2 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:00:02.807 --> 00:00:22.740 Look them again, everyone, this is the session on to pass a copyright management. My name is Rick. I'm a senior project trainer to, which means that I spend my time designing and delivering training for 2 pasta. Of course. But also, we're also circulation and report designer and some topics in record manager and connection as well. 3 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:00:22.740 --> 00:00:42.740 I just want to check 1 more time and be sure that everybody can see in here if you are seeing a slide with my picture in the title of today's session and if you're hearing my voice, please click that green check mark at the bottom of the participants panel or the 1 of the smiley face icons. It's like between the green check mark anymore and. 4 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:00:42.740 --> 00:00:47.430 Sent a message and Chad, if you're having any problems with the audio or video. 5 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:00:47.430 --> 00:00:53.940 I don't see any chat messages, so I'll assume the audio's. Okay. And if somebody tells me differently. 6 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:00:57.990 --> 00:01:17.990 So, in today's session, after the session, assuming your library in the United States, after today's session, you should be able to configure the copyright management options into and track copyright compliance for. I'll request that require tracking, interpret the copyright queue. And to. 7 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:01:17.990 --> 00:01:31.890 And select the appropriate option in the copyright clearance section of a request, and also use the copyright reports that are available to pass to help you manage your libraries compliance with, with copyright. 8 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:01:31.890 --> 00:01:51.890 So to pass, it has some features that are designed to help your library comply with the United States, copyright laws and guidelines, and probably are all very familiar with this. But just to be sure that we're all on the same page. There are basically 2:2:designations that you can make for a copy request. 9 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:01:51.890 --> 00:02:11.890 Into you can say, CCG, which means that it complies with copyright guidelines. And usually, that means that if it's a journal article, for example, that your library does not subscribe to that journal and the publication date is within the last 5 years. And the guidelines say that, uh, for such a. 10 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:02:11.890 --> 00:02:18.360 A copy request, you should only request 5 copies per title per calendar year. 11 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:02:18.360 --> 00:02:38.360 The other selection that you can make a CCL complies with copyright law and usually, that means that the publication date of the article is more than 5 years ago, or it could be that your library subscribes to the Journal. And it says, temporarily unavailable. It's at the binary or not in the shelf or whatever, and there's no limit to the number of copies. You can request. 12 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:02:38.360 --> 00:02:45.240 Ccl of course, there are more nuances than that, but, uh, those are the basics. 13 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:02:45.240 --> 00:03:05.240 So, the features that deposit has to help, you comply with copyright, are that you can choose to be copyright clearing in a separate queue. So, if you enable this option, when you receive a copy request from 1 of your, your patrons that for an article was published within the. 14 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:03:05.240 --> 00:03:15.480 5 years that will appear in a copyright queue. So if you have 1 or 2 people in your library that are responsible for copyright, um, those people can. 15 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:03:15.480 --> 00:03:35.480 Work with a copyright queue and if you do receive such a request to possible attempt to match the title to libraries, that you're to titled rather that your library has previously borrowed and track the number of times you've used that. And then as the staff member, you can mark that as CCG. 16 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:03:35.480 --> 00:03:55.480 Fair fair use. So, for example, if you've only used that journal 3 times this year, or you can mark it with clear as clear with P payment required, and if you choose that option to possible, automatically look up the cost from the copyright clearance center website and display the cost right in the request so you can. 17 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:03:55.480 --> 00:04:15.480 Side how to proceed with that request if you decide to proceed, then to possible keep a running total of the copyright fees that, and you can generate reports at any time, uh, to assist you in, in making payments, uh, for example, to copyright clearance center. Um, to pass, it does not have the. 18 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:04:15.480 --> 00:04:26.399 The ability to actually transmit payments to copyright clearance center, but it does have reports that that assist you in doing that or you might choose to mark the request as other. 19 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:04:26.399 --> 00:04:38.699 So, for example, if you decide to buy the article from a publisher, or you decide to buy the article from a vendor, such as reprints desk, or 1 of the other vendors that. 20 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:04:38.699 --> 00:04:51.089 Or get it now from copyright, Clarence center where the vendor includes in their fee, not only the fee for their service, but also the fees that are due to the copyright, or. 21 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:04:51.089 --> 00:05:11.089 You might choose to mark that request as other and as I alluded to, you can view and export Hyperion information by title. You can edit copyright usage information. So, for example, if you mark something as fee payment required, and I should've been fair use, or you marked it at CCG and it should have been CCL, you can edit that before, you. 22 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:05:11.089 --> 00:05:16.649 Export that data, um, for reports. 23 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:05:16.649 --> 00:05:36.649 So, if you do not turn on the copyright management features into pause, you will see 3 options on a copy request or none. And these are also the options that you see where I'll share inter, library loan. When you turn on the copyright management features into. 24 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:05:36.649 --> 00:05:54.269 Awesome when you go to the copyright clearance section of a request, uh, in this example, you see that it's a request for English Journal and it gives you the number and it says previously requested title matched, which means that. 25 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:05:54.269 --> 00:06:14.269 Near libraries previously submitted a copy request for this title and you've used that so far 6 times this year 1 of those 6 is pending fulfillment. So that means that it's been submitted to lenders, but a lender has not yet said yeah. So that may, or may not count against the, the total number of uses but. 26 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:06:14.269 --> 00:06:32.729 This case you've already used, uh, 5 or more times. So probably, what you would do in this case is you would probably mark clear with fee payment required, and then to parcel would would look up the cost from the copyright clearance center website. 