if you want information about the fields in a document delivery request, this explains what they are. You can also of course. 268 Rick Newell 01:12:19.500 --> 01:12:34.900 Access additional training at the same link. So we have sessions on an introduction to Pasa lending workflows and copyright management for US libraries, as well as a self paced borrowing course and several other short videos. 269 Rick Newell 01:12:36.940 --> 01:12:56.620 Also wanted to remind you about the community center. The community center is a really good place to, have discussions with Tipasa users and other institutions if you want to ask about how they're using document delivery. It's also a good place to find out about news and events. For example, there's a resource sharing conference. 270 Rick Newell 01:12:57.460 --> 01:13:17.340 Coming up, and the next over the sec next several months, a series of online sessions that are about an hour or so each and you can register for those. It's also a good place to contribute enhancement requests or search for existing enhancement requests and vote on those or add your own. 271 Rick Newell 01:13:17.540 --> 01:13:18.220 Comments to those. 272 Rick Newell 01:13:20.580 --> 01:13:27.380 When you exit from Webex today, you'll be directed automatically to an evaluation form, so we would appreciate any feedback that you might have. 273 Rick Newell 01:13:29.500 --> 01:13:40.460 So I will be on the land this session for a few more minutes if you have any additional questions. Otherwise, I want to thank you all for coming today. Hope you enjoy using document delivery and I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thanks.