27 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:06:32.729 --> 00:06:52.729 Well, someone to remind you that copy requests can be automatic. And what I mean, by that is that if you have an automation or several automation set up to, um, automatically send requests to lenders, if they meet criteria that you specified and that request is. 28 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:06:52.729 --> 00:07:06.599 By a library that you've designated as a proven sender and that proven sender fills a request using article exchange, then the patron is notified and they can access the article in my account all without any staff intervention. 29 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:07:06.599 --> 00:07:09.809 And for the purposes of our session today. 30 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:07:09.809 --> 00:07:22.709 If it's a CC g request was published within the last 5 years, the use case for that title will be automatically incremented assuming there's a value valid issue date in the request. 31 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:07:28.469 --> 00:07:42.149 So, what I would like to do at this point is go into to pause and show you how to enable the copyright features and service configuration. Before I do that. What questions do you have. 32 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:07:52.319 --> 00:07:58.379 I'm already logged into to pass and I going to click service configuration. 33 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:08:04.169 --> 00:08:10.049 And then I'm going to choose where, and the left navigation. 34 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:08:13.319 --> 00:08:19.469 And then I'm going to choose advanced workflows from the left navigation. 35 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:08:19.469 --> 00:08:39.469 And then I'm going to scroll down to the U. S. copyright management section and it says US copyright management because remember the libraries all over the world used to pause. And, of course, libraries and other countries have different copyright laws. But to pass the nose from your premier log in. 36 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:08:39.469 --> 00:08:59.469 You're in the United States, so it displays the appropriate options for U. S. copyright management. So, uh, if you want to use any of the copyright features into, you need to check this 1st box, which says select whether you want to manage a copyright for requested copies. That makes the rest of the. 37 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:08:59.469 --> 00:09:18.569 Features available the 1st, uh, feature is view copyright clearing in a separate queue and, uh, you can decide to use that or not. If you are a smaller library. And, uh, you're the only person working on borrowing you might not choose to enable that, but you can still use the other features. 38 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:09:18.569 --> 00:09:37.739 You can also choose number of years requiring for copyright. And the reason is that different libraries interpret the copyright laws differently. So some libraries interpret the copyright laws or guidelines to mean that 5 years is. 39 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:09:37.739 --> 00:09:57.739 The whatever 5:5:years before today's calendar year is and some libraries interpret that to me, it's the current calendar year plus the 5 full calendar years before that. So, choose the option that, that matches your library's interpretation of those of those guidelines. 40 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:09:57.739 --> 00:10:17.739 And you can also choose to clear patron, initiated a request for automatically, if they match titles use less than 5 times. That's what I was talking about. Uh, meaning that if you choose that option. Uh, and you have an automation set up to automatically send a request to lenders, uh, you don't have to, you don't get stopped by. 41 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:10:17.739 --> 00:10:23.429 Choosing the copyright option to possible do that automatically. 42 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:10:23.429 --> 00:10:30.299 So, you choose the options you want under copyright management, and then you go down to the bottom of the screen and click save. 43 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:10:30.299 --> 00:10:39.599 There are a couple of other optional things that you can do in service configuration that are related to copyright. 44 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:10:47.639 --> 00:10:54.149 So remember where this is. 45 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:11:01.949 --> 00:11:07.799 It's under article exchange settings in the left navigation. 46 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:11:07.799 --> 00:11:27.799 So, there are some, uh, choices that you can make for article exchange, retention settings. Uh, these are primarily intended for libraries outside the United States. However, they are available to libraries in the United States. We expect that most libraries in the U. S. will just accept. 47 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:11:27.799 --> 00:11:47.799 Up to default, um, so by default, the number of views allowed per copy document when patrons access the article my account is 5 views. You can change that to anything between 1 and 10 views or unlimited views, and the default number of days after the patron. 48 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:11:47.799 --> 00:11:58.769 Views the, the article and article is change in my account, um, is 30 days, but you can change that to. 49 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:11:58.769 --> 00:12:18.769 Anywhere between 1 days to 60 days, and the default for a copy document will be purged. If your patron is not access to is 30 days, and you have the same options there, 1 to 30 days. So you can change this if you want to. But we expect again, most U. S libraries will just accept the defaults. 50 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:12:18.769 --> 00:12:38.769 The copyright compliance declaration is also intended primarily for library outside the US, but it is available to us libraries. So some, some countries outside the U. S libraries are required to display a copyright compliance, notice to their patrons and the patrons required to acknowledge that. 51 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:12:38.769 --> 00:12:46.829 That that is not necessarily a requirement for the U. S. however, if you do choose that option, you can. 52 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:12:46.829 --> 00:13:06.829 I click this on button and then you can put whatever statement you want in this text box. And for this example, I've just copied the standard declaration. And the effect of that is that when the patron. 53 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:13:06.829 --> 00:13:24.779 This is an article they will be prompted with this acknowledgment. 1st so this will be whatever text you have put in service configuration and then, uh, they have to check this box and click proceed and then they will be able to view their article. So, again, that's completely optional. 54 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:13:28.139 --> 00:13:34.709 So, what questions do you have about setting up service configuration for copyright? 55 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:13:44.969 --> 00:13:48.839 And what I would like to do next is, um. 56 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:13:48.839 --> 00:13:52.379 Show you some daily copyright work flow. 57 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:13:52.379 --> 00:14:05.069 And 1st, I'll do that with some PowerPoint slides. Then I'll go into the live system and show you there's a question in chat. Does it matter if I choose unlimited views? Um. 58 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:14:05.069 --> 00:14:21.029 Um, to answer your question, no to pasta doesn't care. So if you, if you choose unlimited views, rather than the patron being limited to viewing the article 5 times, they would be able to. 59 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:14:21.029 --> 00:14:38.609 View with any, any number of times remember also that when the patron views the article in my account, of course, they can download it or print it or whatever they want to do with it. And then that's outside the purview of to, um, so. 60 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:14:38.609 --> 00:14:55.859 It really depends on how your library interprets the U. S. copyright laws and guidelines and I'm, I'm not a copyright attorney so I can, I can't speak to what what effect that has on on copyright compliance. Um. 61 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:14:55.859 --> 00:15:04.379 But again, we expect the most libraries in the U. S. will just accept the defaults. Uh, but if you want to change it to unlimited, you certainly can. 62 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:15:04.379 --> 00:15:08.219 I hope that helps a little bit with that question. 63 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:15:16.709 --> 00:15:36.709 So, um, if you do choose to enable that copyright queue, um, any new copy request, that required decision from you about copyright compliance will display both in the copyright queue and in the new for review queue and let me go into to pause for a 2nd, and show you what I mean by that so you'll notice. 64 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:15:36.709 --> 00:15:45.569 That we have 11 request in the copyright queue and 14 in the new for review queue. If I open that copyright queue. 65 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:15:45.569 --> 00:16:04.739 I see some requests for things like journalist, sustainable forester, English Journal and so on. And if I open a new for review queue, I see those same requests there. So request that are in the copyright queue will also be in the new for review queue. Initially. 66 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:16:04.739 --> 00:16:24.739 So to open that copyright queue, you can select that, either from the left navigation, or from the quick links in the middle of the screen and when you open the copyright queue, you'll see a list of requests that looks a lot like other list of requests into pause and so it has information such as the request ID title. 67 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:16:24.739 --> 00:16:39.389 And so on, but it also has a used column and the use column will display the number of times. You've used that that journal this calendar here. So, in the 1st row, and this example, it means that. 68 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:16:39.389 --> 00:16:59.389 There are 3 CCG requests for this title this calendar year of those 3:2:have been filled and 1 is still pending, which means that may or may not get filled and it may or may not count against your your limit of 5. if that's the guidelines that you're following. 69 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:16:59.389 --> 00:17:19.429 It's actually fairly common for a question, Mark to display in the youth column and there are several reasons that can happen. 1, is that there's no or number in the request. So, to pause, someone was wasn't able to determine if your library had requested that title this year. 70 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:17:19.429 --> 00:17:31.319 Or it could be that there is an or number in the request, but your library has never used that title before. So, those are a couple reasons why you might see a question mark in the use column. 71 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:17:31.319 --> 00:17:44.909 So, as I alluded to to pass attempts to match copy request to records in your library's copyright table, using international standards, serial number and number. 72 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:17:44.909 --> 00:18:04.909 And this copyright table is a table that you can view, and to pass up. If the request doesn't have either 1 of those numbers, the use column will have a question mark. But when you look at the individual request, the message will display telling you that. It doesn't have 1 of those numbers. 73 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:18:04.909 --> 00:18:24.239 If there are no matches or multiple matches, you'll still still see a question mark in the use column, but the copyright section of the individual request, when you open up will display a message that says, no previously borrowed Journal matches found. And you would then add that to your library's copyright table and that would begin tracking that. 74 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:18:24.239 --> 00:18:29.549 Uh, that, um, that title. 75 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:18:29.549 --> 00:18:45.689 So this is what the individual request would look like, if there's no match found notice that there is no or number and so in the copyright clearing section of the request, uh, you'll see that message. 76 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:18:45.689 --> 00:19:00.569 If your library has never used that title before you will see a screen that looks a little bit like this check for similar previously borrowed titles. 77 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:19:00.569 --> 00:19:20.569 And if there is no number in the request, um, you can do a search and 1 way you could do that is by clicking the question mark next to the title. For example, in this example, uh, when when you click the magnifying glass, that will do a keyword search of. 78 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:19:20.569 --> 00:19:40.569 Cap, and this example, I got too many results if I did a keyword search, so I changed the search to a title phrase search. So, rather than T, I colon, I changed the index label to TI, equals, which tells to pass it to look for those words performance improvement, quarterly in that order. 79 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:19:40.569 --> 00:19:46.709 The beginning of the title, and then I got, uh, a more manageable number of search results. 80 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:19:46.709 --> 00:20:01.499 And I selected the 2nd, 1 was the print Journal, I could have selected the journal as well but I selected the print Journal and applied that data to the request. 81 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:20:01.499 --> 00:20:11.459 And now that the request has an, and no CLC number to pause is able to match the previously request the title. 82 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:20:11.459 --> 00:20:14.579 Now, tell me that I've used it, um. 83 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:20:14.579 --> 00:20:20.669 1 time so far this year. 84 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:20:27.089 --> 00:20:42.089 So, in this example, what I would probably do, because I've used it 1 time so far this year, no payment is required to coordinate the copyright guidelines. So probably mark it as clear for fair use CCG. 85 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:20:42.089 --> 00:21:02.089 There's another example of title matching in this case, there is an, on the request, but my library has never used that title before. So to create a new title in my libraries copyright titles table I clicked the link that says check for similar previously borrowed titles. 86 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:21:02.089 --> 00:21:17.099 And that displays a screen that says no results, which is what I expected and I click create new title. So that's that's not creating a new title in WorldCat. It's just creating a, a new entry in my library is copyright titles table. 87 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:21:17.099 --> 00:21:37.099 This is an example of a potential match. Um, this is a screen that you probably won't see very often. But 1 thing you'll notice about this is that the title is Journal of transportation engineering, and the numbers are on a line below the. 88 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:21:37.099 --> 00:21:57.099 Title, and they're also italicized, which probably means that it's a different format. So, maybe the request was a link to the record for the print Journal and the, the match in my library's copyright titles table might be for the E journal or a microphone version of the Journal. And. 89 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:21:57.099 --> 00:22:09.959 If I want to confirm that as a match, which I probably would, because for copyright purposes, it would still be considered the same title. I would click that button that says select as match. 90 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:22:09.959 --> 00:22:24.959 And if these count is more than 5, the use count will display in an orange background, both in the copyright queue and in the individual section of the request. And that's just to draw your attention to it that you might need to take a. 91 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:22:24.959 --> 00:22:34.049 A different action. 92 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:22:34.049 --> 00:22:47.639 So, what do you like to do at this point? Unless there are any questions is to go over to to pass them and go through some, uh, examples in the live system. 93 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:22:47.639 --> 00:22:52.049 So, I'm going to go back to the home screen. I'm going to. 94 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:22:52.049 --> 00:23:00.689 Open the copyright queue and again, I can do that either from the left navigation or from the quick links in the middle of the screen. 95 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:23:00.689 --> 00:23:18.149 And I'm going to 1st work with this example, i888 transactions on signal processing notice that it tells me I've used that 1 time so far this year. Um, 1 of 1 is pending. So it may or may not get filled. 96 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:23:18.149 --> 00:23:25.589 But I'm going to open that request by clicking the request ID. 97 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:23:25.589 --> 00:23:30.359 And you'll notice it does have an, and number. 98 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:23:30.359 --> 00:23:38.999 And it says that I've used this 1 time so far this year and, um. 99 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:23:38.999 --> 00:23:58.999 I'm going to choose clear for fair use and automation has already applied to constant data record. Uh, and automation is also automatically, um, completed the lender string. And so everything looks good about this request. So I'm just going to click. 100 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:23:58.999 --> 00:24:03.929 The request. 101 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:24:03.929 --> 00:24:11.639 So that, uh, title now, uh, disappears from my copyright queue, because I've already made the decision on that. 102 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:24:16.589 --> 00:24:27.839 Here's another example of the same thing Journal of international development noticed that if I scroll down to the copyright section of the request. 103 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:24:27.839 --> 00:24:35.459 It says, I've used it 1 time so far this year. 0 and 1 is pending fulfillment. So, in other words that 1 request has been. 104 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:24:35.459 --> 00:24:40.529 Build and so again I'll choose clear for fair use CCG. 105 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:24:40.529 --> 00:24:54.539 Automation is applied constant data with, uh, things like my address, uh, the preferred, uh, delivery method, article, exchange and so on. And it's also. 106 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:24:54.539 --> 00:25:12.599 Filled out the lender string. So again, I'll just click send request. However, if I needed to maybe check with the Patriot and if there was some question about what it is, they wanted, for example, I could click save instead. 107 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:25:12.599 --> 00:25:18.329 And in this case, what would happen is that, um. 108 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:25:18.329 --> 00:25:26.849 It would disappear from my copyright queue because I've already made a decision about copyright compliance. Notice this is not there anymore. 109 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:25:26.849 --> 00:25:31.169 However, if I go to my new for review queue. 110 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:25:31.169 --> 00:25:41.879 The request for Journal of international development is still there I still need to, um, go ahead and send this to lenders after I check with my patron. 111 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:25:41.879 --> 00:25:51.899 Okay. 112 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:25:51.899 --> 00:25:59.069 So, let me do a couple of other examples I'm going to go back to my copyright queue. 113 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:26:03.689 --> 00:26:19.199 And the 1 I want to work with is the American Journal of economics and sociology. So it's in my copyright queue and the use column tells me that I've used at 0 times. 114 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:26:19.199 --> 00:26:31.499 And if I look at the individual request, it says previously requested title match, but I haven't used it. Well, that's kind of strange. Why would it tell me that? Well, it's because I haven't used it this year. 115 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:26:31.499 --> 00:26:51.449 But, uh, it's in my library's copyright titles table, because I've used it in a previous year. So here's the little preview of the copyright report. So I'm going to go to the copyright titles table. And remember the title that we're looking at is the American Journal of economics and sociology. 116 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:26:51.449 --> 00:26:55.409 And for 2024, I haven't used that journal. 117 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:26:55.409 --> 00:26:59.279 But if I look at a previous year. 118 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:26:59.279 --> 00:27:07.319 Didn't use it in 2023 or in 2022. 119 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:27:10.679 --> 00:27:17.549 But if I go back far enough, I will see it there. So there it is. 120 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:27:17.549 --> 00:27:22.949 The American Journal of economics and sociology, I used it in 2020. it may have been 1 of those. 121 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:27:22.949 --> 00:27:30.449 The later years too, and I may have just missed it. Uh, but that's why you sometimes see that. 122 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:27:30.449 --> 00:27:50.449 Um, that message that says you've used at 0 times, but it matches a previously requested title. So, because I've used this 1:00:times this year, I'm going to choose clear for 4 years and. 123 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:27:50.449 --> 00:27:53.699 I'm going to go ahead and apply a constant data. 124 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:27:53.699 --> 00:28:09.269 And fill in the lender string, and if this were a real request, I probably would have applied a lender string with automation or by applying custom holdings. But since this is not a real request, I'm just going to send it to another training library. 125 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:28:09.269 --> 00:28:14.849 And I'll click sand request. 126 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:28:14.849 --> 00:28:22.979 Let's look at 1 where I've used the journal 5 times or more this year. So here is. 127 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:28:22.979 --> 00:28:30.179 I want to work with, um, this 1. 128 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:28:30.179 --> 00:28:34.319 For English Journal. 129 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:28:34.319 --> 00:28:43.109 I noticed that I've used it 5 times so far this year. So I'm going to choose clear with fee payment required. 130 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:28:43.109 --> 00:29:03.109 And when I do that to pass, uh, uh, looks up the cost from the copyright clear and center website, and it tells me the cost would be $3.80 and make sure that the number of pages looks. 131 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:29:03.109 --> 00:29:21.839 Reasonable so, to pass a calculate some number of pages based on the pages field and the, the request and so I've never seen an example where it did not calculate it correctly, but it's, it's possible that, that you might need to change that. There are some. 132 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:29:21.839 --> 00:29:41.839 Journals and publishers where there's a per page fee as well as a per copy fee for most journals. That's probably not the case. Um, notice also that I guess you might consider this a bug into and it says, no best match fan and the CCC results. Well, it actually did find a match. 133 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:29:41.839 --> 00:30:01.839 But, uh, what I'm going to do is just select this appropriate record and that message goes away and it says successfully applied the fee. $3.80 is already completed. And, uh, constant data is already applied. 134 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:30:01.839 --> 00:30:05.159 So, if I send this request. 135 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:30:05.159 --> 00:30:18.599 This is 1 of the 1st copy requests. I've done this year so it tells me like total pledge. Copyright freezes. $3.80. 136 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:30:21.929 --> 00:30:40.919 To this 1 notice that, uh, it now says, I've used it 6 times, uh, that 1 of 6 pin pending fulfillment is the 1 that I just completed a couple of seconds ago. So, again, I'm going to choose clear with fee payment required. 137 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:30:40.919 --> 00:30:52.289 And you'll notice this is 7 pages, rather than 6 pages of the 385, rather than 380. so I'm going to going to go ahead and proceed with this request. 138 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:30:52.289 --> 00:31:00.419 And because I have that message. 139 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:31:00.419 --> 00:31:03.719 Need to. 140 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:31:03.719 --> 00:31:10.259 Select that journal and then send the request. 141 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:31:10.259 --> 00:31:21.539 And now the total pledge, copyright fees is $7.65 which which titles those are. 142 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:31:33.269 --> 00:31:53.189 So, I just wanted to show you for this example, because English journal is a, a journal that does have a per page fee. 143 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:31:53.189 --> 00:32:06.959 Notice that, uh, the, the page numbers are correct in this 1:7:pages. But if I change that number of pages to, let's say, 25 and click update. 144 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:32:06.959 --> 00:32:13.709 Then the fee changes slightly and again, it's probably not an issue for most journals, but it it is for this particular 1. 145 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:32:24.599 --> 00:32:29.069 Also want to look at a couple of examples in the nuclear review queue. 146 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:32:36.869 --> 00:32:40.259 So, if I look at this 1. 147 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:32:40.259 --> 00:32:47.009 Notice that this is indeed a copy request and what's the type is copy and it's for an article. 148 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:32:47.009 --> 00:33:07.009 And notice, the publication date is 2014, so, about 10 years ago and even though this is the copy request titles, published more than 5 years ago, do not require copyright clearance. So this request, even though it's a copy request does not appear in my copyright cube and there's, there's no reason for it to. 149 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:07.009 --> 00:33:13.229 But it does appear in my new for review queue. So, again, I would build my lender string. 150 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:13.229 --> 00:33:23.459 Play constant data and then either save the request or or send it. 151 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:23.459 --> 00:33:27.209 So, I'll go ahead and send this request. 152 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:31.649 --> 00:33:38.309 Another reason that requests might appear in the, uh. 153 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:38.309 --> 00:33:44.609 In the new for review queue, rather than the copy, uh, copyright queue. 154 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:44.609 --> 00:33:49.019 Is if there's no or number in the request. 155 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:49.019 --> 00:33:54.989 So, this may be a case where, rather than searching a database, the patron has. 156 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:33:54.989 --> 00:34:09.659 Filled out the blank work for on my account and there is, there is no or number in the request. So what I would probably do on this 1 is do a search and I can do that by clicking the magnifying glass next to the title. 157 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:34:09.659 --> 00:34:19.409 And when I find the appropriate record, I'll go ahead and choose this 1. 158 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:34:19.409 --> 00:34:39.409 I'll click the title and apply the data to the request. At this point. I could look at Holdings, and I could apply custom holdings or select manually from a list of libraries, a whole this journal. But, for this example, I'll just apply that data to the request. And now you'll notice that it has applied and. 159 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:34:39.409 --> 00:34:48.119 Clc number and so it tells me that it previously requested title is matched and I've used it 1 time so far this year. 160 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:34:48.119 --> 00:34:51.209 So, I'll choose clear for 4 years. 161 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:34:54.629 --> 00:34:58.259 And Bill, my lenders string and apply a constant data. 162 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:34:58.259 --> 00:35:01.559 And then go ahead and send the request. 163 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:35:01.559 --> 00:35:08.129 Okay. 164 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:35:17.159 --> 00:35:34.109 Notice that this 1st row in the copyright queue journalist sustainable forestry has a question mark in the use column. So we've already seen a couple of examples of why it might have that question mark. But in this 1, it does have an or number. 165 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:35:34.109 --> 00:35:41.789 And it says, no, previously bar Journal matches found. So that probably means that. 166 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:35:41.789 --> 00:36:01.289 My library has never used this title before. So, unless I have a reason to believe that any of this information is incorrect. What I want to do at this point is just add it to my libraries copyright payable. And so I'll click this link. That says check for similar previously, borrowed titles. 167 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:36:01.289 --> 00:36:11.159 And it tells me there are no results, which is what I expect, because I don't my library hasn't used this before. So I'll click create new title. 168 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:36:11.159 --> 00:36:17.219 And now it tells me I've used that title 0 times. So I'll choose. 169 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:36:17.219 --> 00:36:25.559 Clear for fair use and automation has already applied to constant data and build a lender string. 170 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:36:25.559 --> 00:36:32.489 So, I'll click send request. 171 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:36:32.489 --> 00:36:41.099 So, what questions do you have about the daily workflow for a copyright re copy request? 172 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:36:48.479 --> 00:37:02.879 So, there's the question I chat when it to whom do I pay that is up to your library? A lot of libraries pay these fees through the copyright clearance center and, um. 173 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:37:02.879 --> 00:37:07.139 So, there are reports that are available. 174 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:37:07.139 --> 00:37:17.309 Um, and I'm going to look at those in just a 2nd before I do that. I just want to remind you about a couple of other things, um, for reviewing the, um. 175 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:37:17.309 --> 00:37:30.989 The, uh, daily, um, copyright, work flow, um, remember that another option you have is other so you might choose this option if you decide to buy the article from a publisher or from. 176 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:37:30.989 --> 00:37:39.389 Uh, reprints task or article Galaxy, or there might be other vendors as well and, um. 177 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:37:39.389 --> 00:37:46.919 Usually, those vendors of publishers include in their, their fee, they charge your library not only the, um. 178 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:37:46.919 --> 00:37:55.469 The fee for the service, but also whatever fees are due to the copyright owner. 179 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:37:55.469 --> 00:38:06.149 As I mentioned for a copy request that have an issue date more than 5 years ago, those are not included in your use count because titles published more than the 5 years ago. 180 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:38:06.149 --> 00:38:10.559 Or 6 years ago, depending on what choice your library has made, um. 181 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:38:10.559 --> 00:38:27.570 Uh, in service configuration do not require copyright clearance and copyright counts will be updated automatically. So if he change something from CCL to, or or you change it from the payment required to, uh. 182 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:38:27.570 --> 00:38:47.570 Uh, those counts will be updated automatically both in the copyright queue and an individual request. So let's look now at the copyright reports, and this this goes back to the question of when and to whom do I pay? So, again, most library is choose to make those payments to copyright clearance center. Uh, there are probably other. 183 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:38:47.570 --> 00:39:07.570 As well, uh, and when, um, you can make payments or whatever frequency you choose, I think a lot of libraries probably do annually. Um, but you could do it at other frequencies. Um, this is a good question to ask in the community center. Um, and that. 184 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:39:07.570 --> 00:39:23.880 Community in the community center so again, let me show you these, these reports 1st with some slides to be sure I show you all the options and then I'll show you some, some live reports. There are 3 reports that are available to you under, uh, manage copyright. 185 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:39:23.880 --> 00:39:37.830 And those 3 reports are copyright titles, copyright fees, payable and payment batches. The copyright titles report includes both filled and unfilled request that you've marked. 186 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:39:37.830 --> 00:39:41.430 Ccg with fee payment required or other. 187 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:39:41.430 --> 00:39:58.470 So the only ones that does not include our, those articles are published more than 5 years ago. And by default, it shows you the current calendar year, but you can also filter it to show just, uh, titles with more than 5 usages. 188 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:39:58.470 --> 00:40:02.280 Or just titles with more than 5 fair usages. 189 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:40:02.280 --> 00:40:05.370 Or just tiles with will pay usages. 190 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:40:05.370 --> 00:40:20.670 And, um, you'll notice in this example, the last role is for a performance improvement quarterly it says there were 5 fair use and 2 will pay if you want to see the individual requests that are included in those counts. 191 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:40:20.670 --> 00:40:25.500 You can click that view link and the action column on the right. 192 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:40:25.500 --> 00:40:40.560 And that will show you the request ID, the issue date of the article, the permission type, whether it was fair use, or will pay and for will pay, will show you the number of pages in the fee. And if you've added that to a payment batch. 193 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:40:40.560 --> 00:40:52.560 We'll look at the payment batch report in a couple minutes, but notice that all of these, except the 1 that says it's been added to payment badge payments. 3717. 194 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:40:52.560 --> 00:41:01.080 They all have an edit button and the reason that next to does not have an edit button, is that once you add a. 195 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:41:01.080 --> 00:41:21.080 Um, a request to, um, to a paint a batch, you can no longer edit it, but for all the other rows that does have an edit button and you can edit the copyright usage, you can change it to between fair use will pay and other you can change the number of pages you can change the issue date. 196 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:41:21.080 --> 00:41:25.770 Or the fee, um, if you need to, and that will. 197 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:41:25.770 --> 00:41:30.330 Those changes you make will then be reflected in your copyright reports. 198 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:41:30.330 --> 00:41:50.330 The copyright fees, payable report only includes requests that have been filled that are marked with P payment required, which are not yet been added to a payment badge. And again, uh, to does not have a way of transmitting payments to copyright clearance center. 199 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:41:50.330 --> 00:42:04.170 Most libraries have an account with copyright clearance center, and they log into their account and that's how they actually transmit the payments. But, uh, the copyright reports that are available to pause, will. 200 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:42:04.170 --> 00:42:07.410 Assist you and figuring out how much you need to pay. 201 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:42:07.410 --> 00:42:25.230 And I believe on the copyright clearance on our website, it will ask you for some of these details. So, um, again, the copyright fees payable report only includes requests that have been filled that you have marked with payment fee payment, required. 202 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:42:25.230 --> 00:42:37.050 That you've not yet added to a payment batch, um, if you create a payment batch, it's perfectly okay to do that but you need to be a little bit cautious about that because. 203 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:42:37.050 --> 00:42:54.210 Once you click that create payment batch button, it automatically adds everything that's on that screen, uh, to a payment batch and then you can no longer make edits to the, the fee or number of pages. Um, our issue date, for example. 204 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:42:54.210 --> 00:43:14.210 You can then export that payment batch as a CSV file, a comma separated variables file, which you can, then, of course, work within Microsoft Excel and do whatever subtotals formatting, et cetera that you want. And after a little bit of formatting in Excel, this is what. 205 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:43:14.210 --> 00:43:19.620 Uh, such a report might look like. 206 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:43:19.620 --> 00:43:29.760 So, I want to show you some live examples of the, um, the copyright reports and I get to those again by. 207 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:43:29.760 --> 00:43:35.190 Going to manage copyright and I'm going to choose copyright titles. 208 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:43:35.190 --> 00:43:39.570 And by default is going to show me the current year. 209 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:43:39.570 --> 00:43:53.580 And so far this year, I haven't haven't had a whole lot of activity, but you could go back to any year since your library started using to possum. And 1 thing I want to mention for those of you that are migrating from Iliad is that. 210 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:43:53.580 --> 00:44:13.580 Um, this report will not include any, any request that you have completed and Elliot prior to using to process. So you would need to use whatever reporting capabilities Eliot has and combine them with the copyright titles report for it to. So. 211 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:44:13.580 --> 00:44:24.090 It's February, so you probably haven't done too many requests in Elliott so far this year. So that shouldn't be too difficult. Um, so. 212 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:44:24.090 --> 00:44:39.750 By default again, it's showing me the current calendar year, and it's showing all I only want to see titles with more than 5 usages. Um, it will show me this 1 that has 5 fair use and 2 will pay. 213 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:44:39.750 --> 00:44:59.750 Or I can show just titles with more than 5 fair usages. I don't have any. So, that means I, I haven't made any mistakes or if I want to see just titles with will pay usages. I can show that as well. And, um, notice also that you can export this screen as well. So you don't necessarily have to go to the. 214 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:44:59.750 --> 00:45:06.720 Fees payable a report or payment batches. You can't export directly from this screen and. 215 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:45:06.720 --> 00:45:13.050 You can even export this screen. 216 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:45:13.050 --> 00:45:22.590 So, again, you can go back to previous years and see, for example, for 2023, if you haven't haven't dealt with 2023 yet. 217 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:45:22.590 --> 00:45:26.250 The copyright fees payable report. 218 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:45:26.250 --> 00:45:33.480 Only shows, uh, items that I haven't added to a. 219 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:45:33.480 --> 00:45:38.940 Right now it's not showing me anything because, um, those 2 request. 220 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:45:42.930 --> 00:45:50.580 For English Journal, we will pay haven't been filled yet. So those are not yet payable until until it's filled. 221 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:45:50.580 --> 00:46:10.580 Notice that it's grayed out, but I do have a create payment batch button. So, if there were something to display on this screen, um, I could click that create payment batch button and add those to a payment badge. And these are the payment batches that I've created. So far, I haven't created any for a while. 222 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:46:10.580 --> 00:46:13.710 File I so I did create 1 on. 223 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:46:13.710 --> 00:46:25.140 December 18th of 2023, and there were 6 in that. So once they're in a payment badge, there are no longer editable. 224 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:46:25.140 --> 00:46:31.920 So, what questions you, how about anything that we've covered so far. 225 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:46:31.920 --> 00:46:44.550 Okay. 226 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:46:47.580 --> 00:47:02.970 Well, I just entered into Chad, a link for a simulation quiz and. 227 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:47:02.970 --> 00:47:22.970 We're almost at the end of our scheduled time, so we probably won't have time to finish the simulation quiz before the top of the hour. But let me, um, just recommend that to you. So the easiest way to get to the simulation and quiz is to simply click that link in chat or. 228 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:47:22.970 --> 00:47:31.800 You can copy and paste it into your favorite web browser and when you get to that screen. 229 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:47:31.800 --> 00:47:43.470 If you scroll down too. 230 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:47:43.470 --> 00:47:52.890 Borrowing you'll see a copyright, manage a simulation and a copyright management quiz and if you click the copyright management, uh, quiz. 231 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:47:52.890 --> 00:47:56.070 Excuse me the simulation. 232 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:47:59.400 --> 00:48:19.400 Simulation will launch and give you some introductory information and, um, the yellow sticky notes will, uh, tell you what, what, the next step in the workflow is in this case open the copyright queue. So, if you remember remember how to do that, you could just do the action and. 233 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:48:19.400 --> 00:48:31.170 The next step is open the 1st request. So if you're not sure what to do in this case, you can click the hint button and that will tell you to click the request ID or title. 234 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:48:36.300 --> 00:48:46.380 And in this case, it tells you that, uh, the, the role you're playing, Barbara needs to see the copyright section of the request. If you. 235 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:48:46.380 --> 00:48:58.230 Click the wrong place the heat will also display in this case it tells you what action to do next. So I encourage you to work through that simulation and also the quiz, which is the. 236 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:48:58.230 --> 00:49:01.500 The next link on the screen. 237 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:49:01.500 --> 00:49:11.610 Remember also that in most web browser, as you can press control on the plus sign and make the display bigger or the control in the minus sign to make the display smaller. 238 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:49:11.610 --> 00:49:19.860 And as I mentioned, most of the simulation screens have a hint button at the top. If you're, you're not sure what to do next. 239 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:49:19.860 --> 00:49:25.320 So, we have about. 240 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:49:25.320 --> 00:49:45.320 About 5 or 6 minutes left, um, feel free to go ahead and use the simulation and a quiz. And if you have any problems getting the simulation to quiz to launch, uh, my 1st suggestion would be to try different web browser. Uh, if that still doesn't work, go ahead and send a message and chat. 241 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:49:45.320 --> 00:49:56.220 Um, otherwise I will stop talking at this point and give you a chance to work on the stimulation and quiz and, uh, then we'll wrap things up, uh, just before the top of the hour. 242 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:52:01.980 --> 00:52:08.430 I know you haven't had time yet to finish the simulation quiz. 243 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:52:08.430 --> 00:52:15.480 But I do want to tell you about a couple of other things since we're just about at the end of our scheduled time. 244 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:52:15.480 --> 00:52:35.480 There's a reason enhancement that's not directly related to copyright, but it is related to copy requests. And that is that since October 23rd, you not have the ability to enable proven centers for all suppliers. So before this recent enhancement, you. 245 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:52:35.480 --> 00:52:47.040 In order to designate a libraries of proven center. In other words, a library that you trusted to supply the right article and a good quality scan, all the pages and so on. 246 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:52:47.040 --> 00:52:54.120 Was to use a custom holdings group, and a lot of libraries told us that they wanted to. 247 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:52:54.120 --> 00:53:14.120 Enable all suppliers is proven senders, which means that you don't have to receive it as a borrowing library in order for the patron to be their article. So, that that really saves a lot of time both for a library staff and for the patrons. So, there's a link to release notes and I'll send this. 248 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:53:14.120 --> 00:53:26.640 A link out in, um, when I send a link to the recording as well, uh, that tells you about this enhancement. So you go into service configuration advanced workflows, proven centers. 249 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:53:26.640 --> 00:53:33.900 And then you can include all lenders, you can also include all lenders except libraries and a custom holdings group. 250 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:53:33.900 --> 00:53:40.740 And you still have the original option, which is include only libraries and a custom holdings group. 251 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:53:40.740 --> 00:53:45.930 I also wanted to remind you about documentation of training that's available from. 252 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:53:45.930 --> 00:53:56.820 The need help menu in the process staff interface there's a link to documentation and additional training and also, if you click contact support. 253 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:53:56.820 --> 00:54:16.820 That will have information about contacting my colleagues in support, for example, if you need help setting up the the copyright options, um, also mentioned the community center that is also available from a link in need help in the past the staff interface. And this is a good place to ask questions. 254 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:54:16.820 --> 00:54:36.820 Such as what are other libraries doing, uh, for paying their copyright fees how often are you paying are you using copyright clearance center? Um, are you buying articles from from vendors so that's a good place to have those kinds of discussions with other libraries. So also a good place to find out about, um. 255 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:54:36.820 --> 00:54:46.740 Uh, releases, and also to contribute enhancement request or to vote on an enhancement requests and other libraries have already submitted. 256 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:54:46.740 --> 00:55:06.740 When you exit from those Webex session today will automatically be directed to an evaluation form. So we would appreciate any feedback you might have that will help us improve our training when you get to that format. We'll ask you for the instructor names. So, it's my name renewal and of course, the class name is copyright management. So please feel free to. 257 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:55:06.740 --> 00:55:14.820 You working on the simulation and quiz, and that's also available at any time. You have the link in your learner guide. 258 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:55:14.820 --> 00:55:23.760 Someone to thank you all for coming today. Hope to see many of you at the next composite training session next week on document delivery. 259 "Rick Newell" (2179782912) 00:55:23.760 --> 00:55:27.840 So, with that, thank you for coming and have a great rest of your day